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I was overwhelmed by tiredness when I burst into tears:

„That's it!", I sobbed, „You don't find me attractive anymore. You will leave me. Why don't you want to sleep with me?" Elvis carefully placed me on the bed.

„Sleep now, you are totally exhausted, Idy! I love you and NO, I won't leave you. I have great responsibility for you three and I won't let anything happen to you. Please do what I say and rest now!". I felt his lips upon mine but I wasn't able to kiss him back because I was so tired. A minute ago I was eager to seduce him but now I had a hard time to keep my eyes open.

„Please stay with me!", I embraced Elvis, „Don't you dare to let me alone! Stay...*yyyaawwwwn*...please....*", then I felt asleep. I wasn't able to fight the tiredness.

I was scared when I opened my eyes. For a short moment I didn't know where I was. I somehow felt that I had been woken up from my dream and that I was back home with David. I was relieved when I heard Elvis' voice.

„Perfect, Johnny, then everything is settled for tonight. Good work! See you later!"

I was still half asleep when I rubbed my eyes and looked into to the bright Las Vegas sunlight that shone into the room. I looked around and spotted Elvis standing at the door. He carried a tray and smiled at me:

„Good morning my queen. Ready for breakfast?"

„Am I dreaming? Elvis Presley brings breakfast to my bed?"

„Don't pretend that I have never done this before.", he placed the tray on the bed, sat down and tenderly stroke my messy hair, „How are you feeling today? Better?"

I nodded: „Can this never end please?", I took his hands and looked into his beautiful face.

„What do you mean?", his blue eyes had this enchanting day dream look.

„This! It's a dream come true. I wish every day would be like today, here with you."

Elvis cleared his throat then he turned his eyes from me. I had the impression that something was bothering him. Quickly he moved the tray right in front of me: „Come on! Eat!"

I gazed at him suspiciously. From his eyes I could tell that he was hiding something. But suddenly the expression on his face changed and there it was, the one billion dollar smile that the whole world loved so much.

„I want you to dress up for tonight. I have a surprise for you!", his eyes sparkled.

„A surprise?", I had just taken a bite from the a roll covered with strawberry jelly and the red substance now made its way from the corner of my mouth down towards my chin. I didn't want Elvis to see me like this, sleepy, with messy hair and now with jelly all over my face. I was looking for a napkin to wipe it off. But suddenly I felt Elvis hands holding my face. Despite of the jelly on my face, he kissed me softly. It must have been the hormones why I still couldn't resist the king. I simply wanted to eat him up. His kisses got more intense. Impatiently he pulled my nightdress off of me until I was completely naked. He caressed my body with his tender kisses. I noticed that his touch felt even more intensive since I have been pregnant. Elvis was just wonderful. He was very passionate but playful at the same time. We made love and we were laughing like little kids. We were laying in each other's arms for quite a while. Elvis' eyes were shut as he enjoyed me letting my fingers run through his hair. I chuckled because meanwhile his face was also covered with red strawberry jelly. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I decided not to tell him because I really loved him looking all cute and tasting like sugar.

"What kind of surprise did you plan for tonight?", I knew that there was something going on with Johnny.

But Elvis didn't want to tell me what was going on. He said just one thing: I should come to the fifth floor this evening. I knew that part of the Flamingo hotel very well. There were several really big suites where "High Rollers" used to play, people with lots of money. They used to spend a big amount in one evening. What made these suites so special was that Michal and his team took extra care for the security of the VIPs. Only invited guests were allowed to enter theses suites. Therefore it was the perfect place for people like Elvis to celebrate without having to be worried about unpleasant visitors.

When I entered room number 5.13 this evening, I was completely surprised. The room was filled with colorful flowers. There were comfortable seating corners and a giant buffet. A band was playing on a small stage. There must have been about fifty guests. Some of them I knew very well. There was Charly with Maggy, who waved at me happily, Fred and Robert were telling jokes, the Colonel, as always with a smoking cigar in his mouth, played at a roulette table. I spotted even Karl and Diane Warner on the dance floor. Johnny instead seemed to be very busy. I smelled the flowers and listened to the music. I liked to watch all the people who had come to the party. But I was also nervous. Elvis asked me to dress up and I had put on my finest dress. After this wonderful, passionate morning with Elvis I didn't want him to leave me, but of course there had been a lot of appointments and things he had to take care of. That's why it was hours ago since I had seen him. It was weired. The closer we were, the better I knew him, the more I missed him every second he wasn't around. My love that had started with disrespect at first, had transformed into a romance filled with a sincere bond and unconditionally love.

And that was the reason why I was so nervous. My hands were shaking as I looked around. Then I saw him. He was sitting in a corner, the guys around him. He said something and everybody burst into laughter. Suddenly his eyes met mine. He stood up promptly and walked to me. He took my hand, then he bended down and kissed my cheek:

„You look amazing!"

I wasn't able to answer because I was so overwhelmed by his looks. He was drop dead beautiful in his black suit.

„Are you surprised?", he asked.

„More than that!", I assured.

It was the beginning of a wonderful evening. Elvis was at my side the whole time. He was so sweet and anticipated my every wish. He was so excited when he told everybody in the room that he was going to be a father. Especially the Warners responded very emotional and hugged us.

"Thomas would be very happy about this!", Diane sobbed.

I was delighted to see Elvis being proud of his unborn twins. The evening couldn't get any better.

Suddenly, I was just about to push a big bite of a cupcake inside my mouth, Elvis stood up next to me and murmured something about a very important thing. Then he went down on his knees. I was starring at him. I had a hard time to chew this big bite and everybody could hear it by my smacking. At first Elvis looked at me quite puzzled, then he smiled. I continued smacking. I had no idea what was happening and I hated myself for having taken such a big bite from that cupcake. At the same time I blamed Elvis for choosing this moment when everybody was starring at us. He took a small box out of the pocket of his jacket. Then he opened it. Inside was a sparkling ring. I could hear the whispers of the people around us.

I was completely frozen when I starred at the ring while I was still trying to swallow the piece of cupcake. My thoughts went crazy: „Holy shit!"

-to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now