Chapter 21 - Helping Hands.

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Dumbledore stood up and moved from his desk.

"Tell me what's going on." He said calmly. You looked at the twins who nodded and you told Dumbledore about Draco hitting you, and your family hitting you. You told them about wanting to make a new Dark Lord also.

"I always feared one of his follows would try, but fear not. No new Voldemort will be born." Dumbledore said. Fred and George flinched a bit when he said the name, but you didn't. You only smiled. 

"But not all is good news." Dumbledore said. You frowned. 

"What do you mean?" You asked. Dumbledore frowned. 

"It is about Draco. His anger will rise thought out the school days. All I can do is give him a talking to. Threatening and doing are two different things." Dumbledore said. You looked down. 

"But do not fret young (y/n)." Dumbledore said. You looked up to see him smiling. 

"You have friends to help you, and Professors who are watching.  Head to class now. I will inform your teachers." He said. You smiled at that. 

"Thank you Head master." You said. He nodded and waved as you left with the twins. 

"Feeling better?" George asked. You nodded.

"Yeah. Thank you." You said and hugged them as you walked into your next class. The only seat open was next to Draco and you sighed. 

"Where were you?" Draco asked but you didn't say anything as you listened to Professor Flitwick. You felt him nudge you in the side, making you yelp. He didn't hurt you, it just surprised you.  

"Mr. Malfoy!" Professor Flitwick said. Draco stopped.

"Since you wanted to disrupting my class, tell me the hand movement for the Engorgement Charm."  Professor Flitwick said. Draco was silent. 

"Please pay more attention Mr. Malfoy." Professor Flitwick said, going back to his lesson. You took a glance at Draco and he looked pissed. He looked at you and you turned your glaze away. The rest of the class went smoothly but when the bell rang you got a bad feeling. You gathered your things and walked out the door when you felt yourself being pulled back into the classroom. It was Draco. 

"Why did he call me out?" Draco said, closing the door. You backed up a bit but he grabbed your upper arm to stop you. You looked around, but Flitwick was gone. 

"Tell me!" He shouted. You looked at him.

"I told Dumbledore what you and my family did and wanted to make." You whispered. His face went from angry to calm. That frightened you. 

"You did what?" He asked calmly. You didn't answer him. Draco let you go and walked out. You walked out also, looking at where he was walking. He walked calmly and didn't seem scared. 

"(y/n)!" You heard and looked, seeing the twins. They must have seen Draco walk out of the classroom, then you. 

"Are you OK?" They asked. Worry was in their voice. You looked back at where Draco was walking. 

"I don't know. Draco had me alone and I told he I told Dumbledore about everything and he calmly let me go and walked away." You said, turning back to them. They sighed. 

"At least your not hurt. Oh, we have good news." Fred said. You smiled. 

"OH, and what is that?" You asked. They smiled. 

"Well, it's really two things. One is that we have made our mark with the candies. We are calling them Skiving Snackbox." George said. 

"And two, our mom said your more then welcome to stay again this summer. She said she has something fun planed, but she wouldn't tell us what." Fred said. You looked at them. 

"You found out two days ago and you told your mother already?" You asked. They shook their head. 

"He had a feel after the bruise on your face. Why do you think she wanted you at home with us?" Fred said. You felt an over-whelming feeling of joy and wanting that you started to cry. They smiled and hugged you. You pulled away with a smile. 

"I will write your mother telling her I will be honored to stay again." You said. They smiled and you all went to the great hall for some food. As you sat at your table, you saw Draco was writing something, but you saw him looking at you every now and again also. You shivered a bit.   

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now