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„Please help him!", I begged her. I was still holding Michael's lifeless body. Ann-Margret knelt down to us: „Let him go, Idy! There is nothing more that we can do for him!", she tried to pull me away from him, but I refused to let go.

„No! We must help him!"

„Idy! We have to take care of your babies now. Your water broke. We have to go to a hospital immediately.", she dragged me away from Michael.

„Where is Elvis? Elvis! Elvis!", I cried my heart out. Deep inside me I was hoping to wake up from this nightmare. Then Ann-Margret took me into her arms:

„Everything will be alright!", she said with a calm voice, „Let Michael go. Somebody will take care of him. I will take you to the hospital now. Please Idy, don't let anything happen to you or the babies. I would like to help you. I have to make it up to you."

When I looked into her eyes, I saw that she meant every word she was saying. I really needed her help. Therefore I grabbed her hand. Before she helped me up, I kissed Michael's forehead one last time. My tears dropped down on his face and mixed with his blood. Then one of Michael's men came rushing towards us.

„Oh my god! It's Harris!"

I was in severe pain and it was almost impossible for me to get up but with the help of Ann, I did it somehow.

When I was finally up on my feet again, I looked down. Michael was still laying there in a big puddle of blood. Meanwhile two men were taking care of him. I felt awfully sick. I panicked when I grabbed Ann-Magret's arm:

„Okay, let's go!", she said, supporting me while we walked to the back exit of the hotel.

On our way, she told one of the security men: „Please inform Mr. Presley. He should come to the Sunrise Hospital as quickly as he can. He is about to become a daddy!" The young men instantly went back into the hotel.

"Can we please wait for him?", I begged, "He promised me to be at my side when the babies will come. I cannot do this without him!"

„We have no time, Idy! We cannot wait. I have no idea when his bodyguards will be ready to release him. It might take a while. You have to be brave now. I'm here for you."

„Oh god, Ann, what if something happens to the babies?", I was terrified.

„I won't let anything happen to them.", she told me. She managed to calm me down.

„I trust you!", I said. She nodded and smiled at me.

I didn't know how she did it but she managed to put me into her car. 

When we arrived at the hospital, everything went super quickly. I had severe contraction when they pushed me into the delivery room. I was overwhelmed by the pain. My ears were ringing and it felt like my head was about to explode.

Although it was not common for family members or friends to come into the delivery room, the doctors gave the permission for Ann to accompany me. 

„I'm scared, Ann!" She stroke my hair tenderly.

„Don't be, Idy. It will be okay. Everything will be fine. You will see."

She seemed to be totally at ease. But all the excitement around me still made me scared: „What is this all about?", I asked, „What are these machines that they are bringing into the room? Is there something wrong with the babies?"

One of the doctors answered: „It doesn't look good, Mrs. Presley!", I wanted to tell him that I wasn't Mrs. Presley yet, put I panicked. My heart was pounding wildly as I asked: „What do you mean?"

„Well, your water broke. There is not enough oxygen for the babies. We have to be really quick now. The babies have to get out fast."

I gazed at Ann-Margret and I noticed that she was worried, too. But I was ready to fight. I didn't want to give up. Not now.

„Then let's start!", I said.

The doctor nodded: „Good! I need you to push really hard."

The pain that I felt was unbearable. If Ann-Margret hadn't been constantly at my side, holding my hand and helping me to breathe, I probably would had been lost completely. It felt like an eternity and I was about to loose my strength when suddenly I heard a nurse screaming.

„It's coming! It's coming! I got it. It's a girl!"

I heard Ann-Margret cheering and then I heard the first scream of my daughter. I felt a comforting, warm feeling flooding my body. It was the same feeling that I had, every time Elvis was kissing me. I remembered all these wonderful moments I had with Elvis when we created this little miracle.

„Where is Elvis?", I asked impatiently while the doctors were bringing the baby next door in order to check her condition, „I need him now!"

Ann-Margret winked at me and pointed at the corner of the delivery room: „Just arrived!", she announced.

I lifted my head as far as I could. Elvis was smiling, but from his eyes I could tell that he was worried.

"Hey baby.", he took my hand, then he bended down to me and kissed my forehead.

"I think I will go now.", Ann also gave me a little kiss then she said her good-byes and left the room.

„It's a girl!", I proudly told Elvis.

„I know.", he answered, „She has a strong voice!"

„Like her daddy!", I chuckled.

One of the doctors welcomed Elvis: „Mr. Presley, it's an honor. Please stay if you want. But I have to ask you to wear this mask and the headgear, here are some gloves."

"Oh, of course!", Elvis quickly put everything on. Now I could only differ him from the doctors by his blue eyes. I smiled at him. He threw me a kiss. In this moment I was so happy and couldn't wait to hold our daughter in my arms.

But suddenly I saw that one of the doctors seemed to be pretty worried: "I'm afraid, there is a problem with the second baby!"

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now