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Doctor Connor grinned at me. I gasped for air. At first I thought that I had misheard him.

„Babies?", I asked in disbelief.

The doctor nodded: „I'm clearly hearing two heartbeats, without any doubt. Congratulations. You are expecting twins!"

My heart pounded wildly. I was breathing heavily. A warm feeling flooded my body.

„Oh god!", I dug my face into my hands.

My reaction seemed to surprise Dr. Connor. He tried to calm me down:

„Don't worry. The babies are absolutely fine. The accident had no impact on them.", he patted my hand, „Did the future dad come with you today? Is it the young man I just saw outside?"

„No, it wasn't him. But he is somewhere in the hospital.", I wondered if Elvis had ever made it into the operating room.

Dr. Connor stood up and helped me getting back into the wheelchair:

„Well, let's have a look then where the lucky dad is and let's tell him about the good news, shall we?", he hummed happily while he pushed me to the door.

„Dr. Connor, please don't tell anybody about this. Nobody knows about the pregnancy. Please, you have to promise.", I grabbed his hand.

„Okay, if you wish so, I won't tell anybody, promise!"

„No matter who?", I wanted to reassure, "Even if you recognize the father of the twins?"

Dr. Connor looked at me quite surprised: „I don't know what you are trying to tell me but I assure you I won't tell anybody."

I nodded satisfied. Now I was ready to leave the examination room. When doctor Connor pushed me into the hallway, I noticed, much to my relief, that the guys had managed to catch Elvis. At first I hid myself. I didn't want them to see me. Like tin soldiers, Elvis' bodguards were sitting right next to each other. I recognized Fred and Johnny. I didn't know the rest of them. Fred was playing with the car keys. The others had been falling asleep or played cards. As usual, Johnny was writing something in his tiny notebook. In the middle sat Elvis. He had his face dug into his hands.

„Are you ready?", Dr. Connor asked. He had left me at the door in order to return to his desk for grabbing my medical record. Then he pushed me out into the hallway. Johnny was the first to notice me: "Idy! There you are again!", he beamed with joy.

But I didn't look at him. I was gazing at Elvis. I saw how he raised his head. His eyes looked red, like he had been crying. I startled because I never had seen him like this before. He obviously was very worried about me. I pulled all my strength together in order to get out of the wheelchair. In this moment, everything inside me just wanted to hold him. Then I felt his embrace.

"Idy! Thank god! Are you okay?", his voice was shaking. I didn't answer, took his face into my hands and kissed him. I squeezed him as tight as I could.

„Oh my god!", Dr. Connor seemed to recognize the future daddy, „Mr. Presley. I...III..I'm a big fan. I can't believe it. Yes, of course, now I also recognize the young lady. I've been thinking the whole time that you look familiar. I saw your picture in the magazines. You are a great musician. It's an honor to medicate your wife....girlfriend."

„How is my wife doing, doc?", Elvis asked like it was the most normal thing in the world.

„WIFE?", I thought and I liked it a lot.

„Don't you worry. She has a severe concussion, but no inner injuries. Some major bruises but this will heal, although that hurts quite a lot. I think some days of resting might be sufficient. She will be okay. May I ask you to sign this for me, please? My Rosie loves you so much. We love your music.", Dr. Connor seemed to be a little nervous when he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to Elvis. Elvis gave me a really big kiss on my forehead before he put his signature on the piece of paper.

„I'm so relieved, doc. I was really worried about Idy. But if you say that she's gonna be okay, then everything is fine."

„Oh, yes, yes.", the doctor answered, „Everything is just fine. Even the ba....aahhhmmm....", I froze. Dr. Connor was about to tell my secret. I hit him softly with my elbow, „Aaahmmm...well with her bbb...breasts...everything is fine with her breasts!"

Elvis raised his eyebrows. I heard the boys in the background. They were screaming with laughter.

„Well, then nothing can go wrong, right doc? If even the breasts are okay!", Elvis seemingly was very amused. Turning to me he whispered: „I would like to check this by myself later.", then he winked at me.

I tried to avoid laughing because it caused too much pain. Dr. Connor's face had turned red. He quickly said good bye and disappeared in his office. Suddenly Elvis was very serious and looked deep into my eyes. Sometimes I had the impression that he wasn't aware of how sexy he was. It seemed to come out of him naturally. Breathless I looked into his blue eyes.

„Idy, I'm so sorry!", he lifted my chin with his finger, „I never want to fight with you again. I understand that you won't come on tour with me. It's okay. I will call you, I will write you, we will manage somehow....", I interrupted him by putting my finger on his lips.

„I will come with you!", I never had been so sure like in this moment. Now that I knew I was carrying his babies, it was clear to me that I wanted to be with him in every second of our life.

At first Elvis looked at me with a very serious expression on his face but then he couldn't hide his joy anymore. He overwhelmed me with his tight embrace.

„Wait a minute, youn man!", I exhorted him, „I'm not that strong at the moment!", he laughed, then he kissed me softly.

„Better?", he asked. I nodded. Suddenly thousands of thoughts ran through my mind. What would he say when he learned about the twins? What would I have to expect if I was going with him on tour? Would our love endure the attention for him as a superstar? What if we would not make it? All I knew was that I was ready to fight for our babies and our love, even if it would cost my own life.

- to be conitnued - Please hit the star for Elvis & Idy and send me a comment if you like-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now