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I remembered very well when I saw Elvis and Ann-Margret kissing that day at Graceland and how she suggested him to leave me. I felt the cold rage rising inside me. I didn't want her to be here at all. But she walked to me while she was beaming with joy. Then she grabbed my hands.

I immediately pulled my hands back: „What are you doing here?", I asked angrily.

„Elvis asked me to wait for you here. We ran into each other in Florida at the film studios and we worked everything out. It's all good between us now. It was just a misunderstanding, Idy. I'm so so sorry!", again she tried to touch my hands.

I backed off and with a gesture I let her know that I wanted her to stay away from me.

"Well, a misunderstanding it was? I really don't see any misunderstanding in your words that I'm just a silly showgirl. Leave me alone! I don't want to see you anymore!"

„But Idy, Elvis wants us to talk. He thinks that we could work this out. We used to be best friends. I don't want to lose you!", Ann's eyes looked pretty desperate.

For a second I really thought about listening to her but my pride was stronger.

„I don't care what Elvis said. You are best friends again? So what? But if it comes to you and me, it's over! You disappointed me. Who would hit on your best friend's fiancée? Tell me Ann? Who would do something like that?"

My heart was racing and I was breathing faster. This was way too much trouble. My entire body was shaking.

„Please, Idy, don't be like that."

„Who do you think you are?", I yelled at her, „You really seem to think that I'm stupid."

Ann didn't answer. She just stared at me.

„Get out!", I told her, „I don't want to see you ever again!"

I went to the door, opened it and showed her the way out. She understood. Tears rolled down her cheeks while she rushed out of the door.

"And don't you dare to put your hands on my fiancée ever again! Otherwise, I...I....will...ah shit it doesn't matter what I would do! But I warn you!", I yelled after her.

Ann looked at me one more time. He mascara had turned into a black river that was running down her face. I was a little surprised by her reaction. I actually felt sympathy for her but the rage inside me was stronger. I simply couldn't stand her any longer.

After I had slammed the door, I had to take a deep breath. This encounter had made me feel really upset. I struggled to calm down again. What was this all about? Why did Elvis do that to me? Did he really think that I could be best friends with Ann-Margret ever again? Were they still having an affair? I was close to giving birth to the babies. Would he really do that do me now? If Elvis wanted to be a really good father and husband, I had to be sure that I could trust him. But I always had these bad feelings.

I tried not to think about it but it didn't work. That's how I waited in Elvis' suite, completely upset and confused. I didn't know what to think anymore.

After a while, the door opened. Elvis finally had left his fans behind and entered the room.

"Hello my queen. I thought you were resting.", when he looked me in the eyes, he paused, "What's going on? Did something happen? Was Ann-Margret here? I asked her to wait for us here. Where is she? Talk to me, Idy!", he tried to take me into his arms, but I pushed him away.

The anger almost took my breath away. I could hardly speak:

„How dare you? You really thought that this would be so easy, didn't you? You thought that if you send her to me, we would be able to sort things out and everything would be just as the king wishes. But you were wrong your majesty! I don't want to see or talk to that person ever again! Do you hear me?"

„What do you mean, as I wish?", Elvis eyes looked at me angrily, „All I wanted was you to be happy. Ann and you used to be friends."

„Yes, we were best friends but we aren't any longer.", I was furious.

„I will work with Ann again if you like it our not!", Elvis hissed angrily, „She is really talented and we fit together."

„Oh yes!", I interrupted him, „Everything for the business! You take care of the business. It's always first. More important than me, more important than your friends, our kids and more important than yourself. Elvis, what about us?"

Suddenly he reached out for me and took me in his arms tenderly.

„I don't want to fight with you, Idy. I'm so happy with you and the babies. Please don't be mad. Forget about Ann. Everything I want is you. I love you so much, my queen!"

I heard his words that he whispered in my ear so softly. I closed my eyes and fell into a passionate kiss. After all this time with Elvis, I still felt butterflies.

„I also don't want to fight!", I sighed while Elvis carefully unbuttoned my blouse and placed his head tenderly on my naked belly.

Then I had one of the most intense nights with Elvis. I didn't know that having sex was even possible with such a big belly. But it was and Elvis could not get enough of my belly and the babies inside me. He was crazy about them. He promised to be at my side when it would be time to give birth to them.

Well, there was still this concert that was about to take place. Elvis was under pressure because there was not enough time for rehearsals with the band and the choir. But he hang in there and worked constantly. The next two days I waited for him in vain. He had disappeared in the rehearsal room. I couldn't find Johnny most of the time and when I did, he only told me that he had no time to talk because of all the arrangements he had to do. I admired the discipline he and Elvis and all the others showed while working their asses off. Meanwhile Elvis used to spent the nights on an old couch in the rehearsal room. He didn't want to waste any time. He rehearsed his singing parts again and again. It was pure madness. I tried to stay out of all this while I was struggling with early, minor contractions. I hoped and prayed that the babies would not come during the concert, because I really wanted Elvis to be at my side when the time finally had come. Time flew by and soon the days were over and the evening of the concert had arrived. We were piled together in Elvis' dressing room. Elvis, the Colonel, Johnny, Charly and the musicians of the band were sitting on camping chairs in a small and stifling room. The Colonel gave Elvis a breathtaking outfit. It was a black leather jacket with black leather pants. When Elvis put it on, it looked like a second skin and it showed how well trained he was. He looked breathtaking and sexy. I would have loved to steal him away and tie him up to the bed. I wanted to make him wear this one day only for me. I was looking forward to hearing his charming chuckles when I would tell him that he was looking sexy in this outfit.

But then suddenly Elvis sent everybody out of the dressing room, exept for me.

„Please leave us alone for a little while. See you on stage in a few minutes.", with a smile on his face, he threw everybody, including the Colonel, out of the room.

Before he left the dressing room, Tom Parker turned around and placed his hand on Elvis' shoulder: „See you in a bit. This is going to be great. It will be the comeback of the century. In twenty years people will still be talking about this concert. I'm proud of you, my boy!"

Elvis smiled and nodded. Then he closed the door. We were alone.  Suddenly the expression on his face changed. He turned pale and his hands began to shake.

„What's wrong with you? Are you okay?", I asked.

„Idy, I need your help! I can...I cannot...I won't go on stage!"

-to be continued-

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