Chapter 50 - Working.

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It was eight am and you had just finished stacking the last bit of Portable Swamp. Fred was in the room, making more while George was doing the inventory in the back. It was half way into the summer and the shop was almost as popular as the Quidditch shop. 

"(y/n), You finished stocking?" You heard George say. you looked up, seeing him on the stairs. 

"Yep, just finished. Do we have enough Screaming Yo-yo's?" You asked. They had been populer lately. George nodded. You smiled and walked up. The shop opened at nine am and all three of you made sure to be up at seven am to get it ready for the day. You walked in and saw Fred was hard at work. 

"How are the Portable Swamps coming?" You asked. 

"Good, I just...about...finished!" Fred said and help it up. You smiled. He said he wanted to make a hundred more and had been up all night doing it. 

"Try and get some rest. George and I can handle the shop today." You said. Fred shock his head. 

"I'm good. I took a small nap in the middle of the night. Lets put these in the back. George are we running low on anything else?" Fred ask and stood. George shook his head.

"Nope we have about three boxes of everything but after today, we might need to make more." George said. You and Fred nodded. 

"Yeah, with the school year just around the corner we need to make sure we have plenty for all the students plus its our last year." Fred said. You frowned a bit at that. 

"Hey, don't be sad. Once you graduate, we all will be living together full time." George said. You smiled and nodded. 

"Well, lets do the double check." George said. You all went down and tackled each floor. you also did the second floor, Fred and First and George the third. 

"I'm good!" You shouted. 

"Me too!" Fred shouted. 

"Same here!" George yelled. You all walked down and saw a line forming. You looked at the clock. 

the clock read nine on the dot. Just like always. You opened the door and people came flooding in. You moved to your potion at the cash resister.  

"Excuse me? Where are the Weather in a bottles?" A girl asked you.  

"Third floor, second shelf to the left." You said. She said a thank you and walked off. Fred and Geroge walked around, helping anyone they could while you rung up the customers. You saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione walk in and waved. They waved back and you saw Ron go up the his brothers holding a Screaming Yo-yo.

"How much for this?" Ron asked. 

"Five Galleons." Fred answered. 

"How much for me?" Ron asked.

"Five Galleons." George answered.

"But I'm your brother." Ron said. The twins smiled. 

"Ten Galleons." They said together. Ron rolled his eyes and walked up to you, placing the Yo-yo down. You smiled. 

"Two Galleons." You said. Ron smiled and payed you. 

"Aww, (y/n)!" Fred whined. 

"Always spoiling our fun." George said. You faced them and stuck your tongue out at them and smiled. They did the same before smiling and walked off. That day was the same and soon it was eight pm and the shop was emptied and closed.

"That was a hard day." You said, sweeping the floor. You insisted you do it by hand until you could use magic outside of school. Fred and George were stacking the shelf's using magic. 

"Yeah, but its fun." Fred said. You laughed. 

"I never said it wasn't fun." You said and by ten pm, everything was ready for tomorrow's morning assessment. 

"Come one, lets get to bed." Fred said. You nodded as you placed the broom and and followed them up to the room. You flopped on the bed and sighed once you got dressed in your night time gear. Fred and George sighed also, curling up to you. 

"Hey, (y/n)?" Fred asked. 

"Yeah?" You asked. 

"Can we ask you a question?" George asked. You smiled. 

"You just did, but I will allow another one." You answered you heard the chuckle. 

"After you graduate, would you want to marry us?" They asked together. You sat up and turned, facing them. They sat up also and they looked serous, but also nervous.

"Your serous, are you?" You asked. They nodded. You smiled at them and hugged them. 

"I wouldn't want it any other way." You said and it was the truth. You were scared that one would ask, and the other wouldn't. They hugged you back, laying back down and you all fell asleep holding each other, ready for the next day.    


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now