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I had a hard time to process what was happening next. I continued staring in Elvis' face and I could clearly see that he was moving his lips and I heard his voice but his words didn't make any sense to me. It felt like I was trapped in some kind of cloud. I simply couldn't understand what he was saying. I was completely frozen but came back to my senses when suddenly everybody looked at me. There was silence in the room. "

"Idy, please say something!", Elvis pled while he was still kneeling and holding the ring in his hands.

I couldn't think straight. What had just happened? Did Elvis really asked me to become his wife? I must had been in shock because I didn't hear one word he just said. I was confused, my heart was beating wildly and a cold shiver ran down my spine. I noticed that Elvis' hand was shaking.

„Idy, come on! Don't make us wait for so long!", Vernon approached his son and petted his shoulder, „How long do you want him to kneel in front of you?"

„I...I....I'm sorry but I didn't understand what you just said. Could you please repeat that?"

Elvis seemed to be pretty confused. He lowered his head.

„Oh no!", I thought, "I just ruined everything!"

He took a deep breath, gazed at me and smirked. Then he said loud and clear: „My lovely Idy, my lately very hungry queen, as soon as you have been able to swallow that cake or whatever this is..."

„It's a cupcake!", I corrected him while I was still preoccupied with chewing. Everybody in the room burst out into laughter. Elvis shook his head in disbelief but he couldn't hold back a grin. But suddenly he was very serious:

„Damn it, Idy! You are making this very hard for me. I'm asking you once again: Will you marry me? Do you want to become Mrs. Elvis Presley?"

So it was true! Elvis just asked me to be his wife. I looked into his dreamy eyes and remembered the moment I had jumped into this dream and the first thing that I had felt were his soft lips. An eternity had passed since then. Meanwhile I was carrying his unborn children and I hoped from day to day that I would never wake up from this dream. Suddenly I felt a pleasant warmth inside my body. I still had butterflies when I looked into Elvis' eyes. I bended down to him, took his hands and made him stand up. As I looked him deep in the eyes, I finally was able to whisper: "YES!". Elvis immediately took me into his arms. Everybody in the room applauded and cheered. Then I felt Elvis lips upon mine and we sank into a long and very tender kiss.

We quickly were surrounded by the guests who wished us well. I soon quit counting the hands I was shaking. Then suddenly I looked into Jenny's big grin.

„Where are you coming from?", I asked while hugging her.

„Elvis invited us. But we couldn't come earlier. Frank had a show to do at the Sands. Now I have missed the proposal.", she was shaking my hand, „Congratulations, Mrs. Presley!"

„Wait a second! We are not married yet!"

„Look at you. You don't seem to be nervous at all.", Jenny said, „If I were you I would have to throw up right now!"

No, I wasn't feeling sick. And now, after Jenny had mentioned it, I realized that I suddenly was completely at ease.

„You know what, Jenny? Probably I'm relaxed because it feels just right. I believe that I belong to Elvis, I have always."

Jenny suddenly seemed to be very moved and I could spot a little tear in her eye. Happily we fell into each others arms. Shortly after that, Frank gave us the best present ever. He entered the stage and sang with the band. Elvis and I were dancing cheek to cheek. I was certain that this was the happiest moment in my whole life.

„I hope that I will never wake up from this dream!", I sighed when I placed my head on Elvis' shoulder.

„This is not a dream, it's all true, Idy. True, like our love!", he whispered in my ear and I really wanted to believe it.

I squeezed him tight: „Please don't ever let me go!", I begged.

„I won't let you go tonight!", he answered.

„Why only tonight?"

But Elvis didn't answer. I had a bed feeling. It seemed that he was hiding something from me.

„Elvis! Please tell me!"

I hardly managed to look into his eyes. Suddenly I was afraid.

„Idy, I have to leave tomorrow.", he wiped a wisp of hair out of my face. There was no good in the way he looked at me, "I have to travel to Florida for my next movie "Girl Happy.", he lowered his head.

„Okay.", I didn't understand why he suddenly looked so sad, „When will you be back?"

„I will stay in Florida for six months and I will have to leave tomorrow."

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now