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I was devastated and didn't want to be alone in this moment. So I decided to go to one of the hotel bars. I ordered a Gin Tonic. The bar at the casino was packed. I could hear the jingle form the numerous gambling machines. Every now and then there was an excited scream from somebody who hoped for winning the jackpot. I gazed at all the people around me and asked myself if they also had some trouble in their lives and if they also felt alone sometimes, just as I was feeling at this moment. I must have stayed for about two hours at the bar and of course I have had more than one Gin Tonic. I soon realized that all things around me seemed to get blurry somehow. That's why I didn't recognize the man who came towards me in the first place.

„Miss Idy, there you are. We have been looking for you everywhere."

„Johnny, right?", I babbled happily when I recognized Elvis' assistant.

I really liked this little chubby guy with the friendly face. He was the one who helped me out of the pool after my fight with Jerry and I remembered Elvis telling him to take care of Jerry. I turned and tapped my finger on his breast:

„Well, oo....officer! Seems we w...willl have to ttt...train a little bbit more when comes too catching a gangster (hickup) I have seen J...Jerry, he is here! Yep!", I was trying to look very conspiratorial.

Obviously Johnny smelled the alcohol in my breath and waved his hand in front of his nose:

„Really? You mean Jerry? He is here? Well, that's not good at all. What does he want here? The boss will be very angry when he hears this. I never thought that he would have the guts to come back.", Johnny seemed to be worried.

„Never mind, officer (hickup)", I assured, „I'm in control of the situation. Everything is okay!", to give it a more dramatic touch, I made a swinging movement with my hand, overbalanced and slipped off the bar stool.

„Oh dear, Miss Idy. You seem to be totally drunk.", Johnny helped me to get back on my feet.

"I....I bbb...believe y..yyou are right, Johnny", I babbled.

„Listen, Idy. The boss is looking for you."

„What? ELVIS is looking for me?", I suddenly bawled a little too loud what drew the attention of the people around us. They immediately looked at us when they heard the word ELVIS.

„Shhhttt...not so loud, Idy, please!"

I nodded and winked at Johnny: "Understood, officer!"

„I'm not an officer! Whatever!", Johnny seemed to be rather nervous, „As I said, the boss is looking for you. He wants to see you immediately, Miss Idy!"

„Let him come to me. Here I am, at the"

„Yeah, sure.", Johnny answered, „And before he comes down, we clear the casino. How do you think we could manage to let him come to the bar without being recognized?"

Even being drunk I knew that Johnny was right.

„Well, his bad. I don't want to see him anyway. Never again. Tell him that, Johnny."

„But he wants to talk to you before he will leave to Graceland tomorrow. He was knocking at your room door but you didn't open. Then he had been staying in front of the door for one hour but you never came back. We had to escort him back to his suite because, as you certainly can imagine, we had been recognized by some fans. There had been an agitation in front of your room. We suddenly were very busy holding back the fans who almost tore him in peaces. He then asked me to look for you."

„W...wait...hh...hhee sat there for an hour and waited for me?"

Johnny nodded.

„Damn, Johnny, I can't do this anymore (hickup). He...lll...llloves him I'm only a random girl he likes to play with while he is in Las Vegas."

„Oh, not at all, Miss Idy! The boss had been thinking about breaking up with her for a long time now. You see, this relationship is nothing but a joke. She is way too young. That has been criticized by the public many times before. He doesn't love her anymore and he told me that he wants to be with you. Idy, can't you see it?"

„No!", I turned around and accidentally threw my glass off the bar. It burst into peaces after hitting the floor, „I cannot love him. He doesn't want me to be with him. He keeps on pushing me away. He doesn't give me enough to believe that he is in love with me. I cannot take this anymore.", big tears were running down my face. Suddenly I felt dizzy and I felt like I had to throw up.

„I will escort you to your room, Miss."

Johnny helped me up and brought me to the elevator.

„Oh Johnny, you are aaaa....always ssss...such a gggentlemen. Your bbb..bosss should tttaake you as a rrr-rroll model."

Johnny patted my hand and brought me to bed. There, I felt asleep very soon.

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now