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A/n: the edit is the last part at the end

You didn't know what Vasilios said or did to Thor. But he came back drenched in sweat, shivering and pale. It's like as if he had a near-death encounter earlier.

Vasilios strutted back into the house, composed and calm as ever with... a wooden meter rule. Your eyes widened at that, where did Vasilios get that and what was it used for?

"I hope he didn't beat the shit outta Thor with that..." you pursed your lip at the ruler.

Vasilios smiled at you. "Dinner is in ten minutes. If you'd like to help out in the kitchen, feel free to join Mrs Smith and I." He told you before walking to the kitchen.

You looked at Thor. He's still shaking like a leaf, but at least he doesn't stink as much as before.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm your titties. What happened?" You asked. Thor forced a smile.

"N-nothing, e-everything was okay... I guess cleaning myself up helped a bit? He didn't hit my hands as much as before and he didn't yell at me." You raised an eyebrow.

"H-he said something about I'm thirty-one and deciding to treat me l-like an adult— so no more yelling... but he— he said I needed to be more elegant before err... slapping my hands with that ruler."


"I uh, have a habit of picking my nose or scratching my butt. He found it 'repulsive', oh! He praised me for 'taking initiative' to clean myself up!" Thor seems proud of his small achievement.

"Good for you bud, now clean yourself up again, cause's you're startin' to get mouldy. You don't want smellin' and lookin' like a slice of rotten ham at the dining table, would ya?" Thor shook his head.

"Great, you got ten minutes—" Thor zoomed back to his room to gather another set of fresh clothes and then zipped to the bathroom again.

"He's a nice guy, how did he become like this?" You wonder if that was all Vasilios said to him.

"Hmm, I think there's more to that. I guess I'll ask him later about it and about Vasilios being their nanny. Hard to believe that horny bitch was a nanny..."

Nothing to do, you decide to enter the kitchen and help out.

You saw Vasilios cutting slices of fruits while Mrs Smith is busy deep-frying, breaded chicken wings. The male spotted you from the corner of his eyes and sets down his knife in a secure area.

"Yes, my darling? Would you like to help us?" He purred. Which made Mrs Smith jolt in shock.

"Y-yeah, sure. What should I do?" You turned to Mrs Smith.

"U-um... there aren't many things left to do, dear." She used her metal tongs to take the last crispy chicken wing out of the hot oil.

You heard a 'ding!' from the oven next to her. "Unless you'd like to take the pie out of the oven?"

"Sure." You opened the oven and reached out to grab the scalding metal tray with your bare hands.

Vasilios widened his eyes.

With superhuman speed, his hands shot out to catch yours before it could touch the tray. Mrs Smith could barely comprehend what just happened.

Vasilios scowled at you. "How could you be so reckless? You could have burnt your hands if it wasn't for me." He chided.

Mrs Smith had to blink twice. What is she looking at? Vasilios finally... cares about his lover for once?

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now