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I knew that she meant trouble. Why did she come to the wedding? I was nervous and didn't know how to react. I really wanted to run away from her but there was my pride, that prevented me from doing so.

"What are you doing here, Priscilla?", Johnny approached her.

"What a stupid question!", she answered, "This is still my home!", she paused for a moment and rummaged around in her handbag, "Where is Elvis? I received this letter today. What shit is that?", she pulled a letter out of her bag. She seemed to be pretty upset. I noticed the yellow, transparent dress she was wearing. I could spot her perfect legs underneath the fabric. Her hair was perfect and her make up matched to her clothes. There she was with her perfect everything, while I was looking down on me and suddenly felt shabby. I wore a simple, boring, dark blue dress. The last time I had a glance into a mirror, I noticed that I looked pale and exhausted because I was suffering from morning sickness. With the babies inside me, I felt like a ton and there stood this perfect creature and asked for talking to the one man, that I loved so much. I was jellous and envious. I still had no clue why Elvis prefered me over her. She was a stunning beauty and I had absolutely no self-confidence. Suddenly Priscilla's high pitched screams interrupted my train of thoughts.

„JOOOOHHNNYYY!!!! HEEEELP!!!! JOHHNNYYY! What does this thing want from me?"

A peacock had ran into her way and was now attacking her. Elvis had bought five of these animals. It was Charly's wedding present to Maggy. She loved peacocks. The animals had been wandering over the property the whole day through. Usually they had been friendly to the people at the wedding but this peacock obviously felt disturbed by Priscilla. And by the way, I absolutely felt the same. The animal refused to let her pass. He picked on her over and over again. She tried to scare it off but she didn't succeed. The peacock was stubborn.

„Wait!", Johnny said.

He approached the peacock and clapped his hands. The animal spitted one more time at Priscilla, then it went away. I chuckled.

But what was this letter all about that Priscilla was showing Johnny? I went a little closer in order to hear what they were talking about.

„A secrecy agreement? Oh please, Johnny, what's that crap for? As per this letter you are forbitting me to talk about my relationship with Elvis. I'm not supposed to tell one little thing about us. You cannot make me do this!"

„Cilla, you have to understand. This is only for your protection!", Johnny tried to calm her down, „You know exactly how the guys from the press are acting. They turn everything you say upside down and print it in their tabloids. This might end into a disaster that might harm Elvis and you."

„What an infamy!", Priscilla was gasping for air, „I want to talk to Elvis, now! Where is he? Elvis! Elvis!"

Johnny immediately took her hands: „Are you crazy? When he sees you, he will be furious. He doesn't want to see you anymore, Cilla. Please do yourself a favor and sign the agreement. Then get lost, before he notices you. Please!"

Priscilla lowered her head. I heard her sobbing, then she threw herself into Johnny's arms: „Why is he doing this to me, Johnny? Why did he leave me?", she was crying while she placed her head on Johnny's shoulder.

Watching her made me feel sorry and an inner voice told me that someday I might be in her shoes. Although Elvis gave me no cause, I had never stopped being suspicious and asked myself if our love could last forever.

Johnny still was trying to calm her down. Meanwhile her make up was ruined. A black river of mascara ran down her face.

„I want to tell him that I'm sorry, please Johnny!", she begged.

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now