Chapter 44 - The First Task.

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You sat in the tent. You were wearing a (Main House Color) and black shirt with your first name on it. The others had their last name, but you were no longer a (l/n) and asked for your first name instead. Dumbledore walked in. 

"Champions, gather around." He said. You stood and walked up to him. 

"Today, you will be facing Dragons. You must get the egg they are gardding as it's your next clue. It will be randomly picked for which dragon your face. Fleur Delacour, your up first to pick." Dumbledore said and held out a bag. She reached in and pulled out a small Welsh Green dragon. It had the number two on it's belly. 

"(y/n), your up next." You heard and reached in. You pulled out the Swedish Short – Snout. You saw the number three on it. 

"Victor." Victor reached in and pulled out the Chinese Fireball dragon. It had a one on it. You sighed and sat, thinking of a plan as the canon fired and Victor went out. You had your wand with you and you knew your friends were out there, but you became scared. You racked your brain thinking of ways. 

"(y/n)." you heard and looked, seeing Dumbledore. You stood. 

"Get ready, your up next." He said. You didn't even here the canon fire but nodded and got ready. You heard that the others got the eggs. You heard he canon and ran out, hiding behind a rock. You picked out, seeing the golden egg and the Swedish Short – Snout. He was pacing. You used your wand to make a rock near it move and the Dragon looked before blowing blew flames at it. You smiled. It could be distracted. You used the spell Draconifors to turn all the rocks around the dragon into smaller dragons, who then started to fight the Short - Snout. You ran and grabbed the egg before running back. You heard the crowd erupt into cheers. You sighed and sat down. You didn't think that would have worked because you had only looked that spell up last year in the library. You the saw Fred and George run in and hugged you. 

"(y/n) that was awesome!" They yelled. You laughed and hugged them. They helpd you up. 

"How did you learn that spell?" They asked. You smiled.

"I read it last year." You said. They laughed and Draco, Pansy, Ron, Hermione and Harry all walked in. They all congratulated you. 

"Open it." Ron said. You nodded, opening it. The sound was so loud and ear splitting. You closed it immediately.  

"Some clue." You said. Everyone nodded and Ron took it. 

"Maybe its not inside, maybe in on the outside. He said and looked at it but found nothing. You sighed as he took it back. 

"It's OK. I will figure out what this is." You said, holding it. They nodded and George took your hand. 

"Come one, we all can sit together and celebrate." Fred said. you smiled and went into the great hall. You laughed with your friends but one back in your dorm, you couldn't help but look at the egg. You sighed and sat up, looking at it. 

'What am I going to do with you?' you thought and stood,grabbing the egg before going into the bathroom in your common room. You knew a bath would relax you so you could sleep, but also help you think of what to do with the egg. You sighed as you got in and relaxed. This is hat you needed. You looked over at your egg and grabbed it, putting it in the water. Maybe it wouldn't be as loud if you opened it under water. You opened it and the high pitched screaming didn't happened. you smiled and replaced. The colors that came from the egg made the bath shine with so many colors so you kept it open. You spent the next hour in there before you knew it was time to sleep. You move the egg and bunked your head under the water to wash your hair.       

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour – the prospect's black
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

You shot out of the water and took a beep breath in. 

"Whoa." You said as you got out and dried yourself. You closed the egg and dried it before going back to the dorms. 

'Everyone will freak when they hear this.' You thought before you fell asleep. 

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now