Chapter 37 - The Change

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The end of the year came but at the end of the year feast, Dumbledore stood. 

"Greetings everyone." He said. The whole room got quiet. 

"As we look around, we will see the face of a man who spent twelve years in Azkaban, only to escape to find the true one that is guilt. He would not be standing here with us if not for (y/n). She showed great Loyalty to her friends but also bravery to her enemy. She used her smarts to keep her friends save, but used her cunning nature to make sure no one was in harms way. For that, I award her, one hundred points." Dumbledore said. Your house erupted in apologize. Some lifted you up and chanted your name. Your house won the house cup. You looked over, smiling and laughing and saw Fred and George, who were cheering and scream that's our girlfriend! You looked over, seeing Draco and Pansy who also were clapping. 

You were put down and smiled. That smile stayed with you till you were on the train with Fred and George. 

"So Mom found out about us staying at the shop." Fred said. He looked worried. 

"And she wants to see it, but she doesn't want us to live there." George said. you all groaned.

"Who told?" You asked. They looked at you. 

"Ron." They said. 

"He got into our notes." "And told mom." George said, then Fred. You sighed. 

"Well, I hope she understands. You said. They nodded took the blueprint out. You showed them where you wanted to place some of the products and they agreed with some, and found better places for others. The time always flew by fast and soon you saw the train being docked. You stepped off, smiling at Molly but felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around, seeing your mother. 

"Mrs. (l/n)." You said. He looked sad. 

"Sweetie, please. Come home, even for the day. We have something we need to discuses with you." She said. You shook your head. 

"I'm sorry but no." You said but felt two hands on your shoulders.

"She is with us." Fred said. You smiled. 

"I understand that. Please. This is important." She said. 

"Then I come with." Molly said, standing next to you. Your mother froze but slowly nodded. 

"Alright, come this way." Your mother said. Molly turned to Arthur. 

"Take them home. We can get home another way." Molly said. Arthur nodded, kissing her and Fred, George, Molly and yourself caught up to your mother, who was waiting by the car. Once in, the car took off. 

"So sweetie...These are your boyfriends and their mother?" Your mother asked. You nodded and Fred and George took your hands in theirs. Your mother made a small face of disapproval, but it vanished fast and looked at Molly.

"So, Mrs. Weasley. How has my daughter been?" She asked. Molly smiled. 

"She is a very well behaved young women. She helps around the house and is very polite." Molly said. Your mother smiled. 

"I'm glad to hear that." She said as the car stopped. Once the doors opened, everyone got out. 

"Whoa." The twins said. You looked at the house. 

"(y/n), you used to live here?" Fred asked. You nodded. 

"But it wasn't a home. The Burrow and our shop are my homes." You said. Fred, George and Molly looked at you and smiled before walking inside. 

"Cupcake...and...guests?" Your father said happily at first, then confusion. Your mother walked up to him. 

"They insisted." She said. Your father nodded. 

"Welcome to our home. Please have a seat." Your father said. You sat on the couch, Fred and George next to you and Molly on George's side. Your father and mother sat on the couch across from you. 

"Cupcake. I'm sure you wondering why I asked you here." Your father said. You nodded. He looked sad. 

"I understand you will not leave the Weasley's, and for that, I will allow all custody to go to Mrs. Weasley here." He said. Your mouth dropped. 

"What?" You asked. Your father just nodded but looked at Molly. 

"This is very hard for me to do." He said and handed her a scroll. Molly took it and read it. 

"It's real." Molly said, showing you. Your now just (y/n). No last name. You looked at your parents. 

"Take care Swee...(y/n)" Your mother said, tears in her eyes. You smiled. 

"But you understand that we have closed your vault." Your father said. You nodded. 

"I expected this would happened and opened a new vault under just (y/n). That money you gave me was legally mine so I just had it transferred." You told them. You saw anger in your fathers eyes. 

"Well, how smart of you." He said. It sounded forced. Molly stood. 

"Come children. We should go tell the rest of the family." Molly said before looking at your parents. 

"Thank you." She said and left. You followed with Fred and George next to you.

You finally felt free.         


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