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"Baby, are you feeling any better?" Harlowe cooed as she pressed her the palm of her hand against your forehead. You nodded and pulled the blanket closer to you, covering your freezing body.

Harlowe's green eyes softened at you. She sighed and pecked you on the forehead.

"I'll prepare something to eat, okay? If there's anything you need from me, scream. I'll come running." Harlowe caressed your cheeks with her large, calloused hands. You nodded again, desperately wanting her to leave so you could take that stupid metallic disk out of your pants.

For the whole night, you slept on your back, refusing to turn to your side in fears of Harlowe finding it out. You grit your teeth as you felt your blood boil at the sensation of the wet, chewed up gum mixed with a good amount of Coyote saliva. Luckily, Harlowe didn't question it and dozed off as soon as her head touches the pillow. Her tattooed arms protectively wrapping around your waist.

"I love you." She whispered before tenderly kissing you on the lips. Finally, she's leaving the room in a hurry.

You mustered all your strength to get up and stick your hand in your pants, grabbing the metallic disk and yanking it out, grimacing at the feeling of the gum tearing from your skin.

You sighed when it's finally out. Now where to hide—

"(Y/n), would you prefer—" Harlowe froze as soon as her eyes landed on the metallic object in your hands. Her pupils constrict at the sight of the red, blinking light. Oh, she knows what that is, alright.

"Shit me!" You bit on your inner cheek, as you tried to think of an excuse on what that is. Should you say it's a toy? One of her Coyotes brought to you? It came from the sky? A UFO—

"Where did you get that...?" She asked in an eerily soft voice.

"U-uhh, one of yer dogs g-gave it to m-me—"

"Why didn't you tell me!?" She shouted, you could see the veins on her arms bulging out. Betrayal filled her face and tears pricked the corner of her eyes. You gulped and pray that she wouldn't do anything brash towards you, you hope that she wouldn't beat you or anything.

"Why!? This will ruin everything— give me that!" She snatched it away from your grip, it's not like you could fight with her anyways.

Harlowe stormed out of the room again, with the metal disk tightly gripped in her livid hands. You caught a glimpse of her rubbing the tears off her eyes with her arms and you heard heartbroken sobbing.

Once she's out of sight, you wonder what will she do to it? Will she kick it? Will she bury it? Will she—


...Your blood ran cold. She shot it. You brought your two hands to your head.

"Goddamn... it— it's gonna stop sendin' my location after it's shot—crap!" You mumbled, hoping that Lizard or whoever was sent to find you already has the coordinates written down somewhere— or at least know where to go.

You pushed yourself up, forcing all the energy in you to stand up and start walking again. Step by step, you inched further and further until you reached the exit of the trailer home.

You watch the blonde break down crying, she's on her knees, sobbing loudly in her hands. Next to her was the tracking puck but it's obliterated by a bullet. A deep dent could be seen far away with faint traces of smoke coming out of it. Her coyotes gather around her, nuzzling their furry heads against her body, trying to comfort Harlowe but nothing seems to work.

Because, deep down inside, she knew it's over. Especially with Lizard's luck, she's going to lose you and... become alone again. You're all she has to make her go on to fix her life, without you, nothing can be repaired. No, not one bit.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now