Chapter 55 - Meeting up.

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You sat on a desk in an empty classroom, waiting for everyone to show up. A few weeks had passed since the 'break up' and you had seen how Pansy looked when she saw you with Draco. You had to tell her. You had told Draco, Pansy, Fred and George to meet you in the room, with out letting them know the others were coming. It was Sunday and you had asked McGonagall to use the room, so not to look suspicious. The door opened and in walked Pansy first. 

"Hey." She said. She had been heartbroken when she saw you with Draco. You were happy she aggied to meet with you. 

"Pansy, have a seat." You said and she did as the twins walked in. 

"Whats going on?" They asked. You gestured at a chair and they sat. 

"Whats going on?" Pansy asked. You held up a finger to indicate one moment. Pansy grew quiet and Draco walked in. Pansy looked, before looking away from him. 

"Good. Draco, please sit and we can start." You said and took your wand, pointing it at that door. 

"Muffliato." You said. You put your wand away and looked at Pansy. 

"Pansy, Umbridge made me dump the twins and get with Draco or our shop and home will be destroyed." You said. Draco looked a Pansy, who looked shocked. 

"It's true. I love you Pansy." Draco said. Pansy looked at Draco. 

"And I love Fred and George." You said and hoped down. 

"We need to stop her." You said. Pansy looked at you. 

"How?" Pansy asked. You sighed. 

"I don't know. What I do know is this. McGonagall said we can use this room. She has seen whats going on. I'm sure you saw her standing out there?" You asked. Everyone nodded. 

"That's because she is going to tell anyone that passes by that there is a make up test going on." You said and you saw smiles. 

"So, lets start planing." You said and soon, the room was filled with talking. 

"We could tell the ministry." We should tell Dumbledore!" "We could quit school!"

You sighed. This wasn't working out. 

"Guys!" You shouted and they looked at you, quieting down. 

"she has the Ministry wrapped around her fingers and Dumbledore's hands are tied. We can't quiet school because we still need to learn." You said. Soon the room grew quiet. 

"I know what to do." Draco said suddenly. 

"And whats that?" You asked. He smiled. 

"Trust me. Pansy, we need your help." Draco said. She nodded and Draco started to tell everyone the plan. You smiled. 

"That could work. We can do it during Christmas. Everyone but the Prefects are going home, not wanting to be near Umbridge. We can attack then." You said. Everyone nodded before leaning, one by one. You smiled. 

"Just you wait Umbridge." You whispered as you walked into your dorm and fell on your bed, sleeping to the thought of your plan.      

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now