Chapter 24 - Attack.

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Christmas came and went. You watched as the students came back and the new semester started. Draco had been staying away from you, making you happy and you had made plans to tell your family about going with the Weasley's when you were at the platform. You had a letter that you planed to give them but kept it on you in case you wanted to add anything to it. Currently, you were sitting in the library, studding for your transfiguration test, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked, seeing Draco. Your breath caught in your throat as he sat down next to you. 

"Act like nothing is happening. I need to talk to you." He said. He sounded mad. You put your book down, standing and walked away with your bag. You got out of the library when he grabbed your wrist tightly. You turned and slapped him. He glared, but held onto you and and dragged you into a class you. You tried to scream, but nothing came out. You froze. 

"I put a silencio spell on you before I talked to you." He said and locked the door. Your heart was racing now.   

"So, you plan to really leave your family huh?" He asked, turning to face you. You looked at his confused but remembered in your letter that you won't be returning. You looked scared now. 

"Your loosing everything you know. Your family will cut you off if you do. You will have to get a job." Draco said, grabbing your arms. 

"Just take me back (y/n). We can work this out." Draco said. You did the only thing that came to your mind. You kicked straight up. He let you go with a scream and cupped his privates. You ran, trying to unlock the door but without your voice, you couldn't. You hadn't learned how to do non-verbal spells yet. You felt a hand turn you around and Draco punched you in the face. 

You shot back, hitting your head on the door and slid down but Draco grab your shirt, lifting you up and threw you across the room. 

"Your a stupid girl." He said, walking up and kicked you in the stomach. You tried to scream, wanted to call out for help but you couldn't. You let out another silent scream as he kicked you again before picking you up and punched you again. 

"I burnt that letter." Draco said, dropping you. You fell to the ground hard but tried to get up. He looked at you and you saw him lift his leg up. You saw it in slow motion as it came down, making contact with your head before you saw darkness. 





The darkness lasted a while but soon you saw a light. Your eyes moved to, not moved, opened. You had opened your eyes. You groaned. It was very bright. 

"(y/n)!" You heard. You knew the voices. It was Fred and George. Your opened your eyes, seeing them. 

"Fred...George." You said. Your voice was a bit raspy.  

"I will get Madam Pomfrey." Fred said and ran off. You watched him go. 

"Who did this (y/n)!" George demanded. You looked at him. 

"Draco." You answered. He looked furious.

"We knew it. We..." George started but stopped and turned. You looked. It was Dumbledore. 

"Headmaster." You heard and looked, seeing a women with Fred. 

"I can wait Madom Pomfrey. Take care of (y/n) first." He said. She nodded and moved. You were told you had a fractured scull but with some medicine, it was heals in no time and you felt better. You sat up as Fred and George sat on your bed with you.

"Draco did this to her." George said. You saw Fred looked just as furious. 

"He what!" Fred shouted but Dumbledore held his hand up and both the boys became quiet. 

"(y/n). Tell me what happened." Dumbledore said. You nodded, telling him what happened but the attack was a bit fuzzy for you.

"I'm sorry, all I remember really is him punching me, then it gets fuzzy." You said. Fred handed you a glass of water, which you took and drank. 

"Draco is saying he was with Mr. Crabbe, Mr. Goyle, and miss Parkinson. When asked, they all said Draco was with them. Your mouth dropped. and Dumbledore looked sad. 

"We can not do anything against him." Dumbledore said. Fred and George started to scream at him. Dumbledore let them but after a few minutes, he help his hand up. They stopped, still angry though.

"I said against him, but I can, and have removed him from all your classes. He has a completely different scheduled then you and I'm sure Mr. Weasley, both of them, wouldn't mind walking with you to your house." Dumbledore said. They already did that anyway so you nodded. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more." Dumbledore said before walking away. Once he was gone, Fred and George sat with you. You looked at them. 

"How long was I out?" You asked. They looked at you. 

"About a week." "Madom Pomfrey couldn't do anything till you woke up." George said, then Fred. You nodded.

"Don't worry about your classes and any quizzes. Dumbledore gave you all passing grades." Fred said. You smiled and saw Madom Pomfrey come by.

"You may go. Take it easy for a few day and go get food." She instructed. You knew that the spell to put food in your stomach only kept you alive, but not really full. The twins helped you, taken your hand in theirs. You looked at them in confusion as you walked. 

"(y/n), we need to ask you something." Fred said.   

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