~Chapter 51 - Starting Year Five~

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You sat on the train with Fred, George, Draco and Pansy. Pansy had just told everyone that she was named prefect. Draco was offered it, but turned it down. It was given to Crabbe instead.

"Why did you turn it down Draco?" Pansy asked. Draco shrugged. 

"I didn't want that responsibility plus, it makes my girl shine like a star." Draco said and kissed her. You smiled. You knew Pansy wanted him to have the prefect so you decided to change the subject.     

"How was your summer?" You asked. You only saw them a hand full of times. Draco smiled. 

"It was awesome. I never knew Molly and Arthur did so much for the ones they love." Draco said. Pansy nodded with a smile. They both were wearing hand made sweaters. You smiled. Molly and Arthur always gave the love of parents to any one that needed it. 

"I know what you mean." You said but heard Fred and George sigh. You looked at them. They looked sad.

"Whats wrong?" You asked. They looked at you. 

"It's our last year." Fred said. George only nodded. You were confused before you thought about it. 

It was their last year...with you. 

"Fred. George." You said and held their hands. They squeezed yours lightly.

"We will miss you at the shop." George said. You gave a giggle. 

"Guys, that's not for a while now and I will be back for Christmas to help out." You said. They smiled at you. 

"Thanks (y/n)" They said and kissed you cheeks. You smiled at them. 

"Any time." You said. You smiled as the talking continued but you thought about what they had asked you back at the shop. You couldn't wait to graduate and marry them but you had all decided not to tell anyone in case your mother and father heard about it. You were lost in your thoughts that you didn't realize the train had stopped. 

"(y/n)." George said shaking you. You snapped out of it. 

"Huh?" You said. He smiled at you.

"Come on silly." He said. You smiled and followed him to the buggy. Once at the castle, you sat at your house table and saw a new teacher. She must be the new Deference against the dark arts and had asked for all those strange books. Dumbledore stood as the last student ran to their new house. 

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts and welcome to all the young witches and wizards. This year we have a very special teachers joining us. She is the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic. Please welcome Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore said. You clapped, as did a few other students. You saw Professor Umbridge stand and walk around the table. 

"Thank you Dumbledore. I know we will have a productive year this. And please, if you have any questions, my door is always open." She said before siting down. You saw her looking at you and smiled, but that smiled made your blood run cold. You looked at Fred and George, who shrugged. You sighed. Maybe it was your imagination. 

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now