Chapter 34 - Cleaning up

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You walked in with Fred and George and looked around. The place was a huge mess but aside from the door, the place was in OK shape. You saw them take their wands out but grabbed them. 

"Guy, we can't use magic outside school yet." You said. They groaned. 

"But cleaning this place will take forever!" They both whined. You giggled. 

"Not with the three of us. Lets started with sweeping. Fred, you do the first floor, I will do the second and George can tackle the back." You said. The nodded but Fred first propped the door up. Sweeping didn't take long but the twins did grow bored as you finished. 

"Hey, (y/n)? Whats next after the floors?" George asked. You wiped your forehead and looked. They place was bare, just dirty. 

"We can redo the door hinges and clean the walls." You said. They smiled. 

"Well, if we get dirty, the place has a full bath in the back, shower and all." George said. You remembered seeing that on the blue prints.

"Good point." You said and they sighed but smiled. 

~Time skip.~ 

You sat on the ground, looking at all the work. The doors had brand new hinges and you found, while cleaning the walls, that they had a layer of paint. You had done a bit of it, but needed a ladder, a long ladder, to get the rest. You saw Fred and George walked over and sit by you. 

"Maybe we should have waited till we could used magic to fix up the place." Fred said. You smiled. 

"Maybe, but now you can say you fixed some of the stuff by hand." You said. They smiled. 

"Your right." George said. You gave a small yawn. Fred and George stood, helping you up. 

"I want to show you and Fred something." George said, walking up the stairs and threw a door. Fred and yourself followed behind him, seeing a small studio with a beat up bed, a very small kitchen and three doors that turned out to be a small, walk in closet, a bathroom, and a well kept washer dryer . 

"Wow." You said, looking around. You remembered seeing a small work space in the blueprints, but this was bigger. George nodded.

"Yeah. I figured the guy before expanded it to also live here. This can be our office slash home." George said. You smiled at that, but felt sad. 

"I like that idea, but we will need a large dresser and bed." Fred said. You tried not to frown.

"What about you (y/n)? What do you think the three of us need to live here?" George asked. you looked at him, shocked.

"What?" You asked. They looked confused before they smiled. 

"You thought we meant just the two of us? (y/n), we are in this together." Fred said. you smiled and hugged them. 

"Thank you." You said. They hugged you tight before letting you go. 

"Well, lets get rid of this bed. It's disgusting and I wouldn't let anyone sleep on it." George said. Fred nodded and you all worked together to get it out of the building and into a dumpster to be burnt. Back in, you saw the bed frame wasn't in bad shape. 

"We could sleep on the floor." Fred suggested. You smiled. 

"But we need blankets and pillows." George said. Fred smiled and opened his bag. You saw it was bigger inside and saw a lot of blankets and pillows. The floor was clean and soon a makeshift bed was made. You yawned again, stretching and saw that Fred and George were laying down on the sides but left you room in the middle. You smiled and laid down. You felt them move and two arms, one from each side, wrapped around you, holding you close.

"We love you (y/n)." You heard both Fred and George say. You smiled, closing your eyes. 

"I love you both too." You said before falling asleep.       


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now