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Later, Johnny had some trouble in making me leave Elvis. I wanted to stay the night to watch if I could see some movement in his face, that could be a good sign. But Johnny insisted to leave Elvis behind and brought me back to the hotel. In my room I instantly went to bed and fell asleep right away.

The next day, the girls and I did a special performance as a birthday present for one of the hotel's high rollers. Backstage Jenny asked me about the news regarding the loss of my necklace and if I had found out how it ended up in Pam's hands. Meanwhile Jenny had found out that I dated Michael and she was really excited about it. I told her that I had to talk to her urgently. I wanted to tell her the whole story. I was sure that now she would understand and believe me. Of course, Jenny was curious about it and she really wanted to talk to me right away but I had no time because after our special performance and the afternoon show, I had a date with Johnny and his green Cadillac. I couldn't wait to get back to the hospital to check on Elvis. After a telephone conversation with Charly we learned that his condition had improved and that the fever had dropped. My heart was cheering. Maybe I would be able to talk to him. I was desperate to see him.

Johnny picked me up and when we arrived at the hospital we were again led to the separated part of the building. Everything was locked and only authorized persons were allowed to get in. Charly was very busy. He hadn't slept at all. He looked pretty exhausted.

„Hey Charly. You need to sleep. You look horrible.", Johnny was worried about his friend.

Charly nodded: „I feel awful but relief is on its way. I will be able to leave soon to get some sleep."

„Who will be here for security then?", Johnny asked.

„Michael will be here. He insisted in doing it himself."

For a short moment I held my breath. Michael? Here? At the hospital?

Johnny noticed that I got very nervous and whispered:

„When he sees you here, he certainly will ask questions. I assume that he knows nothing about your relationship with Elvis?", I nodded, "Then go and sort things out with him, Idy. The best will be not to wait too long. Do it fast. Today is the best opportunity."

He touched my hand and smiled at me. Suddenly my mouth felt awfully dry and my hands began to tremble. How was I supposed to do this? But before I would do anything, I wanted to see Elvis.

When we entered the room, we both were very surprised. We didn't recognize the room anymore. Suddenly there were flowers, balloons and cute little stuffed animals all over the place. The table at the wall was full of letters and cards.

„Oh my god!", I murmured as I looked around the room with my mouth wide open.

"Aha!", Johnny said, "Our press release seems to get noticed by the fans. The boss has the best fans on earth."

„But how is that possible?", I asked „The press statement had been released last night. I'm deeply impressed how fast the news spread."

"You have no idea what is going on at Graceland right now.", Johnny chuckled.

I was not quite sure if I was impressed or scared to death by this spectacle.

„How is our patient doing today?", Johnny asked and looked down on Elvis' bed.

This time there was no hesitation. I couldn't wait to get my eyes on him. With a hopeful smile I approached the bed and looked down. But it was disappointing. Elvis was asleep. I had hoped that he would greet us with a smile. Seemingly Johnny thought the same:

„I will look for the doctor. Try to talk to him while I'm gone. Maybe he responds to your voice.", then he left the room.

Tenderly I stroke a wisp of his pitch black hair from Elvis' face. His skin still felt pretty warm. Their was the smell of roses and Lillis in the air, the flowers that his fans had sent to the hospital.

„Hello darling.", it felt weired to call him that. Again there was this enormous respect I had. Would I ever be able to see myself as the woman next to his side?

I carefully kissed his cheek, then his lips. Suddenly there was a movement of his eyebrows and his lips. His eye lids opened a little. He sighed deeply when his eyes opened even a little more.

„Elvis!", I caressed his face, „It's me!"

He didn't manage to keep his eyes open. Then I noticed that he was about to say something. I took his hand.


I froze when I heard him saying her name. I didn't know what to do. I was feeling numb. Priscilla? I hoped that Johnny would return every moment and clarify what obviously had to be a misunderstanding.

„This was the wrong line, Elvis!", I thought. I was disgusted and sad, both at the same time.

I really had believed that I was the one and only woman who he wanted to see when he woke up. I felt embarrassed, took my hand from his and stepped back from the bed.

All of a sudden I heard voices in the hallway outside. One of them clearly was Michael's voice.

„Oh no!" I thought.

Besides Michael's voice I heard another one, a female voice that sounded pretty angry. Somehow I knew this voice.


I opened the door hastily. The scene I then witnessed was simply hilarious. It turned out that it was Martha, the old lady that I met at the Flamingo. She seemed to be very upset and yelled at Michael:

"Let me go, you jerk! I have the right to take a glance. I bought his record and therefore pay for his lifestyle. Get your hands off me, you nasty boy!", she hit Michael with her handbag several times.

Michael obviously wasn't able to handle the situation. He was busy escaping Martha's swinging handbag while he desperately tried to calm her down:

„Please, don't you see? I can't let you through. This is a hospital, not a zoo!"

But Martha continued yelling at him and didn't stop to hit him with her bag. As I watched them I couldn't help laughing. It was like a scene from a comedy movie. I could have go on forever watching them but I felt sorry for Michael.

„Hey Martha! Nice to meet you again!", I said.

First I glanced at Michael who seemed to be very confused when he recognized me. Then Martha saw me and began to chatter instantly:

„Hello darling. What are you doing here? Are you also visiting Mr. Presley? This unsympathetic person here does not want me to go and see him. Isn't that rude?", again she swung her bag. Michael managed to step aside.

„Ma'am, I'm begging you, please leave! You won't get through to him!", he warned Martha.

„But why had she been allowed to see him?", Martha asked while pointing at me.

With suspicion in his eyes, Michael answered: „This is indeed something I'm asking myself, too."

-to be continued- Thank you so much for your votes & comments. Stay safe!

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now