Chapter 29 - Trouble.

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A few weeks pasted since arriving at Hogwarts. You avoided Draco and Fred and George helped you with that. They have been spreading rumors about their goods and plan to sell them soon. You smiled at that and heard the bell. They kissed your cheek as you walked into the class and saw Professor Lupin but all the desk have been moved and a mirror cabinet was in the front of the classroom.

"Hello Professor. whats going on?" You asked. You normally were first to class because the twins wanted you to be safe. 

"You will find out." He said. It didn't sound cold, but you still felt like it was. You watched as everyone walked in but froze. You saw Draco walk in. He had his arm in a sling. You walked up to Professor Lupin.

"Professor. why is Draco in this class now?" You asked. Draco was in the class after your's from what Dumbledore told you. 

"He asked me to change it. I saw no reason why not to." Professor Lupin said. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked up to you.

"We won't let him touch you." Harry said. You nodded, still scared. Once everyone was in, Lupin explained what a boggart was. You were in line, thinking of your fear. Was it your mother, or father.  

"Alright miss (l/n). Your turn." He said. You took a step foreword but your mind went blank. It started to twist and turn and finally it landed. It was yourself. The class was silent. You held your wand up and yelled Riddikulus. It didn't transform, only morphed a bit to show you with Fred and George, laughing. You knew what your fear was. It was being alone with out Fred and George. 

"What kind of a fear is that?" Draco yelled. Ron put his hand on your shoulder and you moved to the back. 

"Your afraid of losing them." Ron said. You nodded. 

"You should tell them then." Ron said You smiled and nodded again. The bell rang and you walked out, seeing the twins. you ran up to them.

"Draco's in my class now." You told them. They took your hand. You all had a free period and after that was dinner.

"We need to tell Dumbledore then." You nodded and started to walk but you saw Dumbledore walking to you. 

"Ah, I see you heard the news about Draco." He said. They three of you nodded. 

"I Am sorry. Professor Lupin came to me saying Draco wanted to be in the class. I told him no, but he said it would be good for you." Dumbledore said. 

"How could that be good for her?" George yelled. Dumbledore smiled. 

"So Professor Lupin can keep an eye on him. I heard about his attack on the train." Dumbledore said. You sighed. 

"But Headmaster." Fred said but you stopped him.

""It's OK, I understand." You said. Dumbledore bowed slightly before leaving. Fred and George looked at you. 

"You tell us if he does anything to you." Fred and George both said. You laughed and nodded. you went to the library to talk about the selling of the pranks before going to the great hall for dinner. Everything was fine until you  were walking to your house common room when someone pushed you into a wall. You looked, knowing who it was. 

"Just leave me alone Draco!" You shouted. He looked pissed. You didn't want to fight him, knowing he would over power you but he was out an arm.

"Why them?" He asked. You glared at him.

"They don't hurt me." You said. Draco rose his hand to slap you but you blocked it and used your foot to push him. He fell on the ground, gripping his hurt arm.

"(l/n)!" You heard and looked. It was Professor Lupin. 

"Follow me, Snape, take your student to the infirmary." Lupin said. Snape grabbed Draco and you followed Lupin. Once in his office you spoke. 

"Professor, let me explain." You said. He held his hand up and you became silent. 

"I saw you hurt another student when he did nothing to you." Lupin said. your mouth dropped open. 

"What, no he almost hit me!" You shouted. 

"Almost, but didn't. Thirty points from (your house) and you will have detention with me tomorrow. You may leave now." Lupin said. You were stunned. 

"I will take more points from you. Go." He said. You didn't move for a second but then turned and walked away. Tears fell from your eyes. 

Professor Lupin did hate you.    


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now