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That night I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed an turned. It felt so awful. The last weeks with Michael had been so wonderful. When I was with him, I felt free but now I had hurt him. I was afraid that this could mean the end of our friendship. My love for Elvis seemed to destroy all other relationships in my life. I asked myself if this was really worth it. Finally after hours of thinking and thinking I must had been falling asleep.

The next day was like every other. Impatiently I waited for the evening show, then I would see Michael again. I promised myself to try to talk with him about last night and I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I didn't want him to think that he meant nothing to me. When the time had come and I stood on stage with all the other girls, I was watching for him. From the stage I was able to see almost everybody in the audience. But where Michael always used to be, tonight another had taken his position. He wasn't there. I nearly stumbled during our performance because my knees felt weak. I thought that I had lost him. When the show was done, I ran into the dressing room. Somehow I hoped that Michael was waiting for me to pick me up for dinner, just like we always used to do. But the room was empty. I felt exhausted and sat down at the make up table. I watched my face in the mirror and the tears that ran down my cheeks. All the other girls entered the room. They were babbling happily. I didn't want them to see that I was a mess. Especially Jenny should not see me like this. Therefore I was trying to wipe away my tears quickly. As I reached for a tissue, I suddenly realized that something on my desk was missing. It was the necklace Elvis gave me. Hastily I cleared the desk. Maybe it had slipped underneath something else. But it wasn't there. I got up, pushed the chair away and looked underneath the table. But it wasn't there.

„Oh no! This can't be happening!", I sighed.

"What's wrong?", asked a voice behind me that sounded very familiar.

I turned around an looked into Jenny's worried face. I was totally surprised and couldn't say a word.

„Are you looking for something particular?", she asked.

„Y...yes I'm looking for my necklace. I swear I had left it on the table before the show."

"The really beautiful one with that shiny gemstones?"

I nodded.

„I saw you wearing it. It's a beautiful necklace. It might be somewhere..."

I interrupted her by taking her hands in mine.

„Jenny, I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me. I didn't want you to..."

This time it was her who interrupted me: "I don't want to fight with you anymore, Idy. I really missed you!"

She embraced me tightly. This was all too much for me. I started crying like a baby. There we stood, holding each other, both crying. My heart jumped for joy. I was so glad to have my best friend back.

„But what about your necklace?", Jenny took me back to reality, „Do you think it has been stolen?"

„I don't think so, I know it.", I answered.

„We have to report this, Idy."

„This is exactly what I'm going to do and I already know how. Please excuse me, Jenny, I have to go. Breakfast together, tomorrow?"

Jenny nodded and smiled at me.

I knew exactly that only one could have stolen my necklace. Who else but Jerry would be interested in doing me any harm?

„Enough!", I thought and went right to Michael's office. I was going to tell him all about Jerry. How he had turned on me, this vicious thief. I was damn angry as I went through the casino.

When I passed the bar, I was wondering about the crowed that gathered around it. The bar tender was pumping up the volume of the TV set that was hanging from the ceiling. At the bar there usually were TV events like football games or a speech of the president. I was wondering about this night's occasion. The people around the bar were talking to each other and you could feel the excitement in the air. As I walked by, two elder ladies came towards me.

"Well..", one of the ladies said, " I don't like his music. It's way too loud and too wild for me. It's rather for young folks. But I have to admit that he is a decent young man and I somehow love his smile. Come, let us listen to what he has to say. What do you think, Mary?"

The other lady nodded and smiled happily: „If you are asking me, Martha, I like his music very much. It's really good for dancing."

„Please don't tell me that you are still able to dance. That's hilarious!"

„Of course, see how my hips are shaking!", a little bit wobbly the elder lady tried to move her body. I could tell that she had some difficulties but that didn't hold her back from giggling, "Look at me, Martha, just like Elvis Presley himself!"

When I heard her saying that, I wasn't able to breathe anymore. Elvis? What did this all have to do with him? I approached the two women:

„Excuse me ladies. Could you please tell me what this is all about?"

„Aren't you here for watching the interview?", Martha asked.

„There will be an interview with Elvis Presley coming up. Would you like to watch it with us?", Mary smiled at me.

I felt my heart beating very fast. Of course I had to watch this.

Martha, Mary and I just had made our way through the crowd as the interview started. I could hear the familiar melody of a famous evening show. The host of the show explained that this was a special for the new upcoming movie "Viva Las Vegas", starring Elvis Presley. The people around us started to murmur and whisper.

Finally the show master announced his famous guest:

"Please give a warm welcome to the king of rock'n roll, the heart-throb and the dream of every mother in law: Mr. Elvis Presley!"

My heart was racing as I gazed at the TV screen. The camera moved and there he was, with his typical smile. I suddenly felt dizzy. Everything inside me wanted to be with him. I took a deep breath. Seeing him but not being able to feel him, tortured me.

The interview was going on. The show master asked how the shootings for the movie in Las Vegas went.

„Joe, I can reassure you, that Las Vegas is the city of my dreams.", Elvis answered, „I really liked staying at the Flamingo. To be frank Joe, I met some really nice people there and I will surely return to Las Vegas as soon as possible." The crowd in front of the TV applauded excited.

„Elvis, before we will talk about your new movie, we have to intorduce somebody else to the audience.", the show master continued.

„Yes, of course.", Elvis grinned into the camera, „Tonight I have some enchanting company."

„That's right, Elvis.", the show master confirmed, „She is very beautiful, intelligent and the woman on Elvis Presley's side. Please welcome Miss PRISCILLA BEAULIEU!"

The audience applauded even more excited. The camera moved again and then I saw her. She was damn beautiful. Gracefully she greeted the show master and the audience before she sat down next to Elvis, who she kissed on the cheek.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. My stomach hurt and I suddenly felt sick.

„Priscilla, Elvis, I'm happy to have you tonight. You have news for us, right?"

„That's true, Joe!", Elvis gazed at Priscilla," Would you like to tell them, honey?"

Priscilla smiled rather shyly then she held her hand right into the camera. I could see a big ring on her finger that sparkled in the spotlight.

Then she said happily: "We will marry soon!"

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now