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I held my breath.

„Come on!", I murmured and nervously rubbed my hands against each other, „You can do this!"

Suddenly, just as if he was reading my mind, Elvis gave the sign and I heard the first tunes of „Heartbreak Hotel", followed by frenetic applause.

Elvis smiled and I could tell that he felt comfortable. With an unexpected rough voice he sang: „Well, since my baby left me...."

His voice didn't sound like it used to but it was exactly what the song needed.

I had goose bumps. It was the best version of the song that I had ever heard before. I was so proud of Elvis. After he had finished the song, he seemed to be totally at ease and chatted with the guys from the band. It was like everybody was sitting on the couch at Graceland at a private session. While the boys told jokes, Elvis managed to charm his audience more and more. He flirted with all the women in the audience while his voice sounded better and better with every new song. The band and the choir did a really good job. The show was a big success. Nobody was sitting in their chairs anymore. Even I couldn't hold still any longer and danced to the rhythm. Elvis' performance was just awesome.

Then he asked everybody for their attention: "Ladies and Gentlemen.", he pulled at the collar of his leather jacket, "Boy oh boy, it's pretty hot in here."

„Not as hot as you are!", it was a female voice in the audience.

Elvis looked surprised while he was trying to find the lady in the audience. I chuckled when I realized that his face turned red. He smiled shyly then he grabbed the microphone:

„As you might know, there is a special lady in my life and I like to dedicate the next song to her. It's a cover and it's the first time that I perform it on stage. The song is called „The Wonder of you" and it's about you, Idy."

It felt like I had been struck by lightning. With my eyes wide open, I watched Elvis gazing at my direction and winking at me. My knees went weak. Suddenly I was totally nervous.

Then I heard the music, the first lines of „The Wonder of You" and I was close to tears. Elvis looked right into my eyes. I understood what he tried to tell me when he sang:

When no one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on

I was overwhelmed. It was the nicest gift that anybody ever had given me. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

Elvis didn't stop smiling and waved at me. I startled when I realized that he gave me a sign, he wanted me to come on stage.

„Oh no! He won't!", I thought. Not a thousand horses could made me go on stage. I stared at Elvis with disbelief and shook my head.

„No!", I whispered.

But he grinned at me until finally he shouted: „Come on, Idy...come on stage!"

The audience was hysterical. The people screamed my name. They wanted to see me up there.

„Don't be shy!", suddenly I heard Johnny's voice.

He started to push me towards the stage.

„Please don't do that!", I begged, "I won't go up there!"

But this little man was so strong and before I even could say anything else, I was standing in the middle of a spotlight that was blinding me. I felt so ridiculous with my giant belly. I thought about that I should had put on a little more make up this evening. I was nervous and I felt uncomfortable. The audience went very loud, too loud for me. I felt dizzy. I wasn't in shape for this at all.

But then, suddenly, I felt Elvis' hand and it calmed me down instantly. He looked me in the eyes while he continued singing. I was enchanted by his charisma. I thought about what a lucky girl I was because I had been able to get such a man. I was so proud of him as he was standing in front of me, so beautiful like a young god. The people in the audience cheered. I felt like a superstar.

„Wait a minute! Am I a superstar now?", I thought and at first I didn't notice the rising panic around me.

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed somebody quickly approaching us. A few seconds before, I had heard something weired, a fizzing noise, just like a shot from a noise-reducted gun.

I chuckled: „Oh Idy!", I thought, „You are acting paranoid again!"

But when I was just about to turn to Elvis, I saw Michael's face closely in front of me. He jumped on me and yelled:

„Idy! No! Get down!", then he pushed me down on the floor. After we had hit the floor, I heard voices that panicked.

„Oh my god!", I thought, „Not again. Please, dear god, don't let it happen again!"

Michael bended over me, protected me.

„Idy! You are bleeding! Oh no, you have been hit!", he screamed.

„I...what? Am I injured? Oh no!", my heart was pounding wildly. I could hardly breathe.

Michael's hands were covered with blood. Everything was red.

„My babies!", this was my only thought while I was terrified of the pain that I was about to feel any second. But I felt nothing. I tried to move slowly. I touched my body carefully but there was nothing, no wound, no blood. Suddenly I realized the cruel reality.

„Michael, this is not my blood! It's yours!"

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now