Chapter 16 - Planing and Birthdays

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You smiled as everyone sat down for dinner. You sat in between Fred and George. It was a bit cramped, but it felt right. 

"So, a (l/n)." Arthur said looking at you. You nodded.

"But she's not like her family." Ron said. Molly laughed. 

"Well I could have told you that. That father of your always working with Malfoy." Molly said. You laughed a bit. 

"I know and I'm sorry. My family isn't the nicest. I'm glad I turned out nothing like them." You said. Fred and George both gave you a hug. 

"Us too." They said. you laughed and bit and saw Molly smile. 

"So (y/n), you understand you will be sharing a room with Ginny." Molly said, sitting down when the food was served. You nodded and smiled at Ginny, who smiled back. 

"What are the plans for tomorrow children?" Arthur asked. Everyone talked at once but you saw Arthur was listening to them all. You smiled then then heard Fred whispering in your ear.

"Tomorrow we plan to show you what we are working on." Fred said. You smiled and nodded. That night, Ginny showed you her room. She offered you her bed, but you told her you would be OK on the floor and you were. You were nice and warm and comfortable. You woke to Molly calling everyone down to breakfast. You sat with Fred and George again but they finished fast and told you to hurry. You laughed and when you finished, they dragged you up to their room. 

"What are you working on, a new prank?" You asked, sitting on Georges bed. They shook their head. 

"Not exactly. Your the only one we have told about this." Fred said. You nodded. It must be importent. They took out what looked like a plans. 

"We are going to be fourth years now, and all the fifth years need to decide what they want to do. We plan to open a joke shop in Diagon alley." They said. You smiled. 

"Fred, George, that's amazing! How did you come up with that idea?" you asked, looking at the plans. Right now they had a lot of idea's for new jokes to sell and the prices they might want to sell them at. 

"Just being us really." George said. You smiled, putting the plans down.   

"Guys, this is awesome, there is only one problem." You said. They frowned. 

"Whats that?" They asked. You smiled. 

"Your prices. Your underselling them. You have everything listed as two Galleons when a lot of them can be sold for ten." You said. Fred grabbed the list. 

"She's right George." Fred said. George leaned to you. 

"You know sales?" They asked. You nodded. 

"My mother. She has her own side business in the muggle world and over sells dress that she magically makes. She always told me to over sell but I told her it's not right. Three thousand dollars is a bit much." You said. They looked at you, then each other, then at you again. 

"Want to be our accountant?" They asked. You gave a small laugh. 

"Sure why not." You said in a joking voice, but you saw they weren't laughing and looked serous.

"You weren't kidding, were you?" You asked. They shook there head. Your mouth dropped. 

"If we get this working, we will need someone to help us with the finances. you know that stuff, we don't and we trust you." George said.  

"Plus your the only one we have told so far." Fred said. You smiled, jumping and hugging them. They fall on the bed, you on top of them. 

"Yes!" You shouted and soon you all started to laugh. You moved off them and started to talk more but Molly called everyone down. You followed the twins to see the Weasley's around a cake. You smiled.

"Who's birthday?" You asked. Arthur laughed a bit.

"Everyone's. Since a lot of our children's birthday's fall in the school year, we celebrate at home over the summer." Arthur said.

"(y/n), when is your birthday? I already added your name to the cake." Molly said. you looked, seeing your name under Fred's. You smiled. 

"It's April first." You said. The room got quiet but then Fred and George hugged you.    

"That's our birthday also!" They shouted. You laughed, hugging them back. The day  was filled with cake, laughter and fun. You wished the summer would last forever.  

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now