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„Elvis has left the building. Please leave!"

At least fifty pair of big eyes starred at me with disbelief.

„I'm sorry he's not here. No autographs today!", I folded my arms and stood right in the way of the group of young girls, that gathered around me.

„But didn't he just leave the stage? He still must be here somewhere. We just would like to have his signature. We won't bother him, that's a promise.", one of the girls begged.

„Well....No!", I answered, „Please do me the favor and get lost!"

I was running out of patience. There were similar scenes in every town, we came to. The girls were driving me crazy.

„I won't say it again. If you won't leave right now, I will tell Elvis' bodyguards. This might end bad for you girls!"

Of course Elvis mustn't know how I handled his beloved fans. He wouldn't like it at all. He was always very polite and he would rather sign autographs the whole night through than sending them away in order to get a quite minute before the next show started. This has been going on for several weeks now. After I had recovered from the accident, we soon went on tour. Promoting the new movie "Viva Las Vegas" Elvis, I and our entourage were traveling from town to town. Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, New Orleans. Today Elvis was doing a press conference and a show after that in Nashville. There were numerous lovesick, mostly female fans. Although we tried to cover Elvis after the shows as good as we could, every now and then some girls managed to sneak backstage and occupied his dressing room.

Finally the young ladies got my message and left. I waited some more minutes just to be sure they would not come back again. Of course Elvis was still in his dressing room. Johnny and I had given him the strict order to get some rest after the shows because the daily schedule was cruel. Usually the day started early in the morning with interviews, then a press conference at the afternoon, followed by a show where Elvis had to perform until late at night. Ann-Margret was Elvis' co-star on stage. On tour I got to know her better. She was a very charming, smart and humorous woman. I liked her a lot and we became friends. She told funny stories from the film shootings with Elvis and she had a big talent to present them with her enjoyable spirit. Unfortunately the team still was preoccupied with the existing death threat. Against Elvis' expectations the suspect hadn't been found yet. Colonel Parker brought the FBI in and Elvis got two special agents who monitored everything around the clock. Due to the threat, every appearance in public was complicated. There was a constant strain in the air. Every time when Elvis went into the crowds to meet his fans, my heart was missing a beat. I was sure that in case of an assassination nobody would be able to get him out alive. But he was the solid rock. Nobody could tell that something was very wrong. As always, Elvis was approachable. He allowed his fans to touch him and to talk to him. He still was charming and smiling while giving the girls little kisses.

„Please, just get off stage and don't shake hands.", I used to beg him every day. But he refuses to do so.

„My fans are very important. Even this fucking threat won't change that.". One time he looked at me with desperate eyes and asked me why somebody would do such a thing.

„I've never done anything harmful to anybody. Why are they after me?", this look in his eyes, every time we were talking about it. It was a fragile, innocent look. I used to hold him tight. I was terrified that I could loose him. Probably this was the reason why I always defended him against his fans. I was a nervous wreck. One evening the burst of a balloon in the audience made me panic. It was an ongoing stress that had a major impact on my medical condition. I already could feel the twins inside me. But still nobody knew about my pregnancy. Even Ann-Margret had no clue. But not only me, Elvis also was struggling. He rushed from one interview to another, from one show to the next. After the shows he used to be so tense, that he had started to take these pills again.

„Why are you taking this shit?", I questioned him furiously when I noticed it, „These pills once almost killed you! I'm not sure if I will be able to save you again."

"I have to get some sleep, Idy!", he answered and I had no reasons against it. We weren't able to take a walk outside in order to get some fresh air like an ordinary couple. It might had helped him finding some rest, but people would had recognized us. I admired Elvis who did everything professionally and still seemed to have fun.

I waited another few minutes but none of the girls came back.

"Puuhhh, finally!", I thought and opened the door of Elvis' dressing room.

He was changing clothes. There he stood in the room, half naked. His hair was a mess. From his bedroom eyes I could tell that he was exhausted. It was weired but I kinda liked him the most when he was tiered. He then had this lascivious, pure attraction.

„Idy, come in!". He approached me with a big smile on his face, dragged me into his arms and then kissed my neck and my shoulder. With a cheeky grin he began to pull the neckline of my dress.

I chuckled: „Oh well, Mr. Presley, aren't you tiered?" The only answer was a soft sigh.

Despite of all the stress and the bad circumstances, our love had managed to grow even bigger. Elvis did everything to show me that he was crazy about me and I enjoyed every second with him. I knew that I would tell him about the pregnancy very soon.

Elvis was just about to let his hands slip underneath my dress and touching my booty, when suddenly the door was opened. We startled and Elvis quickly took his hand off me. It was Colonel Parker who furiously starred at us, yelling: "Who did send away the girls in front of the dressing room?"

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now