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I sat down next to him and tried to pull his hands away in order to see where the blood came from, but he turned away from me.

„Let me see that, Elvis, you are bleeding!", I begged.

He took his hands off his face. I saw a fine scratch over his right eye. That's where the blood came from.

„It's just a little scratch", he said and threw an angry look at me.

„But it should be taken care of. I have some band aids right here...", when I was about to touch his face, he turned away from me again.

„Stop that!", he blocked every move I made.

„What happened?", I asked.

„It's no big deal!", Elvis mumbled, „It was an accident. A girl accidentally hit me with her finger nail. That's all."

„That's all?", I was furious, „How can you tolerate that, Elvis? Why are you allowing them, to come so close and even injure you? What if one of them had a knife or some other kind of weapon, trying to kill you?"

But Elvis didn't seem to have any interest in anything I just said. He gave me a look of reproach: „How dare you letting me standing there like an idiot? Was it really necessary to make such a scene? We can talk about this. But wait, you had to have your very own spectacular! If you want to come with me on tour, you mustn't behave like that in public. We need to show that were are a team, Idy. You cannot make such a scene in front of everybody."

First I couldn't say anything because his accusations shocked me deeply. I took a deep breath before I answered:

„How can I stand by you, if you don't even consider to inform me that your life is in danger and mine, too?"

„You are dramatizing all this, Idy! Do you really believe that this was the first death threat I received? We had already gone through a similar situation. Most times such notes are left by disappointed fans that don't seem to have a own life. I have some very smart men in Memphis that will find the suspect and take it to the police. Last time it only lasted a few days. You will see, this will be over before we leave."

The more he tried to downplay the issue, the more angry I got: "I cannot believe it. You are taking this way too easy. Don't you think one second about me? I don't feel safe anymore when I'm with you, Elvis! I don't think that I will be able to do this."

Elvis starred at me: „What are you saying?"

"I'm trying to explain that I cannot come with you on tour. I will stay here.", I looked down on the floor. I wasn't able to stand the look in his eyes.

He didn't answer. When I finally looked up in his face, I saw the line of blood that made its way from the his right eyebrow, close to his eye, over his cheek, down to his chin and dropping silently on his white suite. The expression in his eyes almost broke my heart. It was a mixture of anger, disappointment and despair. In this moment I felt so sleazy. He must had the impression that I was no better than Priscilla. But I had made my decision.

„You won't be coming with me?", he asked and his voice was cracking again.

I shook my head: „I'm sorry."

I could see from his eyes that he was giving up.

"Goodbye, Idy!", he said, then he left, just like this.

I was standing there, starring at the closing door, totally devastated. I could here the screams of the female fans again that had been standing in front of my room the whole time. I kept on standing there and doing nothing for a while. I was afraid and frustrated but there was also the feeling of relief. Suddenly the pressure of being able to keep Elvis was gone. Now I realized how I missed my husband David. I wanted this dream to end and to return home. Las Vegas, that I used to love madly, had become a threat for me. I knew that I would be safe when I was back home. I really wished that this dream would end. I closed my eyes. My thoughts were a wild mess. I felt like I was experiencing the life in Las Vegas from the beginning. Pictures were in my head, Elvis kissing me, Charly's laughter, Johnny's kind eyes, Jerry's evil looks. Suddenly I felt dizzy. It was like I had fallen in some kind of swirl that took me down into a dark abyss. I panicked when I opened my eyes.

At first I didn't have any idea where I was. There was light surrounding me. I blinked. When my eyes got used to the light, I recognized the ceiling above me, my wardrobe, the little dresser with the picture of our wedding. I rubbed my eyes but it was true. I suddenly was back home again. Outside, in front of the bedroom, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. This had to be David. My heart was racing. I checked the alarm clock and to my relief I realized that my dream had lasted only one night although it had felt like months. I was relieved and overjoyed to be back in my reality. I was full of joy when I got out of the bed.

„David!", he was the only person on my mind right now.

But I sat back down quickly when I suddely felt dizzy. My stomach wasn't feeling well at all. It felt like I would faint every second. After I breathed in and out several times, I was okay again. As soon as I felt comfortable standing up, I rushed out of the door.

„Good morning sleepyhead! Did you sleep well? Do you like eggs and bacon?", David was preparing breakfast. It smelled delicious.

My heart filled up with joy. I was so happy to David again. I stormed right into his arms. „Oh, what's wrong with you today?", he asked totally surprised, „Caution! Don't burn yourself! Eggs or bacon? Or both?"

„Oh, sorry.", I answered, „Thanks but no. I don't feel so well today. I don't think that I can eat anything."

David was worried: „Are you getting sick?"

I shrugged.

„If you aren't feeling well, please stay at home tomorrow. Don't go to work. Do you hear me?"

„Ay, ay Sir!", I answered, winked and sulated him.

David used to be overprotective. It must had been the age difference. He was ten years older than me. He always saw the little girl in me. This was also the reason I didn't want to tell him about my weired dream about Elvis. I was afraid he would make fun of me. But still I felt the need to talk to somebody about this intense experience and I knew exactly who would be the right person for that, Jenny. I sent her a message and asked her to meet me. It didn't take long until I received her answer. We wanted to meet the next day. I was looking forward to seeing Jenny again in the real world. There she was, sending me another message. I was totally perplexed when I read it:

„I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I have to tell you something really weired. You won't believe it. Last night I dreamt about you and me. We were in Las Vegas. Totally crazy, right? See you tomorrow! Jenny."

Dear readers, Idy made her way back out of her dream, into her reality. But do you tink she will really like having her old life back or will she rather miss Elvis and try do get back into her dream? But how will she be able to do that? And what if there is a big surprise waiting for her? Find your answeres in the upcoming chapters. Thank you so much for your votes and comments!

- to be continued -

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now