Works from the past

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Finally, after a long day of work (and constant fear of the man), you were allowed to go home. As usual, you to pick the splinters off your shirt as you made your way out. "I just met that guy once and he... pulls that shit on me. Am I really that spineless?" You felt insecure and violated, you didn't want to be labeled as a pet, you just wanted a significant other that treats you like an equal. Looks like that is not going to happen unless you get rid of Vasilios. "She said something about my situation was similar to his books." You shivered.

"I guess I should check it out. Maybe it would help me to predict his next move." You turned on your heel and re-enter the building. Your boss was reading one of his novels with a questionable smile on her face. She snapped out of it when she noticed you coming in again.

"What is it, girl? Can't get enough of work?" She teasingly pokes you in the rib. You laughed a bit. "No, I'm interested in his books now."

You flipped through a few books of Vasilios from your boss's collection. "Hey, ain't mean to be nosy, girl. But what's the connection between you and the sexy hunk this afternoon?" You grabbed another book from the shelf.

"Long story short, my 'professional' matchmaking friend, (f/n), hooked me up with him last week. Didn't contact me after that until today. Came here to cause that damn... scene. I only met him once." You shook your head. Your boss moved next to you, she proceeded to reach for a book.

"Oh no girl, you know better not to trust that sketchy (f/n)!" You whipped your head to face her. "Wait boss, you know her?" A hearty laugh erupted from her.

"I was her customer once! I was gettin a lil, too lonely after the death of my husband. She paired me up with a nice lady. My fling was a sweetheart for the first month. But then I found out that she was a paid actress, paid by (f/n) herself to perfume her business!" She handed the book that she picked off the shelf to you. You also unconsciously accepted it.

"Y'know, little old me decided to give her another chance, cause I was desperate. And guess who did she pair me up with?" You shrugged your shoulders. She then gestured to her massive collection of books authored by M. Evanet Vasilios. Your boss giggled.

"It hurts to hear that she couldn't find anyone that will truly love me again. However, its all swell when she gave me a taste of Vasilios's work! Though, I gotta pay the same fee as before, but! It's all worth it." A sad smile crept up on her face. "Anyways! The book I gave you, that's the best one he ever wrote, 'cause it's like a buttload of mini-stories in one big book."

You glanced down at your hands. The book is indeed heavy and bulky. The cover seems relatively innocent, a beautiful scenery of a sunset from a dense forest. "Pleasures of the Magicals, Catchy title. What is with the clouds and the trees...?" The clouds and the branches of the trees on the cover formed a vague shape of two types of human anatomy. You flipped to the back to examine the back cover.

It was a picture of two pairs of hands doing pottery, forming a suggestive shape with the clay on the turntable. "Very...subtle." Your eyes stumbled to the synopsis. "The forest has secrets that no man has ever disinterred. However, many of them brought women to their knees, begging to know more as knowledge is a potent aphrodisiac." You furrowed your eyebrows, the summary didn't tell you anything about the actual content of the book.

"Uh, sorry to hurt your pride, Boss. I can't read this, the language is too weird for me. Do you have a book that's written in a more... legible English?" Your boss smiled and nodded. "Of course, of course! Let me see... in the meantime, help yourself to the rest of my collection!"

You thanked her and continue to read various sypnoses and excerpts from his books. You noticed it follows a disturbing trend:

1. The dominant male protagonist is always controlling a submissive female protagonist.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now