Your trick

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"Yeah... that house." You pointed at Vasilios's home.

"Where did he keep it?" Lizard asked in a hushed tone.

"Like hell I know."

"What!? Dude, you've been havin' sex with him and you don't pay attention to his stuff?"

"Try paying attention to stuff while gettin pounded-"

"Guys! Guys! Focus!" Brandy knocked on Lizard's and your head.

You took a deep breath and exhaled. "I seriously don't know where the hell did he put it."

"Looks like I gotta turn the whole place upside down then..."

You, Brandy and Lizard are currently hiding in a bush.

Lizard's grand idea? Get you to distract Vasilios while he breaks in and take his music box back.

So why is Brandy here? Right after Lizard decides to tell him where (f/n) is, he'll contact his 'friends' to silence her. Then, you'll be finally free from Vasilios.

Harlowe's a different story, though.

"Alright, time for you to go, weed chick! Seduce him with your... weed! Or domestic violence! Or whatever..." you still felt guilty for punching him.

You pursed your lips and emerge from the bushes, taking your time to move to his front door.

"Right, hope this shit goes well. Or I'm really, really screwed." You took another deep breath. Your finger almost pressed on the doorbell until you remembered...

"Shit! How am I gonna explain about his damn jacket!?" You left the whole thing at Brandy's farm.

You bit on your thumb, should you?

"What's the hold-up!?" Brandy hissed from afar.

"The jacket!" You hissed back.

Brandy rubbed his chin. He signalled you to come back to the bushes.

And so you did.

Luckily you did.

As soon as you crouched down, hidden from sight, a beam of bright light shone in front of his house. You hear the garage door opening and the sound of his car's tyres crunching the fine gravel.

All three of you watch him drive into his garage, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Damn it, Brandy! How am I gonna explain my location and the jacket!?" You half-whispered.

"Dudette, just get a brand new identical one. He won't tell the difference." Lizard cut in.

"Now!? At like one in the morning!?" You panicked.

"Just steal one, bro!"

"Wait a minute..." Brandy whispered as he took out his vibrating phone.

"What?" Both, you and Lizard said that at the same time.

"I'm receiving a call from you."

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now