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Frank Sinatra's invitation for the evening show at the hotel „Sands" came just the right time. I was looking forward to a nice evening and that I would hopefully be distracted from everything that was going on at the moment.

When Jenny and I arrived at the hotel, Frank already awaited us at the entrance. He welcomed Jenny with a tender kiss. I liked Frank. He was a pretty laid back guy. It seemed that nothing could really bother him at all. He always wore a smile on his lips and he was spreading a certain flair of easiness. Frank was happiness in person. His good mood was contagious. I was excited to see his famous Rat Pack perform.

„This is just a dream, Idy!", I thought, but still it was so unbelievably real. I really wanted to enjoy this special evening and I hoped that I would remember it after I would have been awake from this dream.

Frank invited us to come backstage. We were allowed to watch the team getting ready for the show.

„I want you to meet the guys.", he impatiently pulled Jenny's arm, „Come with me!"

I couldn't believe it. When we entered the backstage area, we ran into Dean Martin.

„Dean, may I introduce you to Idy and Jenny? Jenny and I will marry soon.", everybody could clearly see that Frank was pretty proud of his future wife. He wrapped his arms around her hips. It was nice to see how he loved her and cared for her. That's when a cold shiver shook up my body. I was longing so much for Elvis' tender kisses, his scent and his body. Quickly I tried to get rid off that thought. I wanted to experience this evening without losing my head over Elvis.

„It's my pleasure!", Dean placed a kiss on Jenny and on my cheek. I could smell alcohol, „Please excuse me, I need a drink before every show, otherwise the singing thing won't work.", then he stumbled towards a little table in the corner on which there were several bottles of alcohol. So the rumors were true: Dean Martin was an alcoholic. Nevertheless he was a great entertainer and with his fine humor and his famous voice, he matched Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. perfectly. I gazed at Frank. He shrugged and smiled at me. Then he led us to a door. I read "Sammy" in golden letters.

"This must be the dressing room of the third member of the Rat Pack.", I thought. Frank knocked and without waiting for the obligatory "Come in!", he opened the door.

„Oh, I think it's a bad time right now.", he said while he seemed to be a little embarrassed.

Down on the floor, in the middle of the room, sat Sammy Davis. He had his legs crossed, like he was doing yoga and his eyes were closed.

Frank pushed us back into the hallway. While he closed the door behind him, he whispered: „Sammy is doing meditation. I guess he didn't even notice us at all. That's how he prepares for the show every evening.", Jenny and I chuckled.

„How do you prepare for the show?", I asked him. I was so excited to get the chance to talk to the world's famous Frank Sinatra.

He winked at me: „I don't prepare at all. Every evening I come here, do my tour, checking the technical equipment, probably talk about some last changes for the show, well and when it's time, I go on stage."

I believed every word he said. Frank was a very special and talented entertainer. I had the impression that he never suffered from stage fright. He was living for being on stage. Besides Elvis he was one of the most authentic artists, I had ever met. While we were talking, there were a lot of busy people doing the last preparations for the show. They did a sound check, the stage setting was being fixed and I met the background singers. Dean Martin emptied one glass after the other and Sammy had come out of his dressing room to greet us, when suddenly there was silence around us. Nobody made a sound at all. I was puzzled and looked around. Everybody was starring in one direction towards the back entrance. Then suddenly people began to whisper and seemed to be very excited. There he was, entering the room. He draw the attention of absolutely everyone. Never before had I felt Elvis' presence and attraction so strongly like in that moment. It was like the arrival of a king. Everybody marveled at him. Jenny winked at me. I forced myself to smile but in reality it wasn't joy that I felt, it was pure panic. Elvis' charisma overawed me. It seemed that he was more beautiful than ever before. He was accompanied by Johnny and Fred and greeted everybody with a handshake and this dazzling smile. Nobody noticed the three stars of the evening Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. anymore. All eyes were drawn to one man, the king. Even I couldn't help but just standing there with my mouth wide open, speechless, starring at him. Elvis looked around, he hadn't noticed me yet.

"Hey Frank, how are you doing?", he petted the shoulder of the swing star, who was a little shorter than him.

"Hey, E.! Nice to have you here tonight. How is the business going? I heard you just did a new movie? Congratulations!"

Elvis smiled: „I hope you don't mind, that I canceled our performance and most of all that my boys had been after you. I could perfectly understand if you would throw me out right away."

„Don't worry! I'm glad that your guys had investigated the issue so well and took Jerry down. I can tell you, if I had known what he was doing all the time behind my back, I would have fired him immediately."

Suddenly the expression on Elvis' face got rather serious: „I'm really sorry that I suspected you having anything to do with this."

Frank winked at him: „No worries. You could apologize by singing with us tonight. We would be delighted. It would be a nice surprise for the audience."

But Elvis shook his head, then his eyes found me. I instantly froze and didn't dare to breathe. I hardly could stand to look him into his eyes but his gaze had captured me. First I saw that he was surprised but than the expression in his eyes suddenly changed. As always, I could read right away what was going on in his head and in this moment I saw pure rage in his blue eyes.

„Oh my!", I thought. But this time I didn't want to run away again. I knew exactly what would happen next. Elvis turned to Frank: „That's a really good idea, Franky, but not tonight. I would have to check that with the Colonel first. At the moment I'm not suppose to do spontaneous appearances on stage. Sorry, but that's what my contract says."

Frank shook his hand: „What a pity! But let's keep that in mind. Tell me, do you already had the pleasure to meet Jenny? We will marry soon!", meanwhile Jenny had joined them.

„Of course I know her. How are you doing, dear?", Elvis asked and gave her a little kiss on her cheek, „You look beautiful. You must be relieved that Jerry is in custody now.", Jenny didn't answer. I noticed that she was close to tears. The tragic encounter with Jerry still had a major impact on her. There was still a little scar above her left eye, caused by Jerry's brutal attack. When Elvis had learned about the incident back then, he had been really worried about her. Now he pulled her into his arms. She sobbed and let the tears run over her face. I watched them from a distance. But to see Jenny cry, broke my heart. I rushed to my dear friend in order to comfort her.

Unwillingly I looked into Elvis' face. His eyes said it all. He was furious and he showed it. I tried not to take any further notice of him. I had a lot of respect for him. He gazed at me without saying a word. I felt pretty insecure. He didn't even bother to greet me. No hug, no kiss, there was nothing.

But then suddenly, out of the blue, he grabbed my arm: „Come with me!". It didn't sound like a plea, it sounded like an order. He pulled me away from Jenny. I felt embarrassed and tried to improve the tense mood by saying: „Yes, my king!"

Elvis threw me an angry gaze: „Stop it!", he said harshly. Then he dragged me into Sammy's dressing room.

-to be continued- Big thanks to all my readers!  :o)

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now