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My heart was beating very fast. What should I answer now? I wished I had never answered the phone. For a moment, there was nothing but silence. I knew that I had to say something, otherwise Priscilla might get suspicious and I would be in big trouble, again. I was breathing in:

„Excuse me, Miss, I'm the room maid. Mr. Presley is not present."

„I see!", Priscilla was talking with a very soft voice. I had to press the receiver against my ear in order to understand what she was saying, „Do you know when he will be back? I will call again later."

With relief I realized that she was buying what I just told her.

„I...", I was just about to answer when suddenly somebody pulled the receiver away from me. I startled, turned around and looked in Elvis' eyes. His face still looked a bit sleepy but his eyes showed that he was very angry. He took the receiver:

"Hello honey? Is it you? Yes, I just returned. That's really good timing. It's great to hear your voice. How are you doing, darling?"

Meanwhile he walked across the room while holding the phone in his hand. He still was completely naked. Of course I took the opportunity to watch his perfect body with a grin on my face.

"Yeah, the room maid.", he stared at me with darkness in his eyes, "Thank you, Miss, you can leave now!"

I smirked and winked at him. He seemed to join my little charade. But instead of a smile or a wink, he kept on staring at me with this penetrating and determined look in his eyes. I didn't get his gesture right away as he pointed at the door. But then I understood: Elvis wanted me to leave – now. I looked at him and his face was pure ice. There he was again-the other Elvis. I was wondering what was going on in his mind. Hastily I got my stuff and left the suite-once again and I was swearing to myself that this time it would be the last time. As I ran for the door, Elvis did not take any further notice of me. While shutting the door behind me I could hear him say:

"Oh darling, you don't know how much I miss you. I can't wait to be back at Graceland."

"Alright, and I also can't wait for it, either.", I mumbled.

„What did you just say, Miss Idy?", Charlie, Elvis' bodyguard, looked at me quite puzzled.

„Do you have a girlfriend, Charlie?", I asked him and hoped he wouldn't hear the bitterness in my voice.

„Yes, I do!", Charlie answered proudly.

I put my hand on his shoulder: "Please treat your woman with respect. Give her the attention she deserves, buy her presents and give her the feeling that she is the only woman in your life. Will you do that for me, Charlie?"

Still puzzled, Charlie answered: „Y...yes, sss...ure. I'm always doing that. Maggy and I have been together for five years now and we are still happy."

„That's nice. Please say hello to Maggy. She is very lucky to have you."

Charlie must had noticed the tears in my eyes, because suddenly he seemed to be worried:

„Miss Idy, I know it's not always easy with him, but his life is very complicated. I don't want to be in his shoes. He isn't an average guy. He is a superstar, who lives his life in public. He has his flaws and his weaknesses, who hasn't? But he is also such a great guy and most of all, he is genuine. I really appreciate working for him."

I was stunned. I hadn't expect Charlie to say such nice words about Elvis. Now I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

Charlie took me in his arms and tried to comfort me. I let him doing it while I was crying my heart out. I could not take these weired feelings anymore. I couldn't do this anymore and I didn't want it.

„If he is such a decent man, why is he cheating on her, Charlie?"


I nodded and wiped the tears from my face.

Charlie shrugged: „That doesn't sound like him at all. He is a man who likes to have clarity in his life. That's all I have to say about it."

„What am I suppose to do now, Charlie?"

„Unfortunately I don't know the answer, Miss Idy."

His brown, warm eyes looked at me. In this moment I realized that I just might had lost the love of my life, but gained a good friend.

„Take care, Charlie."

I went down the hall and as I looked back once more, Charlie nodded at me and smiled. I had no idea where to go next. My heart was hurting. How would I be able to find out if this thing with Elvis and me had any chance at all? I didn't want to be alone right now. I urgently had to talk to somebody. Somebody who knew me well.

A few minutes later, I was knocking at Jenny's door.

- to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now