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When the paramedics arrived, they had a hard time to get through the crowd in front of the hotel. Elvis' men tried to support them the best they could. Hundreds of people were running in different directions. Some of them stopped and gazed at Elvis and me, how we desperately knelt down next to the boy's dead body. Some ran away screaming in panic, others tried to calm down the crowd. One of the paramedics knelt down next to us:

"Mr. Presley, Miss, I need you to step aside.", he began to check the boy's pulsation and respiration.

Elvis didn't react at all. He continued starring at the lifeless body in front of us.

„Elvis, we have to go!", I insisted, „We cannot help him!"

Finally he nodded and got up from the wet asphalt. Then he helped me up.

„Please, help the boy! He must not die! Give him whatever he needs!", he told the paramedic. But from the eyes of the young man I could tell that he had only little hope. When Elvis took my hand, I noticed that he was shaking with cold.

"Come on, let's go inside!", I stroke his cheek.

He lowered his head and sobbed: "What am I supposed to do now, Idy? If he dies..."

„Elvis! Get in, boy. You will freeze to death if you stay here!", the Colonel had appeared out of nothing and placed his arm on Elvis' shoulder, „We have interviews to do in the afternoon. Go and get some rest now. There is a show for you to do tonight."

I starred at Parker: „What did you just say? How can you even think that Elvis will be able to give a concert tonight? A teenager had just been shot and probably he won't survive!", I was furious.

„Let us handle that!", the Colonel answered.

Elvis wiped away the arm of his manager. For a few seconds he looked him in the eyes without saying a word. Then he turned around and left us standing in the rain.

I bristled with anger and stood right in front of Parker: „You are dare you!", I was so furious that I had a hard time to phrase a complete sentence. Tom smirked.

„Well, you aren't worth it!", I capitulated. Then I tried to catch up with Elvis, who went back to the hotel.

„Stop, Idy!", suddenly Johnny stood in my way and grabbed my arm, „It will be best, if you leave him alone now."

At first I didn't realize what Johnny was trying to tell me and I wanted to escape. I kept my eyes on Elvis who was on the stairs up to the hotel entrance.

„Idy, no! I cannot let you through to him. Don't worry. We will take care."

Now I realized what he was telling me and it drove me mad: „Johnny, please let me through to him. He needs me now. That's ridiculous!", I tried really hard to pass Johnny but he wouldn't let me. I wondered what this was all about.

"Johnny?", I gazed at him desperately. But he still didn't release me.

"Everything under control, Johnny?", the Colonel passed us by and patted Johnny's shoulder. Johnny nodded. It felt like I just had been stabbed in the back. This couldn't be real! Colonel Tom Parker obviously had given the order to keep me from Elvis, no matter what. My dear friend Johnny did what he had been told. I was completely disappointed and confused.

„Johnny, he needs me now!", I begged again. His eyes said it all. I could tell that he didn't really want to harm me.

„I need you to get into the limousine. You and Ann-Margret are expected at the venue. You have to deal with the people from the press. We will follow you shortly. The first thing we have to do now, is to get the boss ready for the show tonight. Everything will be just fine, Idy.", probably Johnny had the same bad feeling in his stomach like me.

„Who is your boss, Johnny?", I asked while tears ran down my face, „Elvis or the Colonel? What game is this man playing? I thought you aren't like that. I trusted you."

Johnny didn't answer. He starred at me with sadness in his eyes. I could tell that he obviously had no choice. Before I got into the limousine, I took one last glance at Elvis, who was disappearing behind the door of the hotel entrance. It broke my heart. I wanted so desperately to be at his side in this dark hour. Then I heard the ambulance again. They had taken the boy's body. The rain continued pouring out of the sky. I had never felt so lonely in my whole life before and I wondered if Elvis was feeling the same.

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now