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After I had woken up again, I felt an awful pain in my head and there was a loud beeping sound in my ears. I didn't dare to move. My body felt numb. When I tried to open my eyes, I wasn't able to. I was simply too weak.

„Am I dying?", I asked myself.

I was laying on my back, helpless, trying to figure out where I was. The desperate try to open my eyes remained unsuccessful. What had happened? Where was I? I managed to move my fingers a little. I felt the warm asphalt. The last thing I remembered was the large radiator grill of a car that hit me.

„I had an accident. Help!", but nobody could hear me because it was only in my head. My lips didn't move at all. They remained shut, just like my eyes. I panicked. Why wasn't there anybody helping me? How long had I been laying on the street? When I tried to open my eyes again I finally saw light.

„So far so good, Idy!", I thought, „Now cry for help!". But I still wasn't able to make any sound. Suddenly I heard steps that quickly approached me.

„Help! Help!", I cried in my thoughts but the only sound I was able to make was a tormented „Uuuuuggghhh". Every move caused extreme pain.

The steps came nearer. I hoped that somebody had found me. Then I heard voices:

„Oh my god! It's Idy! Hurry, Johnny, call a doctor!"

I felt that somebody was kneeling down next to me. My eyes still weren't completely open. Everything was blurry. When I finally felt an arm, I grabbed it tightly.

„Please stay with me!", I begged in my thoughts. I was terrified. I didn't want to be left alone.

„It's me honey!", a velvet voice told me.

I felt two arms taking me and lifting me up. I wasn't in control of my own body. I leaned against the body of my savior who obviously tried to help me up.

„Johnny! Forget about the doctor! I'm afraid it will be better to got to a hospital right away. She is in very bad shape. Probably a concussion. Hopefully she has no inner injuries.", the voice of my savior sounded worried.

My eyes shut again. I had a hard time to stay awake.

„Okay, Idy. This might hurt a little, but you have to get off the street."

Suddenly I felt two arms around my legs and arms, then I was liftet up.

„Uuuuggghhh!", this pain was unbearable, „I...I...", I tried to speak desperately.

„Sssshhhh...please don't talk Idy. Stay calm. I got you. We will bring you to a hospital."

This voice sounded so familiar and suddenly I felt completely calm. I leaned my head against the chest of my savior who carried me on his arms. Then I was gently placed on a soft cushion. I tried to get up but I still couldn't move. There were  people sitting next to me. I didn't recognize them because everything still was blurry. Then I heard the sound of a car engine and we began to move.

„How the hell could this happen, Fred?", the voice of my savior asked.

„I'm so sorry, Boss but she suddenly appeared. When I hit the breaks it already was too late.", the voice was coming from the front. This was obviously the driver of the car.

„Oh god, I hope that she will be okay. Why did that happen? We had a fight, Johnny. I'm so sorry. If she dies...", he sounded desperate, I heard a soft sobbing.

„She will not die, boss. She is a strong girl. Everything will be fine, you will see."

I felt warm, soft hands that stroke my face. His touch felt good. It made me feel alive again.

„To what hospital should we bring her, Mr. Presley?", somebody asked.

„Wait a minute!", I thought, „Elvis?"

Had I returned to my dream? Had the accident put me into a coma and transfered my mind back to 1964? Then I recognized that beautiful face above me. From his blue eyes I could spot a single tear running down his cheek. There was a band aid above his right eyebrow.

„Idy!", Elvis tenderly kissed my forehead, „Please stay with me, honey. We will bring you to a hospital."

Suddenly I remembered everything. Our fight shortly before I had been thrown back to my reality. I recalled meeting Jenny and these familiar faces from my dream that had suddenly appeared in my real life. Now I was back in my dream and instantly it came to my mind that I had brought something with me from my real life.

„The baby!", I thought and panicked. Was I still pregnant? Had the accident injured the baby?

Without saying a word I clinged to Elvis' arm. He continued trying to calm me down by talking to me. I already felt better but my head still hurt. Elvis did everything to make me feel as comfortable as possible. He told funny stories to cheer me up. After a while we arrived at the hospital.

Elvis insisted to push the wheelchair himself in which he had put me in. Of course this caused a lot of attention amongst the patients and the hospital staff. They were starring at us curiously. In every corner I could hear people whispering Elvis' name but nobody dared to get in our way and talk to us. Elvis instructed his boys to stay by the wheelchair. When we arrived at the emergency room a nurse greeted us. She recognized Elvis. Her face turned red immediately as she said:

„I...I'm sorry, Mr. Presley but the doctor is busy doing a surgery. I will have to ask you to wait. It might last an hour but then he certainly will check on her."

I saw Elvis inhaling deeply. From his eyes I could tell that he was very angry.

„Where is the operating room?", he asked impatiently.

„Over there.", she answered, „But you aren't allowed to go in there! Mr. Presley...please....that's not!"

I heard how Elvis instructed Johnny to stay with me, then he disappeared, heading for the operating room. The nurse ran after him and tried to hold him back desperately. Two of his guys followed him immediately in order to stop him.

„Oh, that's so typical.", Johnny sighed, then he bended down. I was still a little dizzy and the pain was killing me:

„Hi Idy!", he had the warmest smile in the world.

„Hi Johnny."

„You scared us to death, Idy! You had to have your scene, right?", he winked at me.

„Damn right!", I didn't dare to smirk because every movement of my face hurt.

Johnny chuckled. I was glad that he was with me. I had found a dear friend in him. He took my hand.

„They won't let him into the operating room.", he stated.

„I don't think so!", I tried to avoid chuckling, afraid it might hurt again.

„Oh, that really doesn't look good!", I looked up into the face of a doctor.

„Doctor Connor.", he introduced himself, „I will have a look on your injuries, Miss.", then he grabbed the wheelchair and brought me into an examination room. I was gazing at Johnny.

„I will wait for the boss. We will follow as soon as they caught him.", he said.

Dr. Connor examined my body from head to toe: „You have a severe concussion, but no other serious injuries.", he adjusted his glasses, „But there is still one thing."

I held my breath. I was afraid to ask him, but I had to:

„How is my baby doing, Doc?"

While my heart was pounding wildly, I waited for his answer.

„Please tell me that the baby is okay!", I begged.

„Well.", Dr. Connor cleared his throat, „You don't ask the question the right way."

„What do you mean?", now I was really terrified.

„You better should ask how your two babies are doing!"

-to be continued -

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now