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The crowd was applauding. Many young girls were screaming and crying.

The band played the last notes of his hit "Can't help falling in love". Elvis prepared himself for the final pose. With his velvet voice he had managed to enchant the audience once more. He looked stunning in this black leather suite. It seemed he had the whole world in his hands. The people around me stood up and cheered frenetically to the king. Some of the young ladies were about to faint. Elvis thanked the audience for the applause then he asked for silence because he had an important announcement to make. Elvis gazed into the audience and cleared his throat. He would talk to the fans any second. But the only thing that came out of his mouth was a chuckle, then all at once there was this dazzling smile, the cute dimples in his cheeks and suddenly he burst out into laughter. Nobody had a clue what was going on but his laugh was so contagious and within a second, the whole audience laughed with him. Nobody had told a joke but there he was, the king of rock'n roll, laughing out of nothing and the whole world laughed with him.

„ apologies guys", Elvis said softly into the microphone, "I'm a little bit nervous this evening because I would like to introduce somebody to you all. She is an enchanting young lady, my queen and the new woman at my side. Please give her a warm welcome. Come on stage, Idy!"

I instantly felt hot when I heard my name. For a short moment I wasn't able to breathe. I looked at Elvis who winked at me and smiled all over his face.

"Come on! Don't hesitate, darling.", he tried to encourage me.

The audience continued cheering. I got up from my seat and went towards the stage, accompanied by loud applause. Elvis leaned over and reached for my hand. He helped me to get up on stage. All at once I was standing in the spotlight and the people shouted my name. I was completely over strained and panicked. Suddenly I felt Elvis' hand holding mine. He dragged me to him and tenderly took me into his arms.

He gave me a soft kiss on my cheek, turned to the audience and said:

„Isn't she wonderful? That's my Idy!"

Again there was loud applause. Elvis squeezed me tight and whispered in my ear:

„I love you Idy. I will always love you."

I felt a warm feeling spreading inside my body and I was about to burst of joy. In this moment I wanted nothing but to hold him like this forever. It all felt just perfect. But suddenly there was a deafening noise. I pressed my hands against my ears. When I gazed at Elvis, he also seemed to be distressed. Before I could say anything, the noise was getting clearer. It sounded like somebody was knocking at a gigantic door.

„Room Service. Mail for Miss Idy!"

I cringed, then I opened my eyes.

„What?", I thought by myself, „it was only a dream?", I shook my head and got up slowly. I felt a terrible headache. I couldn't exactly recall what had happened last night. I only had Johnny's friendly face in my mind and I had the impression that he had been the one who had taken me to my room. That was all I was able to remember. Again somebody knocked at the door.

"For god sake! I'm coming!"

I pressed my hands against my aching head, stumbled towards the door and opened.

„Mail for you, Miss Idy.", a boy stood in front of me. He carried a big bouquet of red roses and a small box with an envelope in his hands. I was totally puzzled.

„From whom is it?"

The boy shrugged: „I don't know, Miss. I was told to deliver this to you. Have a nice day."

Then he left. I struggled to hold this big bouquet and the box in my hands. I wasn't feeling well and I had no glue what time it was. Slowly I realized that I must have been sleeping the whole day trough.

"Oh my god!", I moaned, "I definitely had too much yesterday."

After I finally found a vase for the roses, I was excited to open the envelope that came with it. There was a card in it, which I opened quickly. While my heart was beating a little faster I read:

„My queen. Unfortunately I missed you and now I already have to return to Graceland. Please accept my apologies. I know that I haven't treated you the way you deserve, my darling. I hope you will be able to forgive me and understand that I'm about to change things. But this doesn't always go as fast as I wished it would. The only thing I can do right now, is to beg you not to give up on us. Please believe in our love because I do and I hope that you will wait for me. I will be back soon. Then our new life can begin. Charly and Johnny will take care of you while I'm away. Please Idy! Don't leave me! I could not live without you. See you soon. I love you! Elvis."

Immediately tears ran down my face. I thought about my dream. I was longing for Elvis' embrace. I knew that I loved him but I also knew that I wasn't ready to take all the pain. I was still holding the box in my hands. I was curious. Hastily I wiped away the tears and opened it. In the box I found a sparkling necklace. It was golden and as far as I could tell, there were real diamonds on it. I stopped breathing. I had never seen such a beautiful necklace before in my whole life. As I put it on and watched myself in the mirror, I was feeling like a queen from an exotic country. I already loved it. But how would things go from here? There was a spark of hope in my heart. Maybe Elvis would keep his promise and separate from Priscilla. Would I then be able to cope with living in public?

Probably I would wind up being jealous of every random fan girl and live with the fear that he would run away with her. What, if the same would happen to me as it was happening to Priscilla right now? Suddenly I felt strong feelings of guilt for her. I found Elvis to be cold hearted to just drop her like a pair of old, worn shoes. I had so many questions and I decided to ask him right away. Maybe I was able to meet him before he would leave. Hastily I put on some clothes and left my room. On my way to Elvis' suite I realized that I had forgotten to take off the necklace but I didn't want to go back again. I was determined to get some answers from Elvis.

In the hallways there were a lot of people which was rather unusual. At this time of the day the hotel guests usually were staying at the casino or at the pool. But today I even was struggling to get through the crowds. They all seemed to go towards the hotel exit. Suddenly I bumped into two young girls who obviously were very exited.

„Hey, watch out! Why are you in such a hurry?", I asked them.

„Please excuse us.", one of the girls answered, „We don't want to be late, it's almost too late!"

„Too late? For what?"

„For Elvis, of course. He is about to depart. We had heard that his limousine is already waiting for him at the main entrance. We have to hurry to see him before he will be gone. We'd love to get a picture with him."

„Oh no!", I panicked, „This can't be happening. I have so many questions."

I followed the girls and we ran quicker and quicker. When we arrived at the entrance of the hotel we had no chance to get through the crowd.

There were too many people. I tried to push through them. Every now and then I was hit by an elbow or some feet. I wasn't able to see anything but somehow managed to get through to the first row. The people were very exited. Everybody tried to get a glance at the king. Finally I had clear sight. But the only thing I could see were the back lights of the departing limousine.

-to be continued- Dear lovely readers: Thank you so much for your votes and comments! Love  Yvi

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now