Chapter 58 - Surprise.

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You were sitting on the bed in the room. Dumbledore's announcement left the rest of the year to be a quiet and easy year. The train ride was quiet also. Once you arrived back, Fred and George told you to wait in the shop till they came back. You sighed. That was an hour ago. You stood and walked around the room, cleaning a bit before going down and stocking. This year you expected to be a bit slow, but not dead. You heard the door open and looked. It was Fred and George. 

"Hey. Glad your down here. Come on, lets go." George said. You looked confused. They smiled. 

"Trust us." Fred said. You smiled and nodded. You followed them and saw Molly and Arthur. You ran and hugged them.

"Hello Deary." Molly said. You smiled at that. You saw that they had car and got in after George. Fred was behind you leaving you in the middle.

"So, did they tell you the good news?" Arthur asked. 

"Umm. No." You said. Molly looked at them. 

"Shame on you." She said, hitting there knees. They laughed. 

"Sorry, we wanted it to be a surprise." Fred said. Molly smiled and sighed. 

"Alright." She said and turned to face foreword. 

"Wait, no. Tell me." You said. Fred and George shook their heads. 

"Nope." They said. You pouted at them but all Fred did was kiss you, as did George. 

"Sorry (y/n), I promise you will love this though." George said. You sighed and nodded. They took your hands, holding them gently. You looked and saw the Burrow. Once you walked out, you saw Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Sirius.

"(y/n)! Are you excited to see France?" Ginny asked, waving at you. You heard two slaps and looked. Fred and George both did a face palm. 

"Ginny! We didn't want (y/n) to know yet!" George yelled. Ginny turned red and mouth sorry. 

"France?" You asked. They nodded. 

"We bought us all tickets." Fred said. You jumped up and hugged them, given then each a kiss.

"Are you serious? Can we afford it?" You asked. They nodded and Fred and Geroge, hugged you, leaning into your ears. 

"Our little shop has produced more money then we thought it would." Fred said. 

"We are looking into house right now." George said. You pulled back, stunned. You had taught them the finances but didn't think they wanted to get a house yet, not sure if it was in your budget. You all decided to get paid weekly, earning a total of three hundred Galleons each. You got paid weekly, but the shop brought in well over seven thousand Galleons a month. After the payments, the six thousand one hundred Galleons were put into a vault with all three of your names on it. Molly had given you the vault as a Christmas gift.

"I love you guy!" You said. They laughed. 

"We know." They said. You smiled at them. 

This summer is going to be fun. 

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now