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It was Sunday afternoon. I had been busy to get out of David's way the whole day through because I was afraid he might sense that I was pregnant. I knew that this was absolutely bullshit because the pregnancy still was at an early stage. Nobody could see it. My thoughts still were a mess. I just wasn't able to understand what had happened. I knew that it was impossible to get pregnant in a dream, but deep inside me I already felt the baby. I caught myself imaging how I would put the baby into Elvis' arms and how he would smile at me happily. But then I disagreed myself in my mind, trying to tell myself that this could not be real. The next moment I was thinking about that little human being inside me and I was sure that everything could happen. How was I supposed to hide the pregnancy? Some day it would be visible to everybody and then I would have to explain myself. I knew that if I would not come up with a proper explanation, my marriage would be over. I definitely didn't want to let that happen. I loved David. He was the man of my life, otherwise I wouldn't had married him.

„When will Jenny be here?", David stood behind me and wraped his arms around my hips. I froze immediately. I managed to gently free myself from his embrace and gave him a little kiss on his cheek.

„She and her new boyfriend will be here at six o'clock.", I answered and hoped that David wouldn't realize that I was hiding something from him.

„Hey, are you okay? I know, that the doctor didn't find anything but you are still looking pale.", he eyed me up from head to toe.

„Everything is fine!", I assured and smiled.

I caught myself pulling my cardigan in front of my belly in order to cover it.

„Damn!", I thought, „This cannot go on like this.", I hated that I had to hide my pregnancy. When you are expecting, usually you really want to tell everybody. I wanted to be happy and looking forward to having the baby. But I was constantly worried about somebody could notice it. I began to understand that I had to find a solution quickly.

There was the door bell. I was so excited to meet Jenny's new boyfriend. How would he look like? I opened the door and looked into two happy faces.

„Hi Idy. That's Jim, my boyfriend. Jim, that's Idy.", Jenny beamed.

The tall young man shook my hand happily. His dark eyes sparkled and his wild curly hair hung into his face. Suddenly I felt like somebody had just pulled the rug. I wasn't looking into Jim's eyes, these were definitely the eyes of Michael Harris. What the hell was wrong with me? Could it be possible that this all was just imagination? A weired state of mind, nothing more? Charly, Tom Parker and now Michael? I panicked. I feared that I was about to loose my mind completely.

Instead of letting Jenny and her boyfriend in, I turned and mumbled: „Excuse me, I have to get something.", then I disappeared quickly into the bathroom. I sat down on the edge of the bathtub. My knees were shaking wildly. I dug my head into my hands. Desperate tears were running through my fingers. Now I knew for sure that I probably suffered from a very bad disease. I saw things that could not be real. The pregnancy also seemed to be just a weired imagined phantasm that I had made up in my mind. I was terrified. What was I supposed to do now? Suddenly I felt a strong longing.

"Elvis!", I sighed.

Out of nothing I felt the urge to be held by Elvis. How could someone miss somebody so much when all they had was only a dream? Again I imagined us together with our baby. My heart pounded with joy when I thought about it. But then I was sad again because I knew that the life with Elvis never had been real.

„Pull yourself together, Idy!", I commanded myself.

I got up and whipped the tears from my face. I hoped that Jenny, Jim and especially David wouldn't notice that I had been crying. I put some make up on in order to cover the rest of my tears, then I left the bathroom and joined my husband and our guests.

„Everything okay, darling?", David asked.

„It's all good.", I answered and explained, „My aplogies but I have been feeling unwell lately. But now it's okay again. Welcome, Jim.", I smiled while I looked in these dark eyes that were so familiar.

Jenny seemed to be quite worried: „ Aren't you feeling any better at all? What did the doctor say? Did he find anything?"

„No.", I answered, „Everything is okay. Probably a temporarily condition of exhaustion. It will go away.", I lied.

I changed topics very quickly and we began to eat. It became a wonderful evening. I was relieved when I realized that Jim's similarity with Michael was only outside. He was a complete different person. He had a lot of humor. I enjoyed myself very much. This was the big difference between Jim and Michael. Michael always had been a rather serious type of guy. He had given me a feeling of being safe which was almost impossible with Elvis. But I had much more fun with Elvis. Then I recalled that one day Elvis had a fight with Charly, just for fun. At the end of the fight they were both laying on the floor, holding their bellies because they had to laugh so hard. I chuckled.

„It's nice to see that you obviously are feeling better.", David took me into his arms.

Suddenly there was this fear back again. The fear that he could feel the baby. In this moment I made a sad decision. I was thinking about having an abortion. 

"This will be the best for all.", I tried to calm myself, "The child would have no place in the real world." I was sure that I had no other choice.

Some days later the time had come. I had a doctor's appointment and I was determined to end the pregnancy. Another examination, which I had the day before, had shown that there was nothing wrong with my head. I knew that the baby was some kind of connection to my dream. I was sure that all these weired things would end after I had cut this connection, after the baby had gone. Then I would be able to return to my real life.

It was a nice and sunny morning and I decided to walk to the doctor's practice. I was terrified and sad at the same time. In this moment I would had given everything just to be able to talk to Elvis.

Suddenly I heard a female voice cursing: „Damn! My groceries!"

When I looked up I saw an old lady. She carried a white handbag in one hand and the other was holding a plastic bag that was torn at the button. All groceries were falling on the floor. All this happened in the middle of a very busy road. So I rushed to that lady in order to help her.

„Wait, I will help you!", I told her. But she didn't react at all. Instead she kept on picking her vegetables, fruits and tinned food from the street and put them into her handbag. I knew that the lady had to get off the street as quickly as possible. I feared that she might be hit by a car. So I helped her picking up everything. While I was bending down, she suddenly seemed to notice me.

„Thank you darling!", she said and smiled at me.

I didn't trust my eyes: „Martha?"

Without any doubt, this was the lady from my dream. Martha, who had booked an eternal vacation at the Flamingo. Why was she here, in the real world? I remembered here legendary handbag attacks that even Elvis had been a victim of.

„Martha! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Las Vegas!"

The old lady starred at me with a quite serious look on her face. What she then said, made absolutely no sense to me:

„You have to hurry, honey. His limousine has already left. You have no time!"

Before I was able to ask what this was all about, I heard the loud noise of an approaching car. Then I saw the radiator grill right in front of my eyes. Shortly after that I felt that I had been hit hard. There was an enormous pain running through my body. When everything around turned dark, the last thing I saw was Martha's worried face. Her words echoed in my head:

„Hurry! The limousine!"

Then I fell into deep darkness.

Will Idy survive? Will she ever see Elvis again? And what about the baby? Read it all in the next chapter!

to be continued

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now