Chapter 17 - Diagon alley and Home

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Your summer was the best you have had in years but you knew you had to go back home. You sent an owl your parents and they said to come home two days before you leave for school. That gave you time to go to Diagon ally with the Weasley's. You had to do something in Gringotts so that was perfect. 

"Hey, I will meet you guys in Flourish and Blotts." You said. Molly nodded and you ran to Gringotts. You walked up to a goblin. 

"Can I help you?" The Goblin asked. You nodded.

"I want to open my own vault in my name and have the money from this vault transferred every month." You said, handing them a key. You had been thinking about it all summer and finally decided to open your own. Your mother and father both put in three thousand Galleons every month into the vault they made for you. It was under your name and theirs, but if they wanted to, they could close the vault at anytime because its also under their name. It was your allowance they gave you. The Goblin looked at you. 

"Very well." He said and you got started on it. Right now you had around 854,358 Galleons in the vault. He handed you a new key. 

"Every month, when your parents put money into the old vault, it will be transferred. If they close that vault, your money will still be in yours." The Goblin said. You smiled, said thank you and ran over to the shop. You saw Harry Potter, with Gilderoy Lockhart. You never found him interesting but walked up the Molly.

"I'm back." You said but then felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned, seeing Draco. The memory's of him slapping you returned. 

"Draco." You said. He hugged you and you hugged back after a few seconds. 

"I missed you." He whispered. You didn't miss him. 

"Me too." You said, releasing him. He kissed your cheek. It felt cold. 

"Draco." You heard and saw Lucius. He looked at you. 

"Lady (y/n)." He said. He always called you Lady in public to keep up apprentice. Draco nodded and waved at you. 

"See you tonight (y/n)." Draco said and left with his father. 

"Do you really have to go?" You heard and looked. It was Ginny. You nodded. 

"Sorry." You said. She hugged you. 

"I will miss my room mate." Ginny said. You both grew close sharing the room. 

"Me too but we will see each other at school." You said. She nodded but you then felt two arms grab you and drag you away. You looked, seeing it was Fred and George. they stopped and you looked at them. 

"You didn't have to drag me you know." You said but saw they weren't looking at you. you looked at what they were looking at and it was an abandoned building. 

"This building has been abandon for over thirty years. Fred and I are thinking its the perfect spot for our joke shop." George said. You smiled. 

"I can see that." You said and it was the truth. Its the perfect size, around three story's high and would hold everything they needed. 

"All we have to do is save up." Fred said. you bit your lip. You wanted to help but didn't want your father to knew about it. That's when you smiled. 

"How much is it?" You asked. 

"One thousand Galleons." The said. You smiled. 

"Well, if your true about me being apart of this, why don't we all split the cost right down the middle." You said. They looked at you and smiled.

"Sorry (y/n)." "We want to do this on our own." George said, then Fred. You smiled and nodded. 

"OK, But if you change your mind, you know were I am." You said. They nodded and you followed them back. You didn't want to leave, but soon heard your father. 

"Cupcake." He said. You looked and nodded but gave each Weasley a hug. 

"See you guys and school." you said and ran over to your father. 

"How was your summer." He asked in the car. 

"Really fun. We..." "I don't care. You will sigh the contract once we get home." Your father said, interrupting you. You frowned, nodded. Once home, you saw your mother, Lucius and Draco. You sat down and your mother handed you a parchment. You read it over carefully but then stopped.     

"What!" You shouted, dropping the parchment. 

"Sigh it." Your father said. You shook your head. 

"No! Voldemort is dead and you can't force me have a child with Draco to make a new dark lord!" You shouts. Your father smacked you. 

"You listen here. You and Draco will have a child and he will be the next dark lord. You made a deal with Draco to sigh that parchment." He said. You looked around but everyone looked at you with disgust. You glared at them. 

"No." You said. Lucius sighed. 

"Let me." He said and took his wand out but Draco stopped him. 

"No! (y/n), you will sign that contract." Draco said. You looked at him. He walked up to you, cupping your cheek. You froze. 

Sigh it or else." He said. You nodded, picking it up and reached for the quill your mother was holding. You looked at the X______ but hesitated. You sighed and signed it. it rolled up and floated to your fathers hand. 

"It's settled then." Lucius said but you shook your head. 

"No its not." You said. Everyone looked at you. You looked at them. 

"Read it." You said. Your father undid it and read it. He walked over and slapped you again. 

"You stupid girl! What have you done!" He shouted. Draco grabbed the contract and looked. On the X______ was a signature, only not yours. You sighed a perfect copy of your mothers.

"I signed it, you never told me it had to be mine. I will never give birth to the new Dark lord." You said. Draco walked over and punched you. You fell from the couch but stood and ran from the room. 

You were never coming back. You grabbed your trunk and supplies and ran, tears in your eyes.       


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now