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I felt the blood in my head rising and my face turned red. First I looked at Michael then at Martha. Both starred at me. What was I supposed to say now? Telling them the truth?

„Yes, I was with Elvis because I love him!", that was what my brain was telling me but my mouth remained shut. I froze. Nobody was saying a word. The hallway was awfully quiet.

Suddenly I heard the clicking of the security door that led to the separated part of the building. At first I didn't take any further notice of it because I was still preoccupied with finding a really good answer for Michael. Nervously I was rubbing my hands against each other while I continued watching Michael who all of a sudden seemed to be quite distracted. He was observing the door. I heard foot steps that approached us. I followed Michael's eyes to the door and there she was. I could see her long legs under the nude colored silk dress. Her pale and graceful arms showed under the transparent sleeves. The black hair moved tenderly to the rhythm of her steps. She had such grace, such charm, it took my breath away. Her face looked gorgeous.

„Priscilla!", I choked and coughed.

„Miss Beaulieu!", Michael instantly went to her, „It's so nice to see you. My name is Michael Harris. I'm responsible for the security of the sick room."

Priscilla stroke a wisp of her hair from her face. She smiled.

„It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Harris!", she was talking extremely soft. I remembered the telephone conversation when I pretended to be the room maid. I also recalled the furious expression in Elvis' eyes when he had found out about it. I shivered. I had been careless. Now I understood very well why Elvis had been that mad at me. He was trying to protect me, he always wanted to protect our love. I wished I would had realized it much earlier, then I would not had been so mad and left Elvis' suite. Probably things would have turned out easier between us.

„How is my husband doing?", Priscilla at first looked at Michael, then at me and then at Martha. The expression on her face was telling me that she was wondering about all these people in front of Elvis' room, "Can I see him?", she asked.

Michael nodded and opened the door for her.

„My husband?", I recalled her words, „I don't think so!". I felt that I was ready now to fight for Elvis' love.

As I watched her entering the sick room, I felt intimidated by her beauty. I looked at Michael. I felt guilty. I still had not given him a proper answer. Suddenly Martha's yelling dragged me out of my thoughts.

"I won't leave. Now I got both, Priscilla and him. I could go in there and just say Hello!"

„Oh no, you can't Ma'am!", Michael grabbed Martha's shoulder and pushed her towards the exit door.

As I watched both leave, Michael suddenly turned around and said: „We have to talk, Idy. I will be back shortly. I'm accompanying the lady to the exit. Wait here for me!"

I nodded. Caught in my thoughts, I watched them going down the hallway. Martha still was swinging her bag while Michael became really an expert in avoiding being hit. I smirked. But suddenly the tune of a familar voice drew my attention. It clearly was Elvis. I held my breath and turned around hastily. That's when I noticed that the door to his room wasn't completely shut. So I was able to hear what Priscilla and Elvis were talking about. I looked around. I was the only one in the hallway. Johnny still was missing trying to find Elvis' doctor and Michael had gone outside with Martha. I was alone.

I hesitated at first because usually I wouldn't do this but the temptation was stronger. I positioned myself in a way that would have made it easy for me to escape rather quickly. This point of view was perfect. It gave me enough space to even take a glance into the room and watch Priscilla leaning over the bed.

„How are you doing, darling? I came as quickly as I could.", she said and it looked like she was giving him a kiss. It was hard for me to see them together so intimate.

When Priscilla grabbed herself a chair and sat down next to the bed, I suddenly had a clear view. Then I saw him. The rather noisy fight between Michael and Martha must had waken him up. Elvis was sitting in an upright position but he still looked very weak when he looked in Priscilla's face. For a second I feared that he might had seen me. I backed off immediately. But it turned out that both didn't take any notice of me. Elvis looked very pale and there were big dark rings underneath his eyes. I wished I could just walk in there and take him into my arms. He looked completely lost while he was sitting there glancing at Priscilla. I couldn't interpret the expression in his eyes. Was he happy to see her? There were thousands of questions rotating in my mind.

"What the hell was on your mind when you took those pills? You know that you have to be careful with them. You could have died, Elvis!", Priscilla sounded quite upset.

Elvis turned his head and starred at the end of the bed.

„You're talking like you really were interested in how I'm feeling.", he answered, his voice sounded weak.

„What? Don't even get started with that shit. Do you know how much effort it had cost me to come here so quickly? Of course I'm interested in how you are feeling. You will be my husband very soon.", while she was saying it she rummaged in her bag. She seemed to be quite bugged. Finally she dragged a little mirror and a lipstick out of the bag. With a big gesture she refreshed her make up.

„Priscilla...". Elvis was interrupted by a nasty cough. I watched him holding his chest with pain in his face. Again I was close to storming into the room. I was longing to touch and to hold him so desperately. Priscilla on the other hand didn't seem to care about Elvis being clearly in severe pain. She kept on putting her make up on. After a few moments, that felt like an eternity, Elvis was able to breathe again. He looked sad when he looked at Priscilla:

„Speaking of, there will be no marriage!"

Outside, in front of the door, I pressed my hand on my mouth in order to avoid any noises I could make accidentaly. I couldn't believe what I just had heard.

It took a while before Priscilla responded. Probably she first had to realize what Elvis had just said. Slowly she lowered the mirror and the lipstick. She didn't say a word, then she stood up, turned around and stepped to the door fiercely. Now I had to be really fast. Quiet and on the tip of my toes, I was hiding behind a wall. I couldn't see what was happening anymore but I could hear Priscilla's steps that paused for a second. I thought probably she was wondering about the door being open. But then I heard her moving again. Her steps came closer quickly. Then I saw her passing me by and out of the exit door. It was over so quickly. I remained hidden behind the wall for another moment.

„What was that all about?", I asked myself.

Carefully I stepped from behind the wall. I was totally confused. I looked around again but still there was nobody except of me. So I took the chance. The door was dragging me like a magnet. In a blink of an eye I stood in front of it and then entered the room. Elvis was still sitting in his bed and starring at the wall. I breathed in and out and pulled all my guts together when I said:


-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now