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It felt like a heavy load had been taking off my shoulders. Finally it wasn't a secret anymore.

"I'm so happy!", I confessed.

„Oh Idy, that's so wonderful. Is Lucky...?"

„Of course Elvis is the father!", I interrupted her.

„I'm so happy for you both!", Ann was squeaking with joy and hugged me, „A baby for Lucky. How beautiful."

„Well, actually there are two babies.", I raised two fingers in the air.

„Shut up!", Ann was completely excited.

„What are you talking about behind my back?", Elvis' had heard Ann's screams of joy and gazed at us curiously.

„Nothing, that's women's business.", Ann smirked.

I felt my heart beating faster. Did he hear anything of what we were just talking about? In secret I wished that he had heard it because I had been waiting for the perfect moment to tell him for so long. But Elvis seemed to have no clue. He winked at us: „You two scare me. You can't be left alone."

Ann-Margret an I chuckled. Elvis turned around and continued talking to Charly.

„He doesn't know?", Ann gave me a reproachful look. I nodded and lowered my head guiltily.

„You have to tell him soon, do you hear me? Everybody will see it within a few weeks. Please don't let him in the dark for so long. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.", she was holding my hands and smiling at me.

"I wasn't able to tell him...because...", but I couldn't explain it myself.

„Are you scared?", Ann asked.

My face turned red: „I think so.", I tried to swallow the tears that already ran down my cheeks. Then I let my heart do the talking, „I don't know, Ann. How will he react if I tell him? Will he be ready to be a Dad? I'm scared he might leave me when he finds out." The moment I said it, I suddenly felt relieved. These thoughts had been weighing on me so heavily since I had learned that I was pregnant.

At first Ann said nothing at all and took me into her arms. Then she whispered in my ear: „Have faith!"

„Idy, are you coming?", Elvis reached his hand out for me. I said good-bye to Ann and Charly. When I took Elvis' hand in mine I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was totally nervous. I knew that I would have to tell him very soon. Elvis' smile reassured me and suddenly I was asking myself why I had been so worried about this.

The two FBI agents accompanied us to Elvis' suite and took their positions in front of the door.

„Finally alone!", Elvis sighed when we closed the door behind us. I was about to go to the bathroom, when he held me back by grabbing my arm.

„Wait a minute, young lady. Where are you going to?", he asked while smirking at me.

But before I was able to respond, I felt his lips upon mine. He kissed me very passionately and impatiently tugged my dress.

„Aren't you tired, my king?", I asked.

Slowly I opened the zipper of my dress. I heard a very deep sigh and suddenly he grabbed my body and his hands were all over me. He overwhelmed me with his soft kisses while carefully stripping off my underwear. I pulled his shirt until finally I could feel his warm skin. My heart was pounding so hard, that I feared I might get dizzy again. But Elvis' sweet sighs, his seductive scent, his kisses that were moving further down my body, prevented me from feeling sick. I was wide awake and enjoyed every second. It was so easy to surrender to him completely. Elvis used to be very passionate. I always had the impression that he forgot everything around us.

Later, when he laid next to me, right before he was too tired to keep his eyes open, he sighed: „I love you my queen."

I stroke his black hair and kissed his forehead while listening to his deep breaths. That's when I also fell asleep.

The next morning we had to get up early. It was time for the next appointment on our tour schedule. Elvis and I met Charly, the other guys and Ann-Margret at the hotel lobby. Everybody was in a good mood. When we left the hotel, a cheering crowd welcomed us in front of the building. It was raining cats and dogs but this didn't prevent hundreds of fans to come to the hotel, waiting for the appearance of the king. When they finally saw him, there was no holding back. The police was already present but they had a hard time to contain the crowd. Everybody wanted to touch Elvis and talk to him. The situation was rather chaotic. The fans began to push in order to get into the first row.

„What in god's name is he doing?", one of the FBI agents shouted. I saw Elvis walking down the stairs, on the street and greeting his fans. The pouring rain soaked him entirely within a few seconds. But this didn't seem to bother him at all. He was smiling while he was fulfilling the wishes of the fans. He was shaking hundreds of hands and signing plenty of pictures and posters.

„This is a quite difficult situation. Hurry! Cover him!", Charly was really worried. The guys rushed to Elvis as fast as they could in order to secure him.

Ann and I were in short distance behind Elvis. I felt the up crawling panic inside me. Everybody was very tense. The author of the death threat could be everywhere amongst the people.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw one of the FBI agents running towards Elvis and yelling: „He has gun! The boy has a gun!"

„ELVIS!", I screamed desperately when I saw Fred running towards Ann and me: „Get down!", then he dragged us down on the floor.

When I fell on the hard asphalt, I suddenly heard a shot.

-to be continued- Thank you for hitting the star and voting for my story.

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now