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The next morning I still felt awful and David made me promise that I would stay home from work. I started to get worried. I was constantly feeling dizzy. I had been feeling sick since I awake from my dream. So I decided to see Dr. Cooper. Hopefully he would be able to give me some advice. The doctors practice was packed. I was told that Dr. Cooper was sick and that another doctor would see me.

„Would you like to return as soon as Dr. Cooper has recovered?", the nurse asked me.

„No way!", I answered, „I'm really not feeling well. I need help now. Somebody has to know what's wrong with me."

„Okay, but this might take a while.", she told me.

I intended not to leave the practice before I had been checked. Therefore I took a seat in the waiting room and grabbed one of those magazines that were laying on a table in the middle of the room. Lost in thoughts, I began to browse all the stories and pictures in it until one line drew my attention:

>> Graceland mourns the 40th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley<<

I instantly froze. When I read the article about the death of Elvis and saw all those pictures, suddenly a deep sorrow overwhelmed me. My dream had felt so real. I had been a part of his life. Every time I closed my eyes it was like I could feel his soft skin, I knew the rhythm of his heartbeat and I still recalled how it felt when his incredible lips touched mine. I remembered this warm feeling every time when he kissed me, just like an electrical shock that ran through my body. This had not been like any other dream. Something had happened to me in this dream. I felt it in every fiber of my body. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts, when I heard my name. I was very nervous when I entered the examination room. I hoped that there was a simple explanation for my bad condition.

„Dr. Wagner will be with you shortly.", the nurse said.

I nodded and sat down on a chair in front of the doctor's desk. Then the door opened and Dr. Wagner entered.

„Hello! Well, why are you here today, Miss?", he greeted me.

I startled when I looked into his face. This could not be true! My nervousness changed into pure panic. This man was the spitting image of Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis' Manager. I hated him. It was unbelievable, but Dr. Wagner also had his deep, threatening voice that I remembered very well from my dream. Now I was questioning my mental health. At first I imagined to see Charly at the diner and now Tom Parker? Was my bad health the reason that I was seeing faces from my dream? I was completely puzzled and scared to death. Although I didn't trust the appearance of the doctor, I still explained my medical condition.

Dr. Wagner, alias Tom Parker, frowned: „This sounds like really heavy symptoms. You said that you are feeling worse in the mornings?"

„Yes, absolutely right.", I gazed at him and I noticed that I was prepared for him yelling at me and telling me to leave Elvis alone.

Dr. Wagner starred at the monitor screen in front of him and studied my medical record. He asked some more questions, then he leaned back in his chair and smiled at me: „Miss, it's just an hunch but let's make a blood test. Hopefully this will give us more clarity."

„Are you suspecting anything serious?", I asked.

„Don't worry! We got this!", he smiled and winked at me, „See you in a few minutes.", then he left the room.

Patiently I waited for the nurse who took the blood and some minutes later I was back in the examination room. Dr. Wagner followed shortly and began to analyze the results. After a while he looked up and said: „My hunch got confirmed."

I took a deep breath because I was so scared of the diagnose. What if I was seriously ill? Cancer or some other fatal disease. My hands were shaking when Dr. Wagner explained:

„My dear, congratulations! You are pregant!"

It felt like somebody had hit me with a hammer.

„W...what?", I stuttered.

„Definitely positive!", Dr. Wagner cheered, „The result of the blood test shows it clearly."

„This must be a mistake, Doc. I'm not able to get pregnant. There must be something wrong with the test. You see, my husband had an vasectomy last year. He is sterile. We cannot have kids.", I shook my head vehemently.

„It means that you are still able to get pregnant.", the doctor corrected me.

„What do you mean?"

„Well, with whom you meet besides your marriage is not my business.", Wagner smirked.

I jumped out of the chair. How could he say something like that? I would never cheat on my husband.

„What an infamy!", I grumbled, „I really can't do this. Please excuse me."

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the practice. I was completely upset when I was running down the stairs as fast as I could. I didn't believe a word this doctor had just said. What a jerk! I decided to go and see my gynecologist. She would be able to disprove the diagnose. Thank god, I managed to get an appointment at Dr. Summer's practice and found myself one hour later on the examination stool for getting an ultrasonic testing.

When Dr. Summers had finished the examination and was just about to say something, I interrupted her: „Completely nonens, right? I really don't know how Dr. Wagner had come to this conclusion. You also know that my husband is....", I interrupted myself when I noticed the expression on the doctor's face.

She shook her head: „I confirm the diagnose. It's more than obvious and clearly visible at the ultrasonic. There is your baby!", she pointed at a little shadow on the screen of the ultrasonic device.

Suddenly I had the impression that the room was moving around me. I was scared to fall off the stool every second.

„B...but how is that possible?", I asked with disbelief.

„Please, Idy!", the doctor begged, „If you had an affair and the baby is from another man, you really should tell your husband the truth."

„You don't get it, do you?", I desperately dug my head into my hands, „I don't have to tell my husband anything, because there is no other man."

„But you are definitely pragnant. Oh my god!", Dr. Summers looked at me and I could tell that she was very worried, „Did anybody do this to you without your consent?"

„No!", I answered, „Of course not!"

„Oh, good.", the doctor obviously was relieved, „Well, I'm afraid there is nothing else I could do for you now."

Completely devastated and with shaking knees I left the practice. On my way back home, thousands of thoughts were running through my head. I couldn't explain myself how I got pregnant. I always had been faithful to my husband. How was I supposed to explain that to him? At home I felt quite exhausted and laid down on the couch. The sun was shining through the window. The warmth on my face felt really good. I found some peace of mind and closed my eyes. There were these pictures back in my mind. I saw Elvis' face, his sensual eyes. I could literally feel his touch and his passionate kisses, the warmth of his body and these little sighs he used to make. I smiled. My hand touched my belly. Then suddenly there was an idea rising in my head. But how could this be possible? It all had been a dream. Could this be Elvis' baby? Imaging this made me feel happy. But I chased the thought away the next minute by shaking my head. Was I about to loose my mind?

-to be continued- Please hit the star and comment if you like.

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now