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The next morning, Jenny waited for me to having breakfast together. She seemed to be quite excited.

„Idy! I have to tell you something!"

I was curious what news she might have and sat down next to her.

„What's up? This must be really important news. You seem to be pretty nervous."

„I've seen your necklace.", she underlined it by looking rather conspirative and mysterious.

„What? Where did you see it?"

"I swear I saw it around Pamela's neck yesterday night."

Pamela was one of the Flamingo Show Girls. I couldn't believe what I just had heard.

„Are you sure, Jenny? It might had been just another necklace that accidentally looked similar."

"Idy, there is only one necklace like yours. I would be able to recognize it amongst a thousand others. But what I don't believe is, that Pamela had stolen it. She would never do such a thing."

I agreed. Pamela was still very young and nice, perhaps a little naive. She might not even know how to steal a necklace without getting caught instantly.

„But how did she get the necklace?", I asked.

„I already have been asking that myself, Idy.", Jenny placed her face on her hands and frowned, "I think that somebody else took the necklace and gave it to her. Her lover maybe."

„Seriously?", this sounded like a really weired story to me.

„Think about it, Idy. The other day Pamela told everybody about her new boyfriend. He is a lot older than she, wealthy and buys her a lot of presents."

„You are right!", now I also remembered what Pamela had told us about her new lover, „She also said that he is doing business in the entertainment industry."

I thought about that Jerry had been my first suspect and then everything suddenly came to my mind. What if Jerry was after show girls ins general? First it had been me, then he had hit on Jenny. What if he had found his next Flamingo Show Girl?

„That can't be true!", I thought. Again I felt this cold rage in me. Of course Jenny must not know about my suspicion. I didn't want her to be mad at me again. But I had to tell Michael immediately. If it would turn out to be true, I swore to myself that I would get Jerry, no matter what. I wanted to see him behind bars.

After breakfast with Jenny I went right to Michael's office. On my way I recalled last night. It was nice to wake up next to him. Somehow I had a feeling of finally having arrived. The true love for him will come eventually, I thought. I was willing to give our relationship a try and to get Elvis out of my mind. He was out of reach. I gave up the idea of a normal life with him because he had no normal life. This decision gave me some peace of mind. I promised myself to enjoy every day that I would live this dream in Las Vegas and I wanted to do it with the people I really loved and Michael definitely was one of them.

„Come in!", I heard after I had knocked at the door.

When I entered, Michael was on the phone but he gave me a sign that I could  stay. He looked rather distressed.

„Yes, aha, okay, I got it. We will do everything that is necessary. Please inform me immediately when plans might change. Thank you. Bye." Then he hung up.

„Hi, Idy! What a surprise. I thought I won't see you until tonight. Please excuse me. This day had began rather busy, some unforeseen incidents.", he let his fingers run through his curly hair and smiled at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I could come back later if now is a bad time.", I already was opening the door.

"No! Please stay, Idy. The only thing is, that I have only little time. There are plenty of things I have to organize right now."

I was curious: "What's up? Should I be worried? What's distressing you so much?"

Michael looked at me skeptical. And there was this typical frown again:

„Hhhmmmm...I'm not allowed to talk to anybody about this.", he scrateched his head, „Okay, but promise me not to tell anybody. It's confidential, okay?"

I was totally excited and swore to be quiet.

"I was talking to Colonel Parker at the phone. He told me that Elvis will arrive tomorrow. He will be in town for some days basically for promotion of the new movie. This is very short notice. I have to get everything together for guaranteeing Mr. Presley's safety. The bad thing is, that two of my men are on sick leave at the moment. Providing adequate security for a man like Elvis Presley brings us to our limits. At least working with him is always a pleasure. He is totally at ease, you know, especially when it comes to..."

He was interrupted by another incoming telephone call.

„Idy, please excuse me. I bet this is the director of the hotel. He wants to know if we already did everything for the important guest. I will have to tell him, that we are not ready at all. Damn!"

Nervously his hands ran through his hair again and again until his curls were an absolute mess. If I had not been in shock he would had made me laugh. But I was frozen. Elvis would return to the Flamingo!

„It's fine!", I answered, „I will wait.. It's not important.", I tried not reveal that I was devastated. My hands were shaking and my face turned red. Michael smiled at me, then he picked up the receiver.

„Yes, hello? Ah, Mr. Greembaum. Yes, I just heard the news. I'm already on it."

I quietly opened the door and left the office. Outside I leaned against the office door. I had to take a deep breath. How should I handle this situation? What if I would ran into Elvis? Would he still want me? Obviously he had chosen Priscilla. And what about my decision? Had I already chosen Michael?

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now