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Tom Parker starred at me. His face had turned red, he was sweating and every time he exhaled, he did this little snorting sound.

„You! It was you!", he yelled at me and grabbed my arm.

„Tom!", Elvis stepped between us, „Don't touch her!"

„She constantly means trouble, boy. Why can't you see it? What is she doing here anyway? Go back to your little show dance combo!", his hateful eyes scared me. I would never get used to his harmful attacks.

„Enough!, Elvis was completely upset. His eyes suddenly had a very dark expression. He was about to punch Tom, when suddenly a voice interrupted the scenario:

"It was me!", in the door stood Ann-Margret, "I sent away the girls."

Elvis seemed to be totally perplex when he took his hands off Tom. I also was very surprised and gazed at Ann. What was this all about? Ann winked at me. Than she stood in front of Tom. She was so strong when she took his ridiculous tie in her hands and told him with her cheeky eyes:

"Problem, boss? In my opinion, these girls shouldn't be here after the show. Lucky has to get some rest and me, too. But that's what you also want, isn't it, Colonel? I think you want us to do the best performance ever tomorrow. That's what brings you all the money, right?", then she patted his cheek. Ann used to call Elvis by his character name in "Viva Las Vegas", "Lucky". In her opinion this name fitted Elvis more than his real name. I admired Ann for her courage and asked myself why she had covered me. The Colonel didn't answer. He bristled with anger once more, then he left Elvis' dressing room.

„Ann, thank you so much. This was close to a big fight!", I hugged her.

„I guessed that something like that would happen. I saw you when you sent the girls away and I knew that if the Colonel would notice it, you would be in big trouble."

Elvis thanked her by giving her a little kiss on her cheek: „I'm running out of ideas. The Colonel hates Idy since the very first time they met. He would never had treated Priscilla like this."

„I know the answer, Lucky. Priscilla used to do everything the Colonel wanted. And she did it because she absolutely didn't care about you. She simply sucked you out. Money was the only thing she really cared about. Idy, she always got your back and she is defending you. I think you both are perfect for each other."

Elvis nodded, he took me in his arms and gave me a big kiss on my forehead: „You don't have to tell me that. I know that Idy is the love of my life."

These words caused an indescribable feeling inside me. I was madly in love with Elvis. Suddenly I felt the twins inside my belly, just like they wanted to tell me that they agreed. In this moment, everything was just perfect. I had never been so happy in my whole life. Maybe now was the right moment to tell Elvis and Ann about my pregnancy. I pressed my hands together and took a deep breath. But before I was able to say anything, I was interrupted:

„Come on! Let's go back to the hotel. It's late. We have to get up really early tomorrow.", Ann happily clapped her hands.

Ann seemed to be unbelievably energetic and young. I admired her for everything she was. Sometimes I caught myself being afraid that Elvis might leave me because she was so much more fun than I was. But then I used to calm me down by telling myself that we had a very special bond. I stroke my belly carefully. I literally felt how these two little copies of Elvis grew inside me.

After the two FBI agents and Elvis' boys, that meanwhile went under the name "Memphis Mafia", had secured every exit, we and all the others in Elvis' team took off. When we arrived at the hotel, we met Charly at the lobby. Since that night, when Elvis almost had lost his life, Charly and I had become soul mates.

"Charly! I'm so happy to meet you again. How is Maggy doing?", I happily fell into his arms.

He squeezed me tight and gave me a kiss on my cheek: "We are doing just fine. We will marry a few days from now and guess who was so generous to provide us with his house and the complete property around it?", Charly beamed with joy.

„I really want to get to know this guy!", Elvis gave Charly a pat on the back and grinned, „Are you already preparing everything for the wedding at Graceland? Please let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

„Graceland? You will marry at Graceland? This is fantastic!" and once more I was in aw for Elvis and his generosity. It turned out that he would pay for the complete wedding.

"Well, I guess we could save the money for hiring a wedding singer.", Elvis joked.

„Boss, there is indeed one more thing I'd like to ask you. But only if it's okay for you."

„What is it?"

„Maggy has this special wish. She likes these birds so much. The ones with very colorful feathers. You know what I mean, boss...couldn't we...", Charly and Elvis continued talking, while Ann-Margret and I were walking behind them. When we heard Elvis shouting: „Peacocks at Graceland?" we burst in laughter.

„This wedding will be a challenge for Lucky. Probably he already regrets that he promised to arrange everything.", Ann winked at me.

I laughed out loud. But suddenly I felt dizzy. For a short moment I grabbed Ann's arm.

„What's wrong Idy?", she asked worried.

„Everything is fine, thank you.", I tried to downplay my condition. The truth was that I had been suffering from the pregnancy for weeks. I constantly felt dizzy and sick. I regularly experienced sudden mood swings.

„This is weired, some days ago you also felt dizzy and you are looking a little pale lately...", Ann eyed me up from head to toe, „It almost seems like you are pregnant."

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now