Another helping hand (filler chapter)

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A/n: this chapter is skippable. (+ a bit of an easter egg)

EDIT: i edited out something so that it made sense, Blind Date takes place in the same universe and timeline as Ignorance Is Bliss

"Not cool, dude!" Lizard barges into Brandy's office.

"O.M.G, what happened to you?" Brandy pointed at his injuries.

"Your employee happened! I wanted to buy my music box back from her with the same amount of weed and money, but she punched me, man! I also lost a tooth!" He pulled down his lower lip to show the gap in between two other teeth.

Brandy arranged his stack of money and furrowed his eyebrows. "Who?"

Lizard stomped his feet, throwing a mini tantrum. "That girl! Um... (a common mispronunciation of your name)! That one! Not this Piranha girl, it's the other one you have." Brandy sighed.

"First of all, its Tiana. I definitely don't have an anyone named after a carnivorous amazon fish working here. Secondly, do you mean (y/n)?" Lizard snapped his fingers.

"Yeah, dude! That chick, she gave me a gram of weed for my really great grandma's music box! I want it back, she gave me a punch instead!" Lizard angrily pointed at his black eye and swelling.

Brandy raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you sure that's (y/n)? (H/c) hair, always wearing a white tee and jeans, with a baseball cap?"

"How many times do I gotta tell you, Brenda? It's that (common mispronunciation of your name) chick! What's worse, her boyfriend just watches while she beat the shit outta me, man!" A lightbulb lit up in Brandy's head.

"Okay, Lizard. My name is Brandy, not Brenda. Lemme tell you something that can help you get your music box back."

Lizard scratched the back of his neck in guilt. Brandy explained to him your situation in detail.

"Um...gee, I didn't know what she's going through. I guess I can let this slip, but how can I get my music box back?"

"Listen, if we can get (f/n) to shut up about my weed business, you can get (y/n) to give it back." Brandy leaned backwards.

"Well, what should I do?" Lizard rubbed on his injured face.

"Right now, we can't find (f/n). I hired a few um... 'professionals' to find her and 'silence' her. But she's good at hiding. Lizard, I know that, you know a lot of people, finding that damned matchmaker will be a breeze for you."

"Dude! I don't know how to 'silence' her!" Brandy tutted in disapproval.

"Leave the silencing part to me, she'll probably 'silence' you first anyways." Brandy shook his head at the area where you inflicted damage on.

"Find her and your chances of getting that music box back will be higher. Deal?" Brandy gave a fake smile.

"Sure, bro. (Common mispronunciation of your friend's name), right?" Lizard confirmed.

"No, it's (f/n)."

"(Another common mispronunciation of your friend's name)?" Brandy rolled his eyes and wrote down (f/n)'s name on a piece of paper.

"Here, just show this to your friends." Lizard grabbed the paper and bolted out.

"What a weird, surfer boy." Brandy muttered under his breath.

"(F/n)? Heard of her, but I don't know where she is." A sandy-blond woman kept her eyes on the piece of paper as she polishes her shotgun with a soft rag.

"What does she do?" Lizard asked her, feigning cluelessness.

"A matchmaker? I dunno, I heard her services are top-notch and her pairs always stay together." The woman sets the shiny shotgun down and picks up a handgun this time to polish.

"Huh, do you know who might know her?" Lizard asks the blonde.

"Umm... maybe you can ask my sister. She probably knows, here's her phone number." She held the weapon in one hand and wrote down a string of numbers behind the piece of paper with the other.

"Since you're here, wanna buy some guns? Or beer?" Lizard contemplated for a bit.

"Yeah, gimme a can and how much for that piece you're holdin'?" He pointed at the handgun.

"Oh, this? A hundred-fifty. I can lower it down to a hundred twenty-five for you." Lizard beamed.

"I'll take it!" The woman nodded and took a box out to keep the weapon in. Lizard goes to the fridge to take the beer brand of his choice.

"$128, please." Lizard forked out the money from his tattered, leather wallet and handed it to the woman behind the counter.

"Thanks, Harvard." Lizard grinned as he takes the box and the can of beer.

"It's Harper."

"Sure, Hamburg." Harper pursed her lips.

"—For the last time, my name is not 'Parkour', its Harlowe! And no! I don't know an (f/n) or know where she is!" The woman on the other side of the phone was starting to get tired of Lizard. Plus, It's in the afternoon, that means the call woke her up from her sleep.

"Wait a minute, Hollow! Do you know any matchmakers?" Liz heard a frustrated scream on the other side before Harlowe hung up.

Liz pulled out another burner phone from his bag and dialled the number earlier.

"Hello?!" He was met with an annoyed voice.

"So, know any matchmakers?"

"How are you calling me with so many different numbers!?" Lizard had to pull the phone away from his ear because she was yelling loudly.

"I got my ways, dude. So, any—"

"I have this stupid nephew that met his girl through a matchmaker. His name is Evanet. Now, leave me alone!" She hung up again. Lizard kept the burner phone in his bag and pulled out yet another.

"I swear to god, if this is Lizard T-boy again—"

"Did your nephew tell you th—"

"No! It's from a friend, Tiana Balls! I have told you everything I know, now stop calling me!" She screamed before hanging up again.

He remembered the name Tiana from Brandy's shop. "Aw man, I came full circle." Lizard rubbed his chin.

"Now, I gotta think like that 'Victorious' guy. How did he know (f/n)?" He proceeds to walk away from Harper's establishment.

He was pondering and pondering for a solution. Until...

"Ah! A cybercafe! There's gotta be something on the internet!" Lizard pushed the door open and entered the dim building.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now