High as a kite

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"Are those brownies?" You asked, pointing at the object inside the oven.

"Yes." Harlowe replied before splashing clean, tap water on her face to rinse off the coyotes' spit. She also started lathering dishwashing soap on her hands and arms, all the way up to her elbows.

Then, she applied the remaining suds on her face. You jolted in surprise, it looks like she's been doing this for quite a while. But how did she keep her skin in such pristine condition?

Harlowe rinsed the soap away from her skin before wiping them dry on her unbuttoned, plaid shirt.

She smiled and suddenly pulled you into a tight embrace. "Yew sho kwiut!" Harlowe laughed jovially at her childish way of speaking.

You cringed at it.

"You're telling me, that jerk who gets everyone's name wrong is the one who... tamed Evanet for you?" You nodded.

Both of you are currently lying on the bed, each of you have a small plate of brownies that she made earlier.

"Really?" She knitted her eyebrows as she picked a square of brownie from her plate and took a bite out of it. "How? I know Evanet, he's as stubborn as a mule! How did he—"

"Uhh, he pulled out a gun on him." Harlowe widened her green eyes.

"A gun!?"

"Actually two guns, he made us play along with his— relationship counselling... roleplay? I guess." You sniffed your brownie. It smells a bit... off. You decided not to eat it for now.

"He's on the news, Lizard got arrested after pulling the trigger on one of Vasilios's Vases." Harlowe laughed and rolled to her side.

"Really!? Wow. That's—just, wow." She shook her head.

"Yeah... and uh, how do you move around? I mean, the car isn't exactly yours, right?" You scanned around the environment, there's no car in sight.

Harlowe chuckled.

"I have my ways, baby." Her finger tickled you under your chin. You jerked your head away from her touch.

"Damn it! She's just like Vasilios when I first met him!"

"Anyways, my sister was pretty pissed. It's not like I used up all her syringes or totalled her car..." she mumbled as she props her head up with the palm of her hand.

"She started screaming about how I scared her girl or something, I could tell that her girl is a pure bottom— just like you." She gently pinched you on the cheek.

"Why do you say that?" You asked. "Why do you think your sister's... 'girl' is a—" you gulped. "—bottom?"

Harlowe smirked. "Well, for starters... she was clinging onto my sister like a sloth. She's really small compared to Harper, like her face was constantly squashed in between her boobs. She's really... really quiet, Harper needs to kiss her every few seconds— and she's wearing my sister's clothes! Like, a top doesn't—" you pretend to listen to her blabbering. Just like how you handled Vasilios's chattiness, you nodded at appropriate intervals.

"I have no idea where am I and Harlowe wouldn't tell me anything. Damn! If it wasn't for her I'd be enjoying myself at the barbeque right now, I could really go for some grilled (favourite meat/dish) right now..." you furrowed your eyebrows as you notice Harlowe is starting to act... odd. She was giggling excessively and seem to be slightly detached from reality.

"—to have one, I always wanted a bottom to cling onto me, to depend on me! I'm— heh heh, I'm so lucky to have you..." Her hand travelled under your shirt, caressing your (s/c) skin under the fabric.

Blind date (yandere x reader) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now