Chapter 48 - The Vow

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"Mr. and Mrs. (l/n)." You said. They smiled. 

"(y/n), Draco. Now that your here, we can finally fulfill the prophecy." Your father said. You saw a lot of men walking it. Draco pushed you behind him. 

"What prophecy?" Draco shouted. Your father smiled. 

"You and (y/n) will give birth to the new dark lord." Your mother said. You glared at them. 

"I told you I won't have any part in this! I'm with Pansy!" Draco yelled. Your father found.

"And I told you that girl will do nothing for you Draco." You heard Lucius say. He then stepped out from behind a corner, wand in hand. 

"And I said your wrong!" Draco yelled. Lucius pointed his wand out Draco. 

"Imperio." He said. You gasped as it hit Draco, who made sure you weren't hit. Draco became still before he stood up straight. He turned and grabbed you. You tried to to get away but Draco's hold was strong on you. 

"Imperio." You heard Lucius say. You tried to fight the curse but all that did was allow you to see and hear what was going on. 

"Good. Get them into potion, I will cast the spell." Your mother said. You saw your self walk in front of her and turned. You were facing Draco, who wasn't even at an arms length in front of you. You and Draco reached out, grabbing each others wrist in a firm hold. Your mother took her wand out. 

"Have (y/n) say the promises." Your mother said. You heard whispering in your ear, and repeated it. 

"Do you, Draco, promise to conceive a child with me by the time we graduate?" You asked.  

"I do." Draco said. You heard more whispering and saw a yellow light circling

"And do you promise to help me raise it to be the new dark lord?" You said. 

"I do." Draco said. You saw another yellow light. 

"It's done." Your mother said as she moved her wand and the light faded. 

"Release them." Your father said and you felt control over your body. Yuo dropped to your knee's. 

"No!" You shouted. Draco put a hand on your shoulder. 

"Now, it is time to go back." Your mother said and the Triwizard cup came flying at you. You grabbed it before it hit you and you then heard cheering, looking around. 

"Whats Draco doing with her?" You heard. You looked at Draco.

"Did you see and hear anything while under it?" You asked. He nodded, tears in his eyes as he stood, helping you up. You left the cup on the ground, not wanting to even look at it.   

"Dumbledore." You said and looked at him. He walked up to you, along with the twins and Pansy. 

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked. You looked at your wrist. 

"She had the unbreakable vow put on her." You heard Moody said. Your wanted to cry. 

"He's right." You said in a defeated tone. 

"How did you know? There is no mark and you weren't there?" Pansy asked. The crowd grew quiet and Moody smiled. 

"Because." Moody said as his face started to change. You took a step back. 

"Arrest that man!" Snape yelled as the man was taken away. You felt the twins hug you. 

"Come to my office." Dumbledore said. You started to walk and saw that the twins were holding your hands and Pansy was holding Draco's. Once in, Dumbledore sat, gesturing for you all to sit as well, which you did. 

"Tell me what happened." Dumbledore said. You and Draco both told him and at the end of it, he was smiling. 

"(y/n), do you remember me telling you how a new Voldemort will not be made?" Dumbledore asked. You nodded. 

"Wait, when was this?" Draco asked. You looked at him. 

"When I broke up with you and before you attacked me." You said. Draco sighed and nodded. You could tell he still felt bad about it. 

"I forgive you Draco." You said. He nodded but you could tell he was still hurt by what he did. Dumbledore looked at Draco.  

"Draco, we all make mistakes, it's how we grow from them that make us who we are." Dumbledore said. Draco smiled and nodded and Dumbledore looked at you again.   

"Draco. This unbreakable vow was made while under the Imperius curse, correct?" Dumbledore asked. Draco nodded and Dumbledore's smile widened. 

"Then have no fear. The vow can only be made when the ones making it have control of their minds." Dumbledore said. You and Draco looked at him in shook. 

"B-but how could you knew that sir?" Pansy asked. He looked at her. 

"I have been around for many years young one. I have seen it." He said. Pansy turned red from embarrassment. 

"But, the enemy does not know this." Dumbledore said. You smiled. 

"That's it! I know what to do!" You said and stood. You looked and saw a lot of confused eyes. 

"Guys, we can make them think that we won't do it and give them a scare because they will be losing us." You said. The twins smiled, stood and hugged you. 

"The ultimate prank!" They shouted. You laughed and saw that Draco and Pansy were standing. You smiled and held your arms out. They came in and formed a huge group hug.   



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