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Suddenly I recognized two other pairs of eyes next to Elvis.

„Oh my god! Johnny! Charly!", I was so happy to finally see the guys again. They obviously had followed their boss to Las Vegas and didn't let him out of their sight.

I was desperately trying to get out of the deck chair to say my boys hello but I struggled getting my big belly up.

Charly was the first to reach out for me and help me. His boss didn't like that at all and complained: „That's my future wife! Do you want me to fire you again?".

Charly almost dropped me but when he noticed Elvis and Johnny laughing he chuckled and continued rescuing me.

I actually felt like a very big and heavy whale. When I finally was up on my feet again, I had to take a deep breath. But Johnny and Charly didn't give me a break. They instantly hugged me and squeezed me tight. I felt a warm, comforting feeling flooding my body. Knowing that the boys were back again at my side, made me feel save and I was sure that now nothing bad would happen to me and my babies.

„Hey, I also want to get a hug!", Elvis pouted.

I released Johnny and Charly but instead of falling into his arms, I took a good look at Elvis. I noticed that his hair had grown. I stood right in front of him and touched his face. His eyes looked surprised.

„What is that?", I noticed a little scratch on his left cheek.

Elvis seemed to be pretty nervous: „That's nothing!", he said and grabbed my hand.

But Johnny was ready to talk: „That's what is left from the fight with this reporter. The boss showed him that he is the king. I don't think that the reporter will able to use his typewriter anytime soon."

Johnny and Charly chuckled. Elvis instead looked very serious.

„Why do you make me wait? Where is my hug?", he looked at me like a defiant toddler.

I smiled, took his hands and placed them on my belly: „First these two would like to say hello to you. They missed their daddy very much."

It was the perfect timing because the babies were pretty lively at this moment. Elvis could feel their moves with his bare hands. Suddenly the expression on his face changed:

„Oh my god!", he said quietly, then a single tear ran down his cheek, „It's a miracle! You are making me the happiest man on the planet, Idy. I cannot believe that we created this."

Now I also couldn't hold back the tears. I was sobbing while I fell into his arms. I had been longing for such a long time to feel him again.

Johnny, who also seemed to be close to tears, interrupted our embrace.

„I hate to disturb you but boss we have been recognized. It was only a matter of time, outside in the public."

Meanwhile we were surrounded by a crowd of people. I noticed that they were respectful and gave us enough space. It seemed that they were waiting for us to finish our hellos. As soon as I released Elvis from my embrace, they applauded and wished us and the babies well. This was nice and I didn't mind that Elvis took some time to talk to them and give some autographs. I was happy to have him back with his family.

Although he was surrounded by a lot of women who desperately wanted to talk to him or even kiss him, Elvis was constantly looking at me.

Finally he said: „Why don't you go inside with Johnny. Rest, my love!"

This sounded quite tempting because my legs gave me a hard time. I grabbed Johnny and we made ourselves comfortable at the bar.

„He was constantly thinking about you and the babies when we were in Florida.", Johnny said while he handed me a glass of orange juice.

„I'm so happy that you are finally back. It would had been awful to give birth to the babies without having Elvis at my side. It's so nice that you were able to return two days earlier."

„Well this wasn't a coincidence. We hurried to finish filming because there a great things ahead.", he seemed to be pretty excited when he turned the pages of his little notebook.

„What is going on?", I asked curiously.

„The Colonel is excited about the idea of Elvis getting a contract for the shows in Las Vegas. We didn't waste any time and already created a concept for the shows. Don't ask how the Colonel did this, but he managed to get Greebaum's approval for doing a test show here at the Flamingo. It will be in three days. We already have a set list, a band and a background choir. We won't have much time to rehearse but I'm not worried about that. The boss will be brilliant. This is going to be a big thing, Idy. If this concert is a success, the deal will be done. The whole crew is looking forward to the engagement in Las Vegas. We all won't need to travel that much any more. Soon Las Vegas will be our home. And it's going to be awesome for you also.", Johnny beamed with joy.

"You have no idea how glad I am." I yawned, "Please excuse me, I'm awfully tired lately."

Johnny put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I placed my head on his shoulder.

„You should rest, Idy. I think the boss will be busy another hour or so and after that I will have to talk to him. What do you think about me giving you the key to his suite? You could relax until he will be with you later."

„ a very good idea, Johnny!", I sighed.

Johnny smiled and gave me the key. He finished his beer, then he went outside to look for Elvis.

I loved Elvis' suite, or better said, the bed that was in it. It was the perfect bed, so nice and cozy. I wanted to sleep and I was looking forward to Elvis waking me up later. I was thinking about when we first met at the pool and when Elvis gave me the secret message at the signing session. A cold shiver ran down my spine when I recalled how I had found him lifeless in his suite and the horrible minutes when I had given him CPR. I also remembered the moment that I had found out that I was pregnant and the tragic accident when Thomas was killed. I knew exactly how I had felt when his fans had supported Elvis and had brought him back on stage. I had images of Graceland in my mind. I saw Priscilla running away from a peacock at Charly's and Maggy's wedding and I saw the happy faces of the Warners who had a new home now. It was more than romance between Elvis and I. It was an eternal bond. Caught in this thought, I smiled when I turned the key to Elvis' suite and opened the door.

I was scared to death when I realized that somebody was in there.

„Hello Idy!"

It was Ann-Margret. She smiled at me. I stopped breathing. Why was she here?

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now