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Although only special guests and hotel employees had been invited to Elvis' signing session and the event had not been announced officially, obviously the whole city knew it. When we arrived at the ballroom we found ourselves in the middle of a very noisy crowd. Hundreds, mainly female fans, had gathered in the lobby. All of them were very excited and acted like crazy chicken. Every now and then, somebody shouted: "Elvis! We love you!".

The situation was quite chaotic. The room in the lobby was way too small for this huge crowd. There was a lot of bumping and pushing and stepping on each other's feet. I watched a young woman pulling the hair of another, only to withhold her from getting into the line in front of the ballroom entrance. It even ended in a fight between them.

"Oh my god, Jenny. Let's beat it.", I couldn't breathe. This was too much for me.

"Please! There never will be another chance. Please stay! I'm afraid alone."

Jenny gazed at me like a little, begging dog. She knew exactly that I could not say no to her. Therefore I decided to stay and survive this battle field.

"This is crazy! How can that man live like this?"

I asked myself how Elvis was handling such crowds. That must have been as frightening for him as it was for me.

"I didn't get it. What were you saying?", Jenny shouted in my ear.

With all that noise, we had no chance to talk to each other. I gave her a sign to let her know, that I had nothing particular in mind.

We decided better not to speak at all, and slowly we came closer to the entrance of the ballroom. The door already had been open the whole time but it still seemed like an eternity to finally be able to step into the room. Jenny pointed at her wristwatch. It already had taken us one hour of just standing there, waiting to get in and fighting back the attacks of all the other girls. Not to speak of the insane noise these girls were causing. The air was hot and stifling. I felt a little dizzy. Suddenly somebody bumped into my ribs. It was Jenny who just had pushed me.

"Elvis!" she said and pointed at the open door.

And there he was. Sitting at a long table, all alone with a pen in his hand and he seemed to be the only peaceful island within this horror. He was absolutely calm, smiled and talked to all the screaming fans, stood up every time somebody wanted to take a picture with him and signed hundreds of cards, photos or even hands. I admired him. He seemed to be totally relaxed. I watched him leaning over the desk in order to come closer to his fans and understand what they were asking. Every now and then he held the face of an extremely hysterical girl in his hands and gave her a big kiss. Not only a kiss on the cheek, he preferred to kiss his fans right on the lips. This resulted in the fainting of many girls. I remembered that deep kiss when I met him for the first time. Suddenly there was this anger inside of me. For a short moment, I really thought that this kiss had meant anything. But for Elvis it obviously was nothing else than a big joke. He seemed to be amused by playing with the feelings of these young and naive girls.

"This bastard!", I shouted accidentally.

"What?", Jenny starred at me with her mouth wide open.

"Who do you mean? Elvis?"

I hadn't realized that I just had been saying it out loud. Jenny mustn't know what I was thinking at that moment.

"Nothing!", I answered.

Jenny shook her head: "I think you suffer from the lack of oxygen. Should we better go? We'd better go, before you faint." She carefully grabbed my arm.

"Oh no. I'm fine. Please don't worry! See, we are almost there!"

But reality took its toll and we waited for another hour until finally we were in line in front of the table in the ballroom. Jenny got more and more excited. Her body was shaking. I in contrary was fighting against thirst and aching legs.

"If I had known what we will have to go through I would at least have brought some water.", I murmured.

"What? Yeah, you are absolutely right.", Jenny answered agitated, "What a nice shirt he is wearing. Isn't he sexy?"

Jenny didn't get any of my words. She was close to meeting Elvis and she was fixated on him. Elvis still was in very good mood, flirting with his fans. A photo, a signature, next please. I got more and more angry. It seemed that he found himself irresistible. I found him irresponsible in letting these girls hope that they actually could be with him. Or was I just jealous?

"Me? Never!", I thought. I was completely confused and I blamed Elvis for it.

Even my best friend didn't listen to me anymore. All this because of some random, young, cocky idiot, who accidentally smelled so good and whose skin was so beautiful and who had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life and who looked just amazing in this black shirt.

My knees went weak, I felt like I had to throw up. Now I was even more confused and I think it showed on my face when I was next in line. There I stood. I found it rather hard to take my eyes away from the floor and to look right in Elvis' face.

"What are you doing here?" I heard him say and first I didn't realize that he talked to me. I looked into his eyes that starred at me.


"Idy, you don't have to...I don't understand.", but then suddenly the expression on his face changed. Suddenly it seemed that he was amused. Yes, Elvis even died of laughter, clearly about me. I absolutely didn't know what was going on. What was so funny? Why did he remember my name? Did he recall all of his fans names?

"Well, Mr. Presley.", I thought, "Then you have the brain of an elephant."

"I understand.", Elvis lifted his head and looked at me conspiratorially. Then he winked at me and said excessively loud in order to let everybody hear it:

"And what's your name, young lady?", he winked again.

I was completely puzzled and I guess at this moment, I looked like an old potato.

"I..Idy!", I stuttered.

Elvis still seemed to by quite amused, wrote something on a card and gave it to me. Then I was pushed away by some of his security guys and stumbled out of the ball room.

In the lobby I met Jenny again.

"Oh no!", she welcomed me, "He didn't get my name right." She showed me the card, Elvis signed for her.

"For TAMMY, love Elvis."

Because of all that noise in the ballroom, Elvis must had misunderstood her name. But Jenny still had a big grin on her face. She was completely excited. Her cheeks were glowing. All the time of standing there and waiting seemed to have payed off for her. Regarding myself, I wasn't so sure at all. What had just happened was quite odd. Lost in my thoughts, I flipped the card, Elvis gave me, in my hand. I read it twice, because what was written on it clearly made no sense.

"For my queen. Please come to my suite tomorrow night at seven, room no. 510. Please!"

It took my breath away: „Oh my god!"

My heart was beating wildly and my faced blushed. It felt like I was paralyzed.

- to be continued - Thank you for voting! Please hit the little star! :)

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now