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I assured Michael that I would inform him as soon as I would hear anything from Elvis. Obviously he was satisfied with that.

„Take care!", he said and hugged me.

I was wondering why he was still standing by me although I tried to push him away. I caught myself enjoying his embrace for a short moment. But then I was thinking of Elvis again. I could not stand all the people around me anymore. Hastily I said Michael good-bye and hoped that he would not notice anything. I wanted to keep the secret that Elvis was in Las Vegas. I watched Michael walking to the reception where he asked for director Greenbaum. Although I was curious and desperately needed to know what he wanted from Greenbaum, I rather preferred to go back to my room. I decided to make a detour to the breakfast room in order to get something to eat for Elvis. While I filled a plate, I was caught in my thoughts. I imagined how I would take Elvis and escape with him. Only he and I. We would go where nobody could find us. Then I recalled the break down I had backstage in Nashville. Back then Elvis had been worried sick about me and he had promised that he would take me to Hawaii one day.

„Hawaii! That's it!", I remembered Elvis telling me that he loved to be there. He explained that Hawaii was a kind of exclusion zone for the press. Neither the people on the island nor the press were showing any interest in him whenever he visited the island. Thinking about a vacation with Elvis without any interruptions and without being bothered at all, put a big smile on my face. I imagined us laying at the beach, kissing each other and having a lot of fun. I stood at the breakfast buffet smiling happily with the plate in my hands until somebody approached me.

„Be careful my dear! Things won't turn out like you think they will. Be cautious and don't trust anybody!", I knew the voice that was talking to me.

I startled an turned around: „Martha?"

But there was no older, little lady with a big white handbag standing behind me. I had heard her voice, but it was all in my head. She was the one who had been with me the whole time throughout this endless dream. She often told riddles. I had the impression that Martha was the connection between my dream world and the reality. Her messages always had been of high importance to me.

I looked around the breakfast room but there were only guests that I didn't know. Some of them recognized me and waved at me.

Martha's words scared me. They confirmed the bad feeling inside me that grew bigger and bigger. It was about to take control of my thoughts and feelings. All I wanted was to get away as soon as possible. I wanted to tell Elvis about my plan and I hoped and prayed that he would like the idea of going to Hawaii.

On my way to my room I was still thinking about Martha's words: „Be careful! Don't trust anybody!"

I struggled to hold the plate in my hands because they were shaking so much. I felt threatened and unsafe. My steps got faster and faster. Today the way to my room seemed to be endless. I was relieved when I finally shut the door behind me. The panic inside me suddenly disappeared when I noticed Elvis' sent. Instantly I had this warm and loving feeling inside me. It felt so good to have him at my side. It came clear to me that nothing would be able separate us. Lovingly I gazed at the bed but all I saw was nothing but empty bed sheets. Elvis wasn't there. I held my breath for one second: "No, please, no!", I thought.

„Elvis?", I panicked. Did he leave me without even saying good-bye?

I walked around the bed and realized that the travel bag was still standing there where Elvis had left it the night before. I took a deep breath of relief when I suddenly felt a pair of hands, embracing me from behind, followed by soft lips that kissed my neck tenderly. I was still holding the plate in my hands and I almost dropped it.

„I thought you were gone.", I closed my eyes and enjoyed Elvis caressing my neck.

„Why did you think so?", he asked and placed his hands on my shoulders.

I turned around. Elvis was wearing nothing but his underpants and his hair was a big mess. He looked well rested and healthy. I was surprised because the night before he had looked awfully sick. He gazed at the plate in my hands.

„Breakfast! You are amazing, Idy. I'm starving!", he beamed with joy when he took the plate and put it on the table.

„Who said that it's for you?"

„You really want to have the peanut butter-banana-sandwich?", he asked, „I thought you hate peanut butter."

„You got me!", I confessed. I had asked the chef of the Flamingo to make a sandwich like that for Elvis. I knew that he loved his peanut butter-banana-sandwich.

I put my arms around Elvis' neck and nuzzled my cheek to his: „It's so nice that I have you back!", I sighed and stuck my nose into his hair. It was weired but somehow it smelled like coconuts.

„The people from the press are still besieging the hotel. Poor Michael and his team. They are completely overwhelmed. I don't want them to find you Elvis. I'm worried about you! We must get away from here. What do you think?", I tried to put his hair in order. He used to like it very much when I let my fingers run through his black hair. He closed his eyes. I was still worshiping his perfect face.

"You are right. I cannot stay here. It's literally bad for the hotel's business. I have to get away as fast as possible.", he opened his eyes, looked at me and dragged my into his arms.

It all felt so good, so right. I stroke his nude back tenderly.

"I have an idea, Elvis. What would you say if we both escape and have a nice holiday at Hawaii?"

Suddenly he pushed me away. His blue eyes looked surprised when he said: „Hawaii? Are you kidding me?"

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now