Chapter 36 - Peter Pettigew

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You looked at Ron in your class. A few weeks have passed since Christmas break. You were thinking of different ways to get Scabber's from him, but the only way you could think of that would work, is just to ask him. The bell rang and you gathered your things, running after him. 

"Ron!" You shouted. He, along with Harry and Hermione turned and looked at you. 

"Yeah (y/n)?" Ron asked. You sighed.

"Can I look after Scabber's for the night?" You asked. Ron looked confused but nodded. 

"Sure." He said but she sounded worried. 

"Why do you want him?" Harry asked. You opened your mouth, but Ron shouted.

"Scabber's!" He said, bending down but Scabber's ran right past him. You turned and followed him. You didn't stop running but saw that Scabber's stopped. You reached and grabbed him. 

"Got you." You said, breathing hard. You then heard growling and looked. It was a black dog. You took a step back but saw the dog gestured to the tree and walked.

"(y/n)!" You heard and looked, seeing Ron, Harry and Hermione. You turned and ran, following the dog. Once at the old house, the dog turned into Sirius. 

"Whoa." You said. You didn't know He was an animagus. He walked up and held his hand out. 

"Give him to me." Sirius said. You nodded. Scabber's was straggling with you. 

"You traitor!" You heard and looked, seeing the three of them. It was Harry that yelled but he wasn't looking at you, he was looking at Sirius.  

"You don't understand." You said. Ron ran up and tried to grab Scabber's but you wouldn't allow him. 

"Ron!" You yelled and Ron stopped. 

"Listen to me." You said. He looked hurt, but backed up. 

"Well this sure is a party." Lupin said, walking in. 

"Professor Lupin." Harry said. He nodded. 

"(y/n), give Sirius the rat." Lupin said. You nodded, handing him over. 

"No!" Ron yelled. 

"Did you really kill me parents?" Harry yelled in anger. 

"No." You said and everyone looked at you. 

"Harry, I knew that Sirius never betrayed your parents. It was Peter Pettigrew. I tried to tell you, but I was always interpreted." You said and saw Sirius step closer. 

"She's right. I would never have done that and I thought that they would expect that so I asked them to change it." Sirius said. 

"To Peter Pettigrew!" Lupin yelled, shouting a spell at Scabber's, who changed into a fat man. The man looked and smiled. 

"My friends." He said before bolting but was kicked back by Professor Snape. Peter fell, hitting his head. He groaned, lifting his hand to hold his head.  

"Well, well. Who would have thought that Lupin wasn't crazy." Snape said and threw him a flask. Lupin took and drank it. 

"Thanks for meeting me here Snape." Lupin said, making a disgusted face at what he drank. Snape didn't say anything but grabbed Peter. You followed him. 

"Is he going to Azkaban?" You asked. Snape nodded and you smiled. Once outside, you saw Snape drag Peter away and you looked behind you, seeing Ron and Hermione looking at Harry. you looked, seeing him talking with Sirius before Harry hugged him. You smiled. Must have been good news. You looked, but didn't see Lupin.

"Wheres Professor Lupin?" You asked. Hermione looked at you. 

"I guess you didn't know?" She asked. You looked confused. 

"He's a werewolf. Snape gives him a potion that allows him to have a human mind when turned. He stayed behind." Hermione said, pointing to the sky. You looked, seeing a full moon. You nodded before walking back with them to the castle but heard yelling. 

"What do you mean Peter Pettigrew escaped!" A man yelled. 

"Minister." That was Dumbledore. You turned the cornor and saw Dumbledore, Snape and Minister Cornelius Fudge. 

"Your telling me, we had locked up an man for twelve years only to find out someone else was guilty!" Fudge yelled. Dumbledore held up his hand. 

"Would you have believed anyone without prove?" Dumbledore asked. Fudge went quiet. You walked up. 

"I know." You said. The three men looked at you. You gulped.

"I knew but my family told me not to say anything." You said. Fudge looked at you. 

"A (l/n) I presume." Fudge said. You nodded. 

"Then a Death Eater like your family. Dumbledore, I want Peter in custody." Fudge said. You wanted to cry but saw him leave but dumped into Sirius. 

"Have a good freedom." Fudge said and left. You looked at Dumbledore, who was smiling. 

"You are nothing like your family." He said. You smiled. At dinner that night, you found out that Harry was going to live with Sirius, who was his godfather. You walked up to Harry who was sittig with his friends.  

"Congrats Harry. Sorry for not telling you sooner and Ron, sorry about Scabber's." You said. They smiled. 

"Don't worry about it." They both said. You smiled at them and sat back at your table.          

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