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It was one of those warm nights in Las Vegas. The moon shined bright above the Flamingo. After the scene shots for Viva Las Vegas, the pool had just re-opened and I was in mood for a swim. I found a spare bathing suite backstage and put it on. There was nobody but me outside and I enjoyed being alone. I hoped to be able to find some peace of mind. I jumped into the cool water. It felt really good and it seemed that the water could wash away all the bad things that had happened within the last twenty four hours. I breathed the warm air and began to swim. All lights had already been switched-off. Only the moon created a mysterious light and made the water sparkle in the dark. I dived and I felt free. This was my moment.

As I surfaced and swam towards the pool's edge, I was recognizing a pair of brown leather shoes. As I looked up, I saw Jerry standing there in the light of the moon, with a big grin in his face.

"Seems we had the same idea.", he said while he was taking off his shirt, "Do you mind if I come in?"

"Oh, hi Jerry! I thought that there was nobody around. Come on in! How is Jenny doing? Didn't you want to stay with her?", I was surprised but happy to see Jerry again.

He pulled down his pants. Seemingly he intended to go swimming in his under pants. He was a funny guy. I liked him.

„Poor Jenny, she is resting right now.", he reported, "She felt a little better and I stayed until she fell asleep. I decided to rather stay in my room tonight in order to give her enough space to recover. I will surprise her tomorrow with breakfast in bed.", Jerry got into the water and swam towards me.

"That is so sweet, Jerry. You are a gentleman. Jenny will be so happy."

Jerry grinned. We swam together as we continued talking.

„What made you coming to Las Vegas as a showgirl, Idy? By the way, great show you did tonight. I would like to book you for one of the Rat Pack's next shows. I think our audience will love you."

„Oh, this would be so great. Why I became a show girl? Well, I don't know..", I had no glue what to answer. I didn't choose to be a show girl. I had been thrown into a dream but this I didn't dare to tell Jerry. He probably would think that I was totally out of my mind. I smiled at him shyly.

„You have such an enchanting smile, Idy.", Jerry winked at me.

„Oh, thank you so much. You are truly a charmer.", I was about to swim to the edge of the pool. I had to rest for a little while. I lent against the pool's wall and stretched my neck.

Jerry continued to swim. For a while we didn't talk at all. He seemed to understand that I wasn't really in the mood for talking. I must have been falling into a nap, because I was scared to death as I suddenly heard Jerry's voice right next to me. He was also leaning against the pool's wall and watched the sky above us.


„Oh yes.", I agreed, "Tonight the moon is especially beautiful."

Jerry sighed: „I'm not talking of the moon. It's you, Idy. You are damn beautiful and sexy. Actually, at dinner I noticed your dress. You showed off your boobs, especially for me. I like that very much."

„What? I did what?", I couldn't believe what I just heard.

I had no chance to react in any way, as Jerry suddenly was leaning over me and pushed my arms brutally against the wall.

„Hey! What is going on?", I shouted at him „You are hurting me! Let go!"

I was trying to push him away by kicking him but under water this was harder than I thought. I couldn't manage to get loose. He kept on pushing my arms against the wall. Then he began to drag me nearer to him, while he was pressing his body against mine. I was literally squeezed between him and the wall of the pool. I panicked.

"Get off of me! Help!", I was shouting as loud as I could.

He kept on pressing his body against me even harder which made every movement impossible. Somehow he even managed to hold my mouth with one hand. I wasn't able to breathe anymore. Somehow I managed to get one arm out of his grip and began to slap him. But this seemed to arouse him even more.

„I like it when you resist but it will not save you. Now you belong to me. I know that you want it, too. You only play hard to get. You show girls are all the same. Everything you want, is to be fucked."

He brutally grabbed my crotch. A horrible pain ran through my body. It took my breath away. I felt that I lost my strength. For a short moment I thought about surrendering to him and let him do what he was about to do. Maybe this would make him letting me go. I tried to breathe but the situation seemed to be hopeless. I cried. This couldn't be happening right now. I was scared to death. Jerry ripped my bathing suite off my body. He touched me everywhere and rubbed his body against mine. I was feeling dizzy and numb. His  bad - smelling breath was striking my face.

„I won't survive this!", I thought, „Unless I will wake up now!"

I closed my eyes. I could tell that I was about to faint.

„Let her go, you bastard!", somebody shouted suddenly.

  This voice brought  me back to life because I knew it very well. It was Elvis!

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now