Chapter 53 - Pansy and Draco

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A week has passed. 

Draco had stopped cry, but he seemed like he didn't care about anything. You had to force him just to eat. 

Pansy was the same away. She refused to talk to you Fred or George and sat as far from Draco as she could. At this moment, it was Sunday and you were sitting with Draco. Fred and George were trying to talk to Pansy again. 

"Draco, please." You said, holding up an apple. He took it, looking at it. 

"Why did she leave me (y/n)?" Draco asked. He had asked you this everyday. 

"I don't know. I'm trying to find out." You said, pushing the apple to him. He sighed and ate. You hugged him as he did, laying your head on his shoulder.  

"I wasn't abusing her, was I?" He asked when he finished the apple. You shook your head. 

"No, you were a gentleman to her." You said. He looked at you. 

"Then why? Why did I lose the most impotent person in my life?" He asked. You moved and looked at him in the eyes. 

"Draco. I don't have and answer for you." You said but then saw Pansy walk by, the twins behind her. You sighed. 

"Hold on Draco. I will see if i can get you that answer." You said. He nodded. You ran up. 

"Guys, talk with Draco." You said. they sighed and left and you walked up to Pansy. 

"Pansy." You said. She didn't say anything. 

"Pansy." You said louder but she just walked faster. You reached and grabbed her arm gentle. She stopped and you walked in front of her, seeing her crying. 

"Pansy, please. Just talk to me." You asked. She looked at you before pushing your hand from her arm and grabbed your hand, walking into an empty class. She took her wand out and pointed it at the door.  

"Muffliato." Pansy said, turned to you and cried. You hugged her. 

"Umbridge made me brake up with him." She said though her tears. You gasped, holding her tight. 

"She said I had to or I would be stripped of my Prefect badge and if I told anyone, she would have me go to detention every day till the end of the year." She sodded. You rubbed her back. 

"Then keep up with it. Don't let her know I know and I won't tell anyone. I will ac like nothing has changed." You said. Pansy nodded and moved, wiping her eyes. 

"Now you have your duties to do. Go." You said. She nodded and undid the spell and walked out, but stopped. you walked out, seeing Umbridge.

"What is going on?" She asked. Pansy grabbed your arm, pulling you forward a bit and let you go. 

"I saw (y/n). Going into this empty class. I walked in and saw her placing this on the teachers desk." Pansy said and help up a fever fudge. You remembered that she had bought a box over the summer. Umbridge took the candy. 

"It makes the target sick. I gave her a detention and checked her. She has no other pranks on her." Pansy said. You knew she had to do this and looked down to keep up with the act. 

"Sorry." She whispered. You wanted to let her knew it was alright, but you figured she did know. 

"Very good Miss. Parkinson. Five points to Slytherin. (y/n), follow me please." Umbridge said. You nodded and followed her, but turned to Pansy. You mouthed It's OK. Pansy smiled for the first time in a week. 

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now