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I was completely shocked, starring at Michael.

He frowned: „Idy, this is clearly a death threat. We received this message days ago. We didn't want to shout it from the rooftops but this is very serious."

For a short moment I thought my heart had stopped beating. I couldn't breathe anymore.

„Oh my God!", I was devastated when it came to my mind that somebody could do Elvis any harm or even take his life, „That's why you increased security for him?"

Michael nodded without saying a word.

„Why doesn't Elvis know anything about this? You have to tell him!", I insisted.

„But Idy!", Michael looked quite puzzled, „Mr. Presley has been knowing about the note since the day I received it."

I shook my head: „No, he told me that he had no clue why you increased the security level for him. Believe me, he doesn't know anything at all."

I was terrified and totally confused. Michael placed his hand on my shoulder and shook me like he wanted to awake me from a very bad dream:

„Idy, I was with him when we talked about setting the security to a higher level. I would never do such a thing without his approval. Believe me, he knows very well what is going on. I assumed that he didn't tell you. You are in danger if you show up with him in public. I love you and I don't want anything happening to you."

Suddenly I felt dizzy. While I heard what Michael was saying, his voice seemed to fade away. I was torn between panic, disbelief and anger. Why hadn't Elvis told me about this?

„Thank you for telling me, Michael.", I tried to act calm and embraced him. There was a deep sadness in me because a few seconds ago I had believed that Elvis and I had a serious relationship. But now I was questioning it all again and it seemed the only friend I had was Michael.

„I beg you, Idy, break up with him as long as it's not too late."

Tears ran down my face. I nodded and left. Then I went back to the ballroom where Elvis was waiting for me. I felt sorrow and anger creeping up inside me. When I arrived at our table, Elvis stood up immediately.

„May I have the pleasure for the next dance, mylady?", but when he looked in my face, he recognized that something was very wrong.

„Idy? Are you crying?"

I nodded and sobbed. Elvis tried to embrace me but I pushed him away.

„Leave me alone!", I tried not to yell too loudly in order to avoid any attention from the other guests.

„But Idy, please tell me what happened!"

„I just met Michael. When did you plan to tell me about the death threat?"

I didn't manage to look him in the eyes. Every fiber of my body was shaking. My legs felt weak. Elvis starred at me and didn't say a word at first. It seemed that he was thinking hardly about what to say next. His silence made me even more angry. Suddenly I couldn't stand the music of the big band anymore. I had the impression that all the other people in the room where watching us and in every dark corner I suddenly suspected somebody evil, hunting for Elvis' life. My heart pounded and my head hurt. I wanted to get away from there as quickly as I could. I turned and began to run to the exit.

„Idy, wait! Please let me explain! Idy!", I heard Elvis begging desperately.

Drowned in tears, I ran on and on, passed a dozen faces that gazed at me curiously, whispering. The elevator seemed to be awfully far away. I was relieved when the door closed behind me. Finally I was alone. I closed my eyes. Why were such things always happening to me? Nothing was normal with Elvis. Why did it always hurt so much? I asked myself all these questions while I slipped down the wall of the elevator and sank on the floor. There I was sitting, completely devasteded in my beautiful dress. I had been really looking forward to that evening. Everything had been just perfect but Elvis had ruined it all. Either Elvis nor Johnny felt the need to tell me about the death threat before convincing me to go with them on tour. I was disappointed, especially in Elvis. I felt so damn stupid. Thank god, Michael was on my side. He was probably right, I should break up with Elvis. Finally I arrived at my floor. I stepped out of the elevator and rushed to my room. My hands were shaking when I put the key into the door lock. I shut the door behind me and let myself fall into the bed. I didn't care about ruining the dress. Hastily I teared the necklace from my neck and threw it on the floor. When I had been laying there for a while, crying my heart out, I felt completely exhausted. I wasn't able to keep my eyes open. I fell into a short but deep sleep. I was dreaming of Elvis being on stage. He smiled at me but suddenly I heard shots coming from behind him. Then I saw Elvis' puzzled face, his eyes looked kind of surprised. The next second Elvis sank on the floor. There was a blood stain on his white shirt that grew bigger and bigger.

I startled and panicked. I felt so powerless. Johnny was already doing all the preparation for the tour, just like nothing had happened. How could Elvis go on, pretending everything was fine? Suddenly I heard somebody knocking at my door impatiently.

„Idy? Are you there? Please let me explain. Please, baby!", Elvis' voice sounded weak.

I stopped breathing for a second. The first thing that came into my mind was to open the door, take him into my arms, hold him tight and tell him that I was going to protect him. But I wasn't able to protect him. I wasn't even able to protect myself.

„Please go!", I said through the closed door.

„Open the door, Idy! I have to tell you something, please!"

His voice cracked. I sensed that he was quite upset. Well, I was, too. My body shook and I was biting my lip.

„I won't leave until you will open the door!"

„You will not!", I answered, „You cannot wait in front of my door. You know exactly what happened last time. They will recognize you. Your fans will find you. Leave as long as you can!"

„No! I will stay here!"

Then we stopped talking until I heard the first thrilled voices in front of the door:

"ELVIS! That's ELVIS!"

„Oh dear!", I thought.

Then it happened very fast. In no time, there was a big noise in front of my door. I looked through the spy hole and spotted Elvis who was surrounded by a group of women. He stood with his back against the door and it seemed that there was no escape for him. The women were screaming and cheering like they had gone mad. I was shocked when I watched them touching him everywhere, his face, his hair, his entire body. I opened the door hastily, grabbed Elvis' arm and pulled him into the room. We had a hard time to close the door again because the fans leaned against it. When we seemed to be safe again, Elvis sat down on the bed, coughing and digging his head into his hands. That's when I discovered the blood:

„Elvis, your are injured!"

-to be continued- Thanks a lot for your votes and your nice comments. You are the best!

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now