Chapter 41 - Alastor Moody

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You sat in class with Harry to your left followed by, Ron, Hermione and Draco, who was to your right. You didn't want to be in the class with Draco, or even next to him, but you didn't complain. Draco has changed because of Pansy and you saw it was for the better. You saw Professor Moody walk it.

"Sit down and be quiet. I'm here to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts. I was give what you need to be taught this year." He said as he held up papers.

"But this is useless." He said and threw them. The papers hit the wall and scattered on the ground. He the started to pace. 

"The only way you will ever learn is to be shown." He said and brought out a clothe covered jar. When he took the clothe off, it showed three Amblypygi or also known as tailless whip scorpions. He reached in and took one out. 

"This here is an extremely deadly spider and perfect for what I will be teaching you. Who hee knows about the three unforgivable curses?" Moody asked. No one said a thing. You knew about all of them, but you didn't dare raise your hand. 

"No one? Well the three unforgivable curses will earn you a one way trip to Azkaban." He said as he put the spider on his desk. 

"Anyone know of one?" Moody asked. No one raised their hand, so you did. 

"Ah, Miss (l/n)." Moody said. 

"It's just (y/n)." You said. Moody nodded. 

"Right. Tell me, name one of the curses." He said. You paused. 

"T-The Imperius Curse." You whispered. Moody nodded. 

"The Imperius Curse causes the victim to perform the unquestioned bidding of the caster." Moody said and took his wand out. 

"Imperio." Moody said. The spider stood straight up and Moody started to make it dance. The class laughed, but you didn't. 

"Funny right? Let's make him drown himself." Moody said, using levioso to hover the spider over the water. The class became silent as they watched the spider reaching for the water. 

"How how about if I have it bite Mr. Malfoy?" Moody said and hovered it over Draco's face. Moody moved it and put it into a new, empty container. 

"Many of the Death Eaters calmed they were under the Imperius Curse." Moody said as he took out another spider and put it down on his desk. 

"Any others?" Moody asked. One boy raised his hand. It was Neville.

"The Cruciatus Curse" Neville whispered. Moody nodded again. 

"Yes. You should know this one. The Cruciatus Curse inflicts excruciating pain on the recipient of the curse. In other words, tortures them, sometimes till they loose their minds." Moody said, pointing his wand at it. 

"Crucio." Moody said. You could hear the spider screaming in pain. It was louder then ever as the class was quieter then the dead. 

"Stop it!" Hermione yelled. Moody did and the spider stopped screaming. Moody moved the spider into the container, and took out the last spider, placing it on his desk. 

"Anyone know the last curse? What about you Miss Granger?" He asked. Hermione shook her head. Moody looked around. 

"Anyone?" He asked. You slowly rose your hand. 

"Miss (l/n)." Moody said. 

"It's (y/n)." You said again. He just looked at you. You wished you didn't raise your hand. 

"The Killing Curse." You whispered. Moody nodded. 

"The Killing Curse causes an instant and painless death. Their is only one known survivor who has been hit by it." Moody said, looked at Harry before pointing his wand at the spider. 

"Avada Kedavra." Moody said and a green light came out, hitting the spider, which then died. The class was silent. 

"I has used all the curses before. I had to so I save my life and the lives of both muggle and magic folks. It never get easy but I have to do what I have to do." Moody said, picking up the dead spider, placing him in with the others. The bell then rang. 

"You are dismissed. No homework." Moody said. You grabbed your things and ran. 

"(y/n)!" You heard and stopped, looking behind it. It was Draco. He walked up to you. 

"I'm sorry." He said. You sighed but didn't say anything. 

"I know them too." He said. You knew this already and nodded. 

"Forgive me OK?" He asked and hugged you quickly before letting you ago and left. You were shocked. 

'D-Did Draco just...Hug me?' You thought.     


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